
 2022-02-27 09:02

外文文献:Developing industrial heritage tourism: A case study of the proposed jeep museum in Toledo, Ohio

Philip Feifan Xietimes;


There are a growing number of industrial cities in which promoting tourism maybe a helpful tool for urban restructuring and economic development. This paper identifies six key attributes of developing industry heritage tourism from the previous literature. These attributes have been used to evaluate a proposal for the National Historic Jeep Museum by the city of Toledo, Ohio. The investigation revealed that although the potentials for conserving and interpreting the museum are valued highly, there exist conflicing views by various stakeholders. Problems are attributed to poor community perceptions, a lack of strong support from the Jeep industry, the controversial reuse of existing facilities, ill-informed economic benefits and the issue of authenticity. The implications of the study provide suggestions for future improvements in the development of industry heritage tourism.r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Industrial heritage; Tourism; Jeep museum; Toledo; Ohio

1. Introduction

Industrial heritage has been called the lsquo;lsquo;landscapes of nostalgiarsquo;rsquo; (Halewood amp; Hannam, 2001, p. 566) in which former rustbelts have been transformed into valuable assets for rejuvenation (Cooke, 1995). There

are a growing number of industrial areas where tourism may be promoted as a helpful tool for regional restructuring and economic development (Edwards amp;

Llurdes, 1996; Gordon amp; Raber, 2000; Mansfeld, 1992).Industrial heritage tourism refers to lsquo;lsquo;the development of touristic activities and industries on man-made sites,buildings and landscapes that originated with industrial

processes of earlier periodsrsquo;rsquo; (Edwards amp; Llurdes, 1996,p. 342). The subjects of industrial heritage encompass the material remains of industry, such as sites, buildings and architecture, plants, machinery and equipment.

Industrial heritage also refers to housing, industrial settlements, industrial landscapes, products and processes and documentation of the industrial society.

This paper explores the tourism potential of an industrial city, Toledo, Ohio in general, and more specifically, of the Jeep industry. The city of Toledo is located in northwest Ohio and was the birthplace of the Jeep vehicle in the US. After the worst urban decay in recent decades, the city is striving to improve its image and regenerate the local economy through promoting

tourism. As a part of the city revitalization, a National Historic Jeep Museum has been proposed by the city to celebrate Jeeprsquo;s role in local, national and global history. This research presents an extensive investigation

on the problems and prospects of the Jeep Museum proposal by measuring six identified attributes. The research setting of Toledo, Ohio is described and the methodology is detailed. The findings reveal various problems, such as poor perceptions, lack of support from the business sector, and the issue of authenticity, as reasons behind the unsuccessful proposal as reflected by

different stakeholders. The research implications of the study provide suggestions for future improvements in the development of industry heritage tourism.

2. Research setting

Over the past 50 years, tens of thousands of factories,warehouses, rail yards, and other industrial facilities have been abandoned in the US. Although some of these sites have been reused, many continue to sit idle. The largest concentrations of inactive industrial properties are in Midwest cities like Detroit, Cleveland, and Toledo(Fischer, 1997). The city of Toledo is situated on Lake Erie and had been a bustling lake port since the 19th century. Toledo was an early leader in automobile production. The image of the city revolves around industry, particularly, the Jeep and glass industry.Manufacturing companies, such as Willys-Overland and Owens-Corning Fiberglass, were not only the workplaces but also foci for communication and the development of shared beliefs and cultures. In particular, the Willys-Overland company spent most of 1930s working on the engine for the new light-weightlsquo;lsquo;Americar,rsquo;rsquo; which the company planned to produce with hopes to sell the US military. It designed a car around this engine and the US military officials finally

chose the Willys model. At some point in the testing process, the Willys-Overland car acquired the namelsquo;lsquo;Jeeprsquo;rsquo;. The most accepted theory holds that it derives from the abbreviation G.P. meaning general purpose.

Between 1941 and 1945, Willys-Overland manufactured more than 300,000 Jeeps in Toledo. The cityrsquo;s industries played a vital role in World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars that followed. Willey-Overlandrsquo;s contracts alone totaled more than $200 million and the order for military Jeeps came to almost $100 million(Porter, 1987). For many years, the company remained the cityrsquo;s largest employer. The Jeep payroll reduced unemployment and revived the downtown economy. In 1960s, Toledo was ranked as one of the most prosperous

cities in US. The turning point was in 1969 when the Chrysler purchased the Jeep Corporation. The Jeep industry started going through turmoil when the

demand for the vehicles sharply declined. In 1980s and 1990s, Toledo, like many troubled cities on the US,contained areas of serious deterioration surrounding the central business district. The change in the local economic structure resulted in high rates of unemployment.Coupled with racial and social tensions, Toledo has suffered a population loss, estimated at 60,177 people,who moved out of the city between 1980 and 2000 (Ohio Urban Revitalization, 2000). The Jeep industry has been described as lsquo;lsquo;a smile that is missing a lot of teethrsquo;rsquo;(Toledo Blade, 2003) because the pillar of the local industry has become a series of vacant lots




Philip Feifan Xie












p。8)。工业遗产旅游长期以来一直强调创造一种场所感的意义(Gunnamp;Var,2002),其中独特的、富有想象力的、真实的、可持续的和参与性的是必需品。Tiesdell,Oc,and Heath(1996,p.(七)评论说,直到1960年代,包括工业区在内的历史性城市街区常常被视为过时,成为提议的主题。土地清拆及全面重建计划“。然而,20世纪60年代的保护运动也带来了一系列的问题,最值得注意的是,对文化符号fic可以做什么的限制。蚂蚁建筑和区域。该运动认识到,并非所有这样的空间都可以是博物馆式的环境,因此保护的目的必须与一个健康的社会经济的需要相协调。c社区基地。因为那些投资和振兴历史场所的人的动机很可能是不同于最初将这些领域引入公众意识的保护主义者(tiesdell等人,1996年),必须解决不同利益方之间潜在的fl信息通信技术问题。









在过去的50年里,数以万计的工厂、仓库、铁路造船厂和其他工业设施在美国被废弃。虽然其中一些网站已被重用,但许多网站懒散地坐着。不活跃的工业地产集中在中西部城市,如底特律、克利夫兰和托莱多(Fischer,1997年)。托莱多市位于伊利安湖上自19世纪以来,D一直是一个繁忙的湖泊港口。托莱多是汽车生产的早期领导者。这个城市的形象围绕着工业,特别是吉普车和玻璃工业。诸如Willys-Overland和Owens-Corning玻璃纤维等制造公司,不仅是工作场所,而且也是交流和发展共同信仰和文化的中心。在.Cular,WillysOverland公司花了20世纪30年代的大部分时间为新的轻量级“美国”(Americar)设计的引擎,该公司计划生产该公司希望能出售美军。它的设计。爱德,一辆汽车围绕着这台发动机,美国军方的fi,Nally选择了威利斯的模型。在测试过程中的某一时刻,Willys-Overland轿车获得了“吉普车”的名字。最受欢迎的西奥RY认为它来源于通用目的缩写G.P.。1941年至1945年期间,威利斯在托莱多生产了30多万辆吉普车。这座城市的工业起着至关重要的作用在第二次世界大战和随后的朝鲜和越南战争中所起的作用。仅威利-奥弗兰的合同总额就超过2亿美元,军用吉普车订单几乎达到1亿美元(阿宝)。(rter,1987年)。多年来,这家公司一直是该市最大的雇主。吉普车的工资减少了失业率,使市中心的经济恢复了活力。20世纪60年代,托莱多被评为全球最受欢迎的公关之一。美国最受欢迎的城市。转折点发生在1969年,当时克莱斯勒收购了吉普公司(Jeep Corporation)。吉普车行业开始经历动荡,当时对汽车的需求急剧下降。。20世纪80年代和90年代,托莱多和美国许多陷入困境的城市一样,在中心商业区周围地区出现严重恶化。局部经济结构的变化高失业率.加上种族和社会紧张局势,托莱多遭受了人口损失,估计有60 177人,他们在1980年至2000年期间搬出该市(俄亥俄城市振兴,2000年)。吉普车工业被描述为“一个失去许多牙齿的微笑”(ToledoBlade,2003),因为当地工业的支柱已经变成了一系列空置的土地,几乎没有就业前景。代表这座城市.

继克莱斯勒于20世纪90年代与戴姆勒合并后,戴姆勒克莱斯勒公司(DaimlerChrysler AG)成立了一家新工厂,以提高吉普的产量。最初的工厂建于1913年,2002年3月被拆除。重组计划。工厂内的吉普车屋也存放在其他地方,用于存放托莱多吉普车大会的一些藏品,包括车辆和汽车纪念品。戴姆勒克莱斯勒的ficials建议,以评估是否汽车制造商或其他组织将能够使用空出的财产后,拆除。与此同时,一群当地社区成员斯普斯卡共和国一直试图在托莱多建立一个国家吉普车博物馆。这项建议对托莱多市政府很有吸引力,托莱多市政府已经意识到城市衰败的严重性,并启动了PRO。摩亭市中心的发展。虽然托莱多还没有摆脱它作为一个老工业城市的形象,吉普博物馆的目标是通过发展旅游业来帮助这个地区的复兴。,并通过戏剧化城市的工业历史来做到这一点。然而,如此雄心勃勃的吉普车行业规划需要当地持续的承诺和参与。外部支持。本研究从企业和公众的角度探讨吉普博物馆的可行性.

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