
 2022-12-11 07:12

Generally speaking, collocations are fairly flexible patterns of language which allow several variations in form. For example, deliver a letter, delivery of a letter, a letter has been delivered and having delivered a letter are all acceptable collocations. In addition, although the meaning of a word often depends on what other words it occurs with, we can still say that the word in question has an individual meaning in a given collocation. Thus, dry cow means a cow which does not produce milk. We can still identify a particular meaning associated with the word dry in this collocation, and, of course, cow still retains its familiar meaning of “a farm animal kept for its milk”. Idioms and fixed expressions are at the extreme end of the scale from collocations in one or both of these areas: flexibility of patterning and transparency of meaning. They are frozen patterns of language which allow little or no variation in form and, in the case of idioms, often carry meaning which cannot be deduced from their individual components.

An idiom such as bury the hatchet (“to become friendly again after a disagreement or a quarrel”) or the long and the short of it (“the basic facts of the situation”) allows no variation in form under normal circumstances. Unless he or she is consciously making a joke or attempting a play on words, a speaker or writer cannot normally do any of the following with an idiom:

1. change the order of words in it (e.g. the short and the long of it);

2. delete a word from it (e.g. spill beans);

3. add a word to it (e.g. the very long and short of it; face the classical music);

4. replace a word with another (e.g. the tall and the short of it, bury a hatchet);

5. change its grammatical structure (e.g. the music was faced).

As their name suggests, fixed expressions such as having said that, as a matter of fact, Ladies and Gentlemen and all the best, as well as proverbs such as practice what you preach and waste not want not, allow little or no variation in form. In this respect, they behave very much like idioms. Unlike idioms, however, fixed expressions and proverbs often have fairly transparent meanings. The meaning of as a matter of fact can easily be deduced from the meanings of the words which constitute it, unlike the meaning of an idiom such as pull a fast one or fill the bill. But in spite of its transparency, the meaning of a fixed expression or proverb is somewhat more than the sum meanings of its words; the expression has to be taken as one unit to establish meaning. This is true of any fixed, recurring pattern of the language. A fixed expression evokes in the mind of the reader or hearer a range of situations connected with the typical contexts in which the expression is used. It is precisely this feature which lies behind in the widespread use of fixed and semi-fixed expressions in any language. They encapsulate stereotypical aspects of experience and therefore perform a stabilizing function in communication. Situation- or register- specific formulae such as Many happy returns, Merry Christmas, Further to you letter of... and Yours sincerely are particularly good examples of the stabilizing role and the special status that a fixed expression can assume in communication.

Although most idioms resist variation in form, some are more flexible than others. For example, a BBC radio reporter once quoted a conference speaker as saying “There was too much buck passing” (Baker and McCarthy 1988). The common form of the idiom is pass the buck (“refuse to accept responsibility for something”). And yet, we would not expect to hear There was too much way giving for give way (“allow someone to do something you disapprove of”).

A personrsquo;s competence in actively using the idioms and fixed expressions of a foreign language hardly ever matches that of a native speaker. The majority of translators working into a foreign language cannot hope to achieve the same sensitivity that native speakers seem to have for judging when and how an idiom can be manipulated. This lends some support to the argument that translators should only work into their language of habitual use or mother tongue, at least in genres which are characterized by creative or playful use of language (but see Beeby Londsdale 2009 and Pokorn 2005 for alternative arguments). The code of Professional Ethics of the Translatorsrsquo; Guild of Great Britain states:

A translator should work only into the language (in exceptional cases this may include a second language) of which he has native knowledge. lsquo;Native languagersquo; is defined as the ability to speak and write a language so fluently that the expression of thought is structurally, grammatically and idiomatically correct.

Assuming that a professional translator would, under normal circumstances, work only into his or her language of habitual use, the difficulties associated with being able to use idioms and fixed expressions correctly in a foreign language need not be addressed here. The main problems that idiomatic and fixed expressions pose in translation relate to two main areas: the ability to recognize and interpret an idiom correctly; and the difficulties involved in rendering the various aspects of meaning that an idiom or a fixed expression conveys into the target language. These difficulties are much more pronounced in the case of idioms than they are in the case of fixed expressions.

As far as idioms are concerned, the first difficulty that a translator comes across is being able to recognize that he or she is dealing with an idiomatic expression. This is not always so obvious. There are various types of idiom, some more easily recognizable than others. Those which are easily recognizable include expressions that violate truth conditions, such as itrsquo;s raining cats and dogs, throw caution to the wind, storm in a tea cup, jump down someonersquo;s throat and food for thought. They also include expression


一般来说,搭配可以进行几种形式的变化,是相当灵活的语言形式。例如,deliver a letter, delivery of a letter, a letter has been delivered 和having delivered a letter都是可接受的搭配形式。此外,尽管一个词的意义往往取决于与它一同出现的词语,但我们仍然可以说,这个词在既定的搭配下有一个单独的含义。因此,dry cow是指不产奶的母牛。在这个搭配中,我们仍然可以找到与“dry”这个词相关的特定含义,当然,牛仍然保留着熟知的含义:“因产奶而饲养的农场动物”。习语和固定表达在搭配这个领域中的分别处于极端的一端:结构的灵活性和意义的易懂性。他们是固定的语言模式,很少甚至根本不允许出现变化。至于习语,很少能从单独部分推导出它的意思。

比如,以习语bury the hatchet或the long and the short of it为例,习语正常情况下不能出现任何形式的变化。除非他或她有意识地开玩笑或试图玩味一个词,一个发言者或作家通常不能对习语作以下的改变:

1.改变习语中的词序(比如,the short and the long of it);

2.删除习语中的一个词(比如,spill beans);

3.在习语中加词(比如,the very long and short of it; face the classical music);

4.用别的词替换其中的词(比如,the tall and the short of it;buy a hatchet);

5.改变习语的语法结构(比如,the music was faced)。

正如他们的命名所示,固定表达如,having said that, as a matter of fact, Ladies and Gentlemen 和all the best,还有谚语practice what you preach和waste not want not很少或根本不能进行形式上的变化。在这方面,他们看起来很像习语。与习语不同的是,固定的表达和谚语往往有相当透明的含义。事实上,这个意义可以很容易地从构成它的词的意义中推断出来,不像习语的含义,如快速的或快速的填写。但是,尽管一个固定表达或谚语很易懂,它们的意义略多于其各部分词的总和意义;固定表达要看为一个整体产生意义。在任何固定和反复的语言模式下,这点是真实的。一个固定的表达唤起读者或听众的头脑中的一系列情况下,与使用的表达式的典型上下文。正是这种特点,在广泛使用固定和半固定表达式在任何语言背后。他们封装经验的刻板方面,因此在通信中执行稳定功能。情况-或登记具体公式,如许多快乐的回报,圣诞快乐,进一步给你的信hellip;你的真诚是一个稳定的角色和一个固定的表达所能承担的特殊地位的极好例子。

虽然大多数习语抵制形式的变化,但有些则比其他形式更加灵活。例如,一名BBC电台记者曾经引用会议发言人的话说“有太多的过错”(Baker and McCarthy,1988)。习语的常见形式是通过(“拒绝承担责任”)。然而,我们不会期待听到有太多的方式给予让步(“允许某人做你不同意的事”)。

一个人积极使用外语的习语和固定表达的能力几乎与母语者的能力相匹配。大部分从事外语的翻译人员无法达到母语者似乎对判断何时以及如何操纵习语的敏感度。这对于翻译者只能用习惯用语或母语来说,至少在以创造性或俏皮的语言使用为特征的流派(但参见“Beeby Londsdale 2009”和“Pokorn 2005”为替代论据)的观点方面提供了一些支持。英国翻译公会职业道德守则:

翻译者只能使用他具有本土知识的语言(在特殊情况下可能包括第二语言)。 “母语”被定义为能够流利地说出和写一种语言的能力,使得思想的表达在结构上,语法上和惯用上都是正确的。








Irsquo;d just done my stint as rubber duck, see, and pulled off the grandma lane into the pitstop to drain the radiator.

这是公民乐队(CB)广播特别节目摘录的“卡车谈话”极为符合语言习惯的段落。 Rubber duck车队中的第一个卡车司机,grandma lane是慢车道,而pitstop是指服务区或停车休息的地方。 在卡车,高速公路和停靠在维修站的情况下,排放散热器的字面解释似乎很可能。 然而,这是CB司机使用的特殊习语,意味着”小便; 使用厕所”。

(b)源语言中的习语可能与目标语言中非常接近的对应词,在表面上看起来相似,但具有完全或部分不同的含义。例如,惯用语的问题是猫有没有你的舌头?用英文来呼吁某人回答一个问题或对话进行贡献,特别是当他们不这样做时会变得烦人。法语中使用了类似的表达方式,具有完全不同的含义:donner sa langue au chat(to a ones tongue to the cat),意思是放弃,例如当被问到一个谜语时。为了拉一个人的腿,意思是告诉某人不真实的笑话,以暂时震惊他们,当他们稍后发现这是一个笑话,并且在表面上与习语yishab rijlu是一样的(“拉他的腿” )在几个阿拉伯方言中用来表示欺骗某人谈论他或她会保密的东西。在法语中,一个类似的表达方式:轮胎拉帕布(“拉腿”)意味着拖曳脚步。在源语言和目标语言中具有不同含义的表面相同或相似的习语的实例对于不熟悉源语言习语的不必要的翻译人员来说容易陷入困境,并且可能只是试图对其进行目标语言解释。

通过搭配区分感官的能力对于从事外语工作的翻译者来说是非常宝贵的资产。 它通常被归入“依赖于消除歧义的含义”的一般保护伞,其中除了别的以外,意味着使用搭配模式的知识来解码一个单词或一段语言的含义。 使用我们对搭配模式的认识可能并不总是告诉我们一个习语是什么意思,但是在许多情况下,它可以很容易地帮助我们识别习语,特别是具有字面意义以及非字面意义的习语。




习语和固定表达所包含的文化特有词不一定是不可译的。并不是固定表达中所含的文化特有词令其不可译或很难翻译,而是其与特定文化语境的联系使其不可译或很难翻译。例如,英语表达中的运煤到纽卡斯尔,由于其特定的文化,在某种意义上它包含对纽卡斯尔煤的引用,用它作为一种衡量富足的方式,不过却与德语Eulen nach Athen tragen(带猫头鹰到雅典-多此一举)意义相近,即:想拥有很多某物的人提供某物(格罗贝戈1989)。法语中,同样的意思可以用porter de lrsquo;eau a la riviere(把水运到河里)表达。帕尔默(1976)解释说,在威尔士地区,形容雨下的大用“old women and stocks”而不是“cats and dogs”,但在大多数情况下两者的意思大多表达相同的事情。

(b)一个习语或固定表达可能在目标语中有类似表达,但其使用语境可能有所不同;两种表达可能有不同的内涵,比如,他们实际上不可以转换使用。To sing a different tune是一个英语习语,指一个人说或做的事情与之前的态度相反。中文中的“唱对台戏”(lsquo;to sing different tunes/or sing a duetrsquo;)通常指观点对立,但与to sing a different tune用法不同。它具有强烈的政治色彩,在某些情况下,可以译为表达补充的观点而不是相反的观点。To go to the dogs(堕落)在德语中有一个类似的表达,但英语习语用于一个人或一个地方,而德语对应词只能用于指人变得堕落,往往意味着死亡或毁灭。费尔南多和弗拉维尔(1981)将to skate on thin ice(行动鲁莽或主动招致危险)与一个相似的塞尔维亚习语进行比较:navuci nekoga na tanak led(将某人拉到薄冰之上)。塞尔维亚习语与英语习语的不同之处在于,它指迫使某人进入危险境地。尽管意思相近,两种习语所使用的语境明显不同。




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