
 2022-08-12 03:08

Digital Solutions in India 2018: Content Acquisition to Knowledge Delivery

Scholarly publishing is the bedrock of scientific communication worldwide. In the last couple of decades, we have seen scholarly publishing encountering both challenges and opportunities, much of these due to radical technological developments and new business models such as Open Access (OA). Web revolution and crowd knowledge sourcing, which brought about free access to information and technologies, are putting up credible challenges in terms of rendering services that are usually provided by publishers.

Meanwhile, the number of publications is rising annually with global output of scientific content doubling every nine years. However, publishers are unable to keep their revenues steady, thus causing them to raise subscription fees, which are climbing faster than the price increase of many commodities. OA movement, initiated to challenge traditional subscription-based print publishing, now provides free access to a lot of information—but with the cost shifted to researchers.

The world of academic publishing, diverse and with thousands of players, has five big companies as the global gatekeepers of scientific communication, taking up the lionrsquo;s share of the $10-billion industry. Then there are many discipline-specific associations and university presses. While traditional publishing is facing stiff challenges and sometimes boycott, OA is seen as a revolutionary path. However, OA has not received universal acceptance, especially from researchers in the social sciences and business fields, who have not followed the path of science researchers. Indeed, there is still resistance to OA publishing by some academics who consider newer OA journals to be lacking in legitimacy and credibility.

The bulk of the reasons academic publishing has to go through these obstacles lies in the cost—cost of the entire publishing processes, which have manifold layers, including acquiring content, editing, peer reviewing, content polishing, printing, delivery, and marketing. A portion of the cost, such as copyediting and peer reviewing, for instance, may be transferred to the authors. Not all of these costs can be offset but technology-enabled publishing services can chip away at the load carried by inhouse operations. Providers of publishing services to authors and publishers can assist in content acquisition to standard and expert editing, journal selection, expert scientific review, marketing, brand awareness, author outreach, social engagement, and a host of other services ranging from education to on-campus activities.

Technology-led authoring solutions, editorial workflow solutions, submission management platform, and peer-review systems to the rescue

The journey from article authoring to journal distribution is unbelievably slow and long, and it consists of multiple processes. Peer-reviewing is as important as authoring itself, and it takes weeks for an article to be peer-reviewed. An article that gets published may have six or seven contributors behind it. Authors, peer reviewers, and editors work hand-in-hand during the review and submission process despite the availability of software interface that streamlines the entire submission process. It takes months for an article to be ready for publication.

Readers, on the other hand, demand faster and better products. And only a consistently reliable journal that produces authoritative and relevant content can maintain reader loyalty in this age of rapid information proliferation. Also, readers want to access the articles wherever they are, in different devices and formats, and of course, at lower prices.

Edanz Group of Japan, for instance, provides authoring and publishing support to researchers. Edanzrsquo;s Author Path helps author throughout the processes. It brings journal selection, writing, collaboration, and submission management into one powerful platform. Authors can create a new manuscript project and automatically get relevant journal recommendations from the Edanz Journal Selector database. They can invite co-authors to collaborate and start writing. The writing process is made easy with expert writing guidance provided for all sections of the manuscript while Author Paths integration with submission management software allows authors to track submissions right through to acceptance. Author Path compiles projects into manageable sections: each section gives expert writing advice and tips using real examples from successfully published papers. The integrated Journal Selector tool further allows authors to search, refine, and save journals that best suit their project. They can search for references online and save them under their Resources section.

English is the dominant language of scholarly communication. However, almost 30% of researchers are from East Asia while over 20% are from the European Union and less than 20% of the scientific journals published worldwide are non-English. What does this mean? Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and many other researchers with English as their second language (ESL) have to communicate their ideas in English to reach their global audience, and non-English journals that carry valuable scientific information are simply not accessible to speakers of English or other languages. Translated manuscript can be free of errors but still written in a way that makes understanding difficult. It is also usually poor at conveying the substance and is tedious to read. Such weaknesses can get in the way of having the manuscript accepted.

So what if all non-English content can be translated and edited, and the authors provided with services connecting them to the world of English journals? A vast amount of science and research can then be made available to the world, which has hitherto been restricted to native speakers. This is an opportunity for publish




与此同时,出版物的数量在逐年增加,全球科学研究的产出成果每九年就翻一番。然而出版商却无法保持收入稳定,这使得他们不得不提高出版物的订阅费用,订阅费用的攀升速度现在已经快于许多商品的价格上涨速度了。 OA运动的发起是为了挑战基于订阅的传统印刷出版,它提供人们免费访问大量信息的权限,但其成本却转移给了研究人员。

多姿多彩的学术出版领域拥有成千上万的竞争者,这其中有五家学术出版巨头,它们作为全球科学传播事业的把关人,占据了这个价值100亿美元的产业中最多的份额,在这之外还有许多专门学科协会和大学出版社也各得一杯羹。当传统出版业面临严峻的挑战,甚至有时还会遭到抵制之时,OA就被看做是一条革命性的道路。 然而OA尚未得到科研人员的广泛认可,尤其是那些没有遵循科学研究者道路的社会科学和商业领域的研究人员。 确实,一些学者认为OA期刊缺乏合法性和公信力,他们反对OA出版。



另一方面,读者需要更新更快、质量更高的内容产品。在这个信息飞速传播的时代,只有能够产生具备权威性和相关性内容,并且保持了长期可信度的期刊才能保持读者的忠诚度。 此外,读者还希望阅读可以不受地点限制以及允许使用不同的设备和格式,当然,最好是还能以一个较低的价格获得这些文章。

举例来说,日本的Edanz公司为研究人员提供创作和出版支持。Edanz公司旗下的产品“作者之路”可在整个出版过程中为作者提供帮助。它将期刊选择、文章撰写、协作和提交管理整合到一个功能强大的平台里。作者可以创建一个新的稿件项目,并自动从Edanz Journal Selector数据库中获得相关的期刊推荐。他们可以邀请合著者与他们合作从而撰写文章。通过为稿件的每个部分提供专家的写作指导意见,编写过程变得容易起来,而“作者之路”与提交管理软件的集成则使作者能够追踪从提交到通过的所有活动。“作者之路”将一个项目划分为了可供管理的若干部分:每个部分均为作者提供写作建议和技巧,这些建议和技巧是从已经成功发表的论文中整理出来的真实案例。集成的Journal Selector工具进一步允许作者搜索、优化和保存最合适其项目的期刊。他们可以在线搜索参考文献,并将其保存在“资源”部分下。

另一方面,读者需要更新更快、质量更高的内容产品。在这个信息飞速传播的时代,只有能够产生具备权威性和相关性内容,并且保持了长期可信度的期刊才能保持读者的忠诚度。 此外,读者还希望阅读可以不受地点限制以及允许使用不同的设备和格式,当然,最好是还能以一个较低的价格获得这些文章。

举例来说,日本的Edanz Group为研究人员提供创作和出版支持。Edanz Group旗下的产品“作者之路”可在整个出版过程中为作者提供帮助。它将期刊选择、文章撰写、协作和提交管理整合到一个功能强大的平台里。作者可以创建一个新的稿件项目,并自动从Edanz Journal Selector数据库中获得相关的期刊推荐。他们可以邀请合著者与他们合作从而撰写文章。通过为稿件的每个部分提供专家的写作指导意见,编写过程变得容易起来,而“作者之路”与提交管理软件的集成则使作者能够追踪从提交到通过的所有活动。“作者之路”将一个项目划分为了可供管理的若干部分:每个部分均为作者提供写作建议和技巧,这些建议和技巧是从已经成功发表的论文中整理出来的真实案例。集成的Journal Selector工具进一步允许作者搜索、优化和保存最合适其项目的期刊。他们可以在线搜索参考文献,并将其保存在“资源”部分下。


那么,如果可以翻译和编辑所有非英语内容,并为作者提供将他们与全世界的英语期刊对接起来的服务,情况会变得如何呢?这样一来就可以向全世界提供大量的科学和研究成果,但迄今为止,只有本土研究者才能得到它们。对于出版商和服务商而言,这是一个帮助ESL研究人员并获得大量可用于出版的科研内容的机会。而这就是Edanz Group正在做的事情。

Edanz Group为ESL研究人员(指那些懂得他们想表达什么研究内容但是却无法用规范的学术英语和方法传达他们的发现的研究者)提供广泛的创作和出版支持,并为他们找到合适的英语出版商。Edanz Group为这些研究人员提供翻译、编辑、期刊选择等相关服务。


Impelsys的旗舰内容交付平台iPublishCentral Scholar提供品牌的Web和移动平台,可用于交付期刊、电子书、视频、课程和其他文件格式。它为出版商提供了一个以多种格式发布其内容的平台,从而帮助他们通过各种内容创造更多的收入。Impelsys还提供内容优化服务,把媒介、数据和信息图表恰到好处地融合起来,这样就使得一份文档易于阅读,同时还能增加美感。


Edanz Group和Impelsys的合作关系为作者和出版商提供了全面的出版服务。 Edanz Group提供上述的上游服务,而Impelsys的交付平台iPublishCentral Scholar以电子书、期刊和视频等内容形式提供世界一流的内容发布功能,并具有移动支持、内容保护和消费者分析的特点。 Edanz Group和Impelsys共同为所有学术出版需求提供一站式服务,省去了对其他供应商或技术的需求,帮助出版商提高运营效率并削减成本,同时帮助它们实现出版流程的高效和自动化。



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