
 2022-09-08 12:09

Figure 18 Dialog for image acquisition at Handling Station.

In this case there are no settings that can be changed. The group-box “Handling Station Settings” simply shows what handling station is used and at what distance the images will be acquired. Whether the tool camera or the stationary camera at HS will be used is defined at the time you created the Orientation Control session and can be changed from the “Training

-gt; Ranges”-dialog.

The button “Adjust camera” can only be clicked if automatic shutter control is disabled (expert setting) for tool camera acquisition at the Handling Station. For other types of acquisitions at the Handling Station, the shutter will be automatically adjusted to give an image with a gray tone value matching the selected color of the Handling Station. For all types of acquisition in the bin using a camera, the camera settings must be adjusted when the robot has moved the camera to the first acquisition pose. The dialog that will be shown is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19 Dialog for adjusting the shutter and gamma for the selected camera during image

acquisition from Part Training Studio.

Note that gamma rarely needs to be adjusted. Therefore, only adjust the shutter until the image seems sufficiently bright.

If we are using a stationary camera, the Handling Station is at run-time normally divided in two zones. For image acquisitions in this dialog we never divide the Handling Station into zones. This means that you should always place the part in the center of the Handling Station. You should acquire a few images of the part in each support mode with different rotation and displacement. But dont move the part further away that the distance you expect it to be placed away from the expected place position, i.e. this is the distance you expect the part to “fall/tumble” in worst case. Also acquire images with two parts, one part and some noise (another part or a coin), two overlapping parts etc. With these images you can set up the reject settings ahead of time.

4.5 Generate Training Database from CAD file

This task consists of the sub-tasks: “Define Training View Angles”, “Set up Virtual Camera”, “Choose Features”, “Adjust Virtual Feature Extraction Settings”, and “Create Training Database (automatic)”.

  1. Define Training View Angles

Defining the view angles is straight forward. One simply needs to specify from which view- angles, the part will be trained. Sometimes a part does not have any specific features when viewed from certain angles, for instance if it is a flat part. It may also be that the part is placed in a semi-random configuration in the bin so it will only be viewable from certain angles. Finally, it may also be impossible to grip the part from certain angles making it superfluous to recognize the part from such angles. By limiting the view angles the recognition time is lowered. It may also improve the recognition performance because the risk of false recognitions is lowered because the training database becomes smaller.

To define training view angles select menu item Training -gt; Ranges . The dialog in Figure 20 will be shown.


Figure 20 Training Ranges dialog as it looks for a bin-picking session. The Orientation Control settings are not relevant in this case.

In the group-box “Sensor to Part Distance” you can choose at what distance acquisition takes place. It is not recommended to change this value since you have already decided on a distance when you set up the Acquisition Poses earlier. Changing it here will require that you go back and reconsider your Pick Zone and Acquisition pose settings. The value shown here is the value you chose when you set up the acquisition poses.

The training view ranges are controlled by the parameters in the group-box “Spherical Training Range”. Here you type in a name (must be in one word) and optionally a description. After that, you define the range with the Theta and Phi sliders (it is assumed that you are familiar with spherical coordinates, otherwise try to move the sliders and see what happens, it is not difficult to figure out how it works!). Notice, that the Theta-slider is ghosted in this figure. This is because the part that is used has rotational symmetry and Theta corresponds to a rotation about the symmetry axis. Therefore, training at a single value of Theta will give the exact same training images as training with any other value of Theta.

The final parameter is the default step sizes. We typically operate within 4-10 degrees. 4 degrees is preferred but if the recognition time is a problem (which it may be if the part has no symmetry properties), then you may have to increase the value. Later on when you have set up the recognition, you can check the recognition speed and come back and adjust this parameter if faster recognition speeds are needed. The drawback is, that you risk that there are parts in between the trained views that cannot be reliably recognized.

When done editing an existing range, click the “Apply Changes”-button. You can also add new ranges. This is done by clicking the “Add as new Range”-button after having given the range a new name.

  1. 2D Sensors

The procedure in the remaining steps for generating a training database depends on which type of sensor is used. In this section, the remaining steps are explained for 2D sensors. For 3D sensors, please see section 4.5.3 on page 35.

  1. Set up Virtual Camera

For 2D sensors, the bottom right group box of the Training Ranges dialog will be active as shown in Figure 20. The parameters that are shown here can be used to fine tune the virtual images that


图18 图像采集处理

该对话框,不需要改变参数的设置。分组框“Handling Station Settings”显示了工作站(Handling Station)的信息包括捕获图像的距离。工具相机(Tool Camera)或固定式相机(Stationary Camera)在工作站(Handling Station)的使用情况,取决于创建Orientation Control的时间和“Training gt;Ranges”对话框的改变。

如果工具相机(Tool Camera)在Handling Station采集信息时,禁用自动快门控制,那么需要单击按钮“ Adjust camera”。而对于其他方式的采集处理,快门将会自动调整,给出一个灰色色调值与工作站(Handling Station)所选颜色相匹配的图像。在料箱(Bin)中,无论使用相机的哪种采集类型,如果机器人已经将相机移动到第一次采集的位置姿势,相机的设置必须进行调整。该会话框如图19所示。

图19 在图像采集时,根据所选相机调整快门和gamma值


使用固定式相机(Stationary Camera)时,工作站(Handling Station)运行时通常被划分为两个区域。在图像采集会话框中,不需要划分工作站(Handling Station)的区域。这意味着,你将参与处理台的核心操作。你会获得每个支持模式与不同旋转和位移下的一些零件图像。不要将你期望放置零件的位置与理想位置间的距离太远,也就是说,这个距离是在最坏的情况下你所期望的“fall/tumble”。你还将获得两个零件的图像,一个含有一些噪声(另一个像硬币一样),2个重叠的部分等。有了这些图像,你可以提前搭建拒绝设置。

4.5 从计算机辅助文件中生成测试数据库

此任务包括子任务:“定义测试视角(Define Training View Angles)”、“设置虚拟相机(Set up Virtual Camera”、“选择功能(Choose Features)”、“调整虚拟特征提取设置(Adjust Virtual Feature Extraction Settings)”、“创建测试数据库(自动)(Create Training Database (automatic))”。



设定测试视角应该选择菜单项 Training -gt; Ranges。如图20所示。


在“Sensor to Part Distance”的组合框中,您可以选择采集的距离。但不建议改变这个值,因为在采集的开始时,你已经决定了采集距离。改变它,你要重新设置Pick Zone 和Acquisition Pose。这里所示的值是设定采集位资(Acquisition Pose)时所选择的值。

测试范围被控制在“Spherical Training Range”的参数范围内。在这里您键入一个名称(必须是一个词),自己选择描述。然后,设置Theta和Phi值(如果你熟悉球面坐标,试着移动滑块,看看会发生什么,我们不难发现,它如何工作!)注意,此图中Theta滑块是虚的。这是因为零件的旋转对称性和Theta关于旋转对称轴的相对应。因此,如果该测试的Theta是单值函数的话,无论Theta的值是多少,都会得到相同的测试图像。

最后的参数是默认的步长 (Default Step)值,通常设置在4-10度,4度是首选。但如果识别时间出现问题(如果零件没有对称性),那么你要增加步长值。当你已经设置好的话,你可以检查识别速度和数据传递回来的速度。你可以调整这个参数值来提高识别速度,但缺点是,你可能会得到不可靠的测试图像。

当你需要编辑已设定的测试范围时,单击“Apply Changes”按钮。你也可以添加新的测试范围,单击“Add as new Range”按钮,并定义新名称。

4.5.2 二维传感器(2D Sensors)


对于二维传感器(2D Sensors),测试范围对话框右下方的选项卡将被激活,如图20所示。这里所示的参数用来微调虚拟图像,以便更好地从零件的计算机辅助设计模型(CAD)中获取所需要的特征进行测试。通常情况下,如果想要获得零件的基本轮廓,你可以将“Type”中的“Norma”模式改为“Silhouette”模式。对于获得好的稳定的Orientation Control识别结果,你可以选用此方式。如果选择“Custom”模式,则“Part Reflectance”的参数可以手动调整。但是它不常用,因为你要手动调整这些设置;测试图像时经常使用“Norma”或“Silhouette”。

有关“Part Reflectance”参数的详细信息,请参阅Open GL文档。该文档对其进一步详细的讲述。选择特征



































第一步是选择零件的一个或多个特征。在菜单栏中选择“Features -gt; Add Feature”。在对话框中选择“Quarter Ellipse”,然后单击“OK”。

现在,你会看到“Feature Extraction/Virtual”面板上的一些内容被激活,名为“ Quarter Ellipse”的新项目也显示在该面板上。如图21所示。

图21 新项目“ Quarter Ellipse”被添加到虚拟图像的测试设置

注意“Ellipse Fitting”被激活。

不管你选择什么特征,第一步是调整检测边缘的设置。这些设置可在“Default Raw Contours”中找到。


在特征提取面板, 有“Default Raw Contours”和“Default Contour Analysis”部分。他们被称为“Default”的原因是,大多数功能可以有自己的设置版本。在极少数情况下,与默认特征不同的特定的特征需要设置,因此,我们增加了个人设置( Individual Settings)的功能。必要的话,就使用这个选项!

首先,我们主要进行虚拟测试图像的设置。点击“Virtual”标签的“Feature Extraction”选项卡或点击“Virtual Image”选项卡,查看虚拟图像,即零件的测试图像。现在,找到“Visualization”面板(通常位于右侧),并在“Raw”组框中选中“Edges”(在“2D Points”组框内)。虚拟图像的边缘用绿色线条显示。

如果没有出现,选择菜单项“Features -gt; Derive Features”。你会看到,在没有改变任何设置的情况下,边缘已被检测。工作在虚拟图像下,经常出现这样的现象。尝试改变“Part”面板中的“Phi”滑块。你可以看到边缘的实时提取。在某些Phi值的情况下,你会看到一些伪边。为了避免出现这一现象,“Default Level Contours”中的“Min Start Edge Strength”设置为25,“Min Stop Edge Strength”设置为17。如图22所示的例子,有两条伪边。

图22“Min Start Edge Strength”和“Min Stop Edge Strength”必须改变,以避免出现长伪边。红色箭头表示此处出现伪边。


现在我们有原始轮廓。下一步是从边缘提取图元。在“Default Contour Analysis”中来选择图元。

The Quarter Ellipse比较特殊,因为它的特征就是一个图元,换句话说,图元和特征是相同的。首先,为了获得产生椭圆的低曲率线段,选择复选框“Default Contour Analysis”下的“Ellipse Fitting”。然后,为了看到提取的特征和图元,激活“Ellipse LCS”并取消激活 “2D Points”可视面板中“Edges”组合框下的“Raw”。现在在图像的边缘,你将看到“Ellipse LCS”。LCS是低曲率线段的缩写。椭圆基元属于这些低曲率线段。如图23所示,如果降低“Default Contour Analysis”中的“Low Curvature Segments (LCS)”部分组框“Curvature Limit”的值,边缘线会变成一块一块的。例子中“Curvature Limit”的默认值为0.1是合适的,但它不取决于零件曲率半径值的大小。


注意:当设置“Curvature Limit”值太小时,它们被细分成小部分。在这里,使用默认值,以避免这个问题。

“LCS Length”参数可用于去除短的和很长的LCS段(以像素为单位)。最重要的是要删除非常短的线段,因为它通常是干扰。通常,LCS最小值应5-15像素。最大值主要取决于零件的大小,以及是否舍弃一些非常长的低曲率段。

在识别过程中,我们使用一个模板匹配的方法,比较实际图像的边缘像素和测试图像的轮廓边缘像素。为了节省计算时间,测试图像的边缘像素是通过稀释原始轮廓得到的。在图21中可以看到“Dilution of Raw Contours”的设置。默认值5通常是合理的。高的“Dilution of Raw Contours”值提高了计算速度但也将产生较高的误差。 Quarter Ellipse的特性设置

现在,“Default Raw Contours”和“Default Contour Analysis”已经设置为合理的值。我们需要调整“Ellipse Fitting”的参数。这里简单介绍参数:





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