
 2022-03-29 21:34:40

Motivation of Tourism Participants

The paper deals with touristsrsquo; motivation and application of existing theoretical models on motivation in rural tourism. The authors examine why tourists travel and what is the main motivation in choosing their destinations. The primary drivers for

travelling are needs to escape from daily routine, workplace, but also social needs such as meeting other people, experiencingsomething unique or unusual. The Maslowrsquo;s 5-stage theory on motivation to satisfy five basic human needs, extended by

cognitive, aesthetic and self-actualization needs, is applied for the analysis of touristsrsquo; needs. The authors also apply othermotivation models in tourism, such as Plogacute;s psychographic or Iso Aholaacute;s model of the social psychology of tourism. The paper

brings practical examples of motivation using the Iso Aholaacute;s model of the social psychology of tourism.

Tourism is the practice of traveling for pleasure, education or business. Tourism is also about touristrsquo;s personality, attitudes, values and life style. It incorporates new experience, meeting people, places, traditions, cultures. This is closely linked to psychology, which actually examines motivation for travelling, individual needs

and satisfaction. Touristrsquo;s motivation and behavior are major factors for competent authorities to define forms ofcommunication with clients or for business support. Without profound knowledge and understanding of tourists it is impossible to mitigate or prevent damages in destinations. In fact, uncontrolled tourism can lead to social conflicts (e.g. Deery, Jago and Fredline, 2011; Haley, Snaith and Miller, 2005). Research of touristrsquo;s motivation has a long history. Some early works include Plog (1974), Dann (1977), Crompton (1979), Iso Ahola (1982), Beard and Ragheb (1980, 1983), Virdi and Traini (1990), Baloglu and Uysal (1996) etc. Some projects were focused on “push and pull” factors in connection with touristsacute; motivation, e.g. Dann (1981), Uysal and Jurowski (1994), Baloglu andUysal (1996), Klenosky (2002), Snepenger et al. (2006), Biswas (2008). As well as rural tourism has been a popular

topic for many kind of research, e.g. rural tourism impact on local development (Ancuta et al., 2011), sustainable principles of rural tourism development (Scaron;imkovaacute;, 2013), or segmentation of rural tourists (e.g. Cai and Li, 2009; Pesonen, 2012; Molera and Abaladejo, 2007).

The paper deals with touristsrsquo; motivation and application of existing theoretical models on motivation in rural tourism. Motivation as an internal drive that guides a personrsquo;s behavior and decision making has been examined in relation to work, sport, travel and other leisure time activities. Motivational research usually includes Maslowrsquo;s hierarchy of needs (1954) and the Iso Aholaacute;s motivation model (Iso Ahola, 1982). The push-pull theory is another approach that often complements Iso Aholarsquo;s model (Crompton, 1979). Crompton and McKay (1997) present: push factors (internal motives) as escaping motives and pull factors (external stimulus) as seeking motives. The main objective of the paper is, on the basis of the Iso Aholaacute;s model, to find out main touristsacute; motives for traveling. Results of the paper have been prepared upon strategic quantitative research as well as analysis of publicly available literature.

In this analysis the authors apply the Maslowrsquo;s 5-stage theory on motivation to satisfy five basic human needs. It is extended by cognitive and aesthetic needs. Indispensable needs (so called low category needs) in rural tourism are defined. Additionally, cognitive needs are described, followed by aesthetic needs. The authors characterize also other motivation theories, such as Plogacute;s psychographic. This theory classifies tourists along their personalcharacteristics, life-style and personal values, to psychocentrics at one extreme to the allocentrics at the other (Plog,1974).Furthermore, the authors apply the Iso Aholaacute;s model of the social psychology of tourism. This model, which is built on push-pull effect, asserts that personal escape, personal seeking, interpersonal escape, and interpersonal seeking motivate tourism and recreation. These main elements (escape and reward) can combine depending on the

particular situation and touristsrsquo; goals (Iso Ahola, 1982). The research has been based on a survey performed at the beginning of 2014. The survey was done by direct questioning of 160 respondents (students from the University of Hradec Kraacute;loveacute;). In order to determine the motivational factors for participation in tourism the Iso Aholaacute;s model was used. Questionnaire contained 15 questions – except of 3 identification questions the main questions were divided into two dimensions – escaping and

seeking and further personal and interpersonal dimensions. Research results are presented in chapter 4.

The Iso Aholaacute;s model of the social psychology of tourism was used for the analysis of main motives for travelling and selection of a desired destination. Our questionnaire contained scale items (12 items that characterize the four motivation dimensions), according to Snepenger et al. (2006). Responses were marked according to their weight (5 – highest weight, 1 – least weight) – see Table 1. All answers were then summarized and averaged. Responses were furthermore classified for students from tourism degree programs and social degree programs, and for rural tourism and international tourism (see Table 2 and Figure 1). From the results we can conclude that motivation dimension of seeking prevails in both rural tourism as well as

international form of tourism (in case of international tourism it is even higher). The highest grade was given to ”seeking personal rewards“, which actually says that the main motives of UHK students are telling others about

their new experience, inspiration, happiness, etc. The second motivational dimen



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