
 2022-08-26 04:08

Innovation Is a Good Way to Maintain Market Presence

The Jumbo-Koter venture is a good example of the development of a successful new product by solving a consumer problem. The Wooster Brush Company identified the difficulty that painters were having because their mini-rollers were sticking after a few uses. The new Jumbo-Koter mini-rollers solved that problem by using a smooth-turning cage frame. Wooster Brush further improved these mini- rollers by using high-quality fabrics from its highly successful nine- inch rollers. Finally, by not extending fabric over the end of the new mini- rollers, Jumbo -Koter enabled the painter to get into tighter spaces than with traditional mini-rollers. This also prevented paint from spinning off onto another surface.

One lesson to be learned from the Jumbo-Koter program is that innovation s a good way for a company to maintain its presence in the marketplace. The Wooster Brush Company has made a notable effort to continue to innovate, developing truly beneficial products in a very stodgy, old- fashioned business for many years. The Jumbo-Koter product line is a good example of this. This continuous innovation has enabled the company to compete successfully without participating in industry price wars. At the time of this writing, the Wooster Brush Company was in the process of developing additional new products to meet the paint application needs of its customers.

Summary Marketing Plan for: Wooster Jumbo-Koter TM Wooster Brush Company


BACKGROUND. Many painters have problems with their mini- rollers. Because these rollers are smaller than traditional rollers, they are great for getting paint into tight places and corners. On the other hand, the small size of the roller sometimes causes it to stick after a certain number of uses. Painters often become frustrated when they have to drag a stuck mini-roller down a wall. This consumer problem led to a whole new product line called the Jumbo-Koter, and to a marketing plan that effectively leveraged the strengths of the Wooster Brush Company.

MARKET REVIEW. The paint applicator industry is made up of a relatively small number of companies, and it changes only slightly from year to year. A trend identified by Wooster Brush was the influx of foreign competition into the mini -roller market. Because of the effectiveness of using a mini-roller for detail painting jobs, the market for these small rollers was growing. As this was happening, several manufacturers were importing mini-rollers from China and other offshore sources.Wooster Brush was being forced to compete with these lower-priced imports.

CONSUMER USAGE AND ATTITUDES. A program of store interviews and personal observations enabled Wooster Brush management to determine that mini-rollers were gaining market share and were eroding paintbrush usage more and more. Consumers represent the bulk of the unit sales; however, they tend to buy what is available and recommended in paint and hardware stores, and these stores typically display and recommend what is used by professional contractors, Through quantitative and qualitative research, Wooster Brush learned that painting contractors generally perceived Jumbo-Koter as a significant improvement over the mini-rollers that were currently available in the market.

PLANNING ASSUMPTIONS. Prior to launching Jumbo-Koter, the management of Wooster Brush made a series of assumptions regarding the outcome of the implementation. The following is a list of the key planning assumptions made by Wooster Brush Company:

Paint and hardware stores will generally accept distribution of Jumbo -Koter because of the success these retailers have had with previous new products from Wooster Brush.

The fabric on Jumbo-Koter rollers will be accepted by professionals and consumers.
Professional painters will want to use Jumbo-Koter mini-rollers.
Pricing on Jumbo-Koter will be accepted as long as the price points are similar to
those of the low-priced mini-rollers currently on the market.
Should Jumbo-Koter not be successful, Wooster Brush will still be able to capture ashare of the mini- roller market with its current mini-roller system.
Over the next few years, Jumbo-Koter could make it possible to eliminate the old mini roller system.

KEY STRATEGIC MARKETING OBJECTIVES. Based on the above planning assumptions, the management of Wooster Brush set up a series of specific key strategic marketing objectives for the Jumbo-Koter venture. The following are the key strategic marketing objectives set by the management of the Wooster Brush Company:

To entice consumers and professionals to purchase a mini-roller system that is not interchangeable with other mini-roller systems.

To get the majority of the twenty-four different Jumbo-Koter rollers and two frames into broad-scale distribution.

To time the expansion of distribution so that production is able to keep up with retail sales.

To achieve specific sales volume objectives that will enable the venture to pay back the investment in new equipment within a specific time frame.

To launch the Jumbo-Koter line nationally in the initial distribution targets within three months.

To overcome the potential objection by retailers and customers that the Jumbo -Koter covers do not have a fabric covering on the end of the rollers.


Brand name. The new mini-roller system was launched under the overall brand name Wooster Jumbo-Koter. This name appeared on all packaging and display header signs.Also, seven additional names were used to differentiate the different type of covers:Super Fab TM, Pro Doo-Z TM, Mohair Blend TM, 50/50 TM, Super Twist TM,Painter's Choice TM, and Pro Foam TM. The overall brand name strategy was to leverage the power of the current Woost




Jumbo-Koter风险投资是通过解决消费者问题开发成功新产品的一个很好的例子。伍斯特刷公司确定了画家所遇到的困难,因为他们的迷你滚轮在几次使用后都会粘住。新的Jumbo-Koter迷你滚轮通过使用平滑转动的笼架解决了这个问题。 Wooster Brush通过使用其非常成功的9英寸滚筒的高品质面料进一步改进了这些迷你滚筒。最后,通过不在新的迷你滚筒末端延伸布料,Jumbo -Koter使画家能够进入比传统迷你滚筒更紧凑的空间。这也防止了油漆旋转到另一个表面上。

从Jumbo-Koter计划中汲取的一个教训是,创新是公司保持市场地位的好方法。 Wooster Brush公司多年来一直致力于继续创新,在一个非常平庸,老式的业务中开发真正有益的产品。 Jumbo-Koter产品系列就是一个很好的例子。这种持续的创新使公司能够在不参与行业价格战的情况下成功竞争。在撰写本文时,Wooster Brush公司正在开发其他新产品,以满足客户的涂料应用需求。

总结营销计划:Wooster Jumbo-Koter TM Wooster Brush Company


背景。许多画家的迷你滚筒都有问题。由于这些滚筒比传统滚筒小,因此非常适合将油漆送入狭窄的地方和角落。另一方面,辊子的小尺寸有时会导致它在一定次数的使用后粘住。当他们不得不将卡住的迷你滚轮拖到墙上时,画家经常会感到沮丧。这个消费者问题导致了一个名为Jumbo-Koter的全新产品线,以及有效利用Wooster Brush Company优势的营销计划。

市场回顾。涂料涂抹器行业由相对较少的公司组成,并且每年仅略有变化。 Wooster Brush确定的趋势是外国竞争进入小型滚轮市场。由于使用迷你辊进行细节涂装工作的有效性,这些小型辊的市场正在增长。随着这种情况的发生,一些制造商正在从中国和其他海外来源进口小型压路机.Wooster Brush被迫与这些低价进口产品竞争。

消费者使用和态度。商店访谈和个人观察计划使得Wooster Brush管理层能够确定迷你滚筒正在获得市场份额,并且越来越多地侵蚀了画笔的使用。消费者代表了大部分单位销售;然而,他们倾向于购买油漆和五金店中可用和推荐的产品,这些商店通常展示和推荐专业承包商使用的产品。通过定量和定性研究,Wooster Brush了解到油漆承包商普遍认为Jumbo-Koter是与目前市场上可用的迷你辊相比有显着改进。

规划假设。在推出Jumbo-Koter之前,Wooster Brush的管理层对实施结果做出了一系列假设。以下是Wooster Brush Company制定的主要规划假设清单:

油漆和五金店通常会接受Jumbo -Koter的分销,因为这些零售商在以前的Wooster Brush新产品中取得了成功。







主要战略营销目标。基于上述规划假设,Wooster Brush的管理层为Jumbo-Koter企业设立了一系列特定的关键战略营销目标。以下是Wooster Brush Company管理层制定的关键战略营销目标:






为了克服零售商和客户的潜在反对意见,Jumbo -Koter封面在滚筒末端没有织物覆盖物。


品牌。新的迷你滚轮系统以整体品牌Wooster Jumbo-Koter推出。这个名字出现在所有包装和展示标题上。此外,还有七个名称用于区分不同类型的封面:Super Fab TM,Pro Doo-Z TM,Mohair Blend TM,50/50 TM,Super Twist TM,Painter “s Choice TM和Pro Foam TM。整体品牌战略是利用当前Wooster Brush图像的强大功能。

生产线。 Jumbo-Koter是由24种不同的迷你滚轮和两种不同的框架组成的综合系列。短柄框架有一个14英寸的手柄,长柄框架有一个261/2英寸的手柄。这两种都是笼式框架,比传统的线框架好得多。短柄框架和长柄框架都有一个4英寸的臂,即使有41/2和61 / 2-英寸的滚轮盖。所有61 / 2-英寸滚轮盖的末端都有一个独特的按钮插入框架,使框架可以与41 / 2-和61 / 2-英寸滚轮盖一起使用。用于滚筒盖的织物各不相同,并根据品牌名称,绒毛和宽度进行区分。大多数封面每包装两个,但有些封面每包装六个。

定价策略。 Jumbo-Koter产品系列针对生产线中的每种不同产品设置了不同的价格点。定价策略是达到低价进口竞争的价格点。管理层认为,如果Jumbo-Koter的价格低于低价进口商品的几美分,那么它将具有优势。 Jumbo-Koter迷你压路机的推出价格低于国内产品,包括其他Wooster Brush迷你压路机。该计划启动后,整条生产线提供了10%的入门许可。

销售和分销方法。 Wooster Brush Company通过全国分销商和采购团队网络销售其产品。它有一些直接的帐户;例如,Lowes和Home Depot是直接账户。 Jumbo-Koter将由Wooster Brush Company的销售人员和服务人员网络销售给全国分销商。

广告文案策略。 Jumbo-Koter广告的目的是向油漆和五金商店传达一种新的改进型迷你滚筒即将上市,而这种迷你滚筒只能从Wooster Brush Company获得。 Wooster使用的贸易广告充分利用了Wooster Brush Company名称的良好声誉。这些广告强调这些新的迷你滚筒平滑地滚动,并且需要更少的油漆桶行程,因为它们保持更多油漆并且不会停止滚动。最终结果是画家的成本降低了。广告媒体策略。 Jumbo-Koter的广告设计用于贸易出版物,如Do-It-Yourself零售和其他针对油漆和五金店的杂志。 Jumbo-Koter没有消费者广告。在产品发布时,这些杂志上放了一页和两页的点差。


宣传。公共关系也被用来介绍Jumbo -Koter。在放置印刷广告之前,已向所有主要贸易出版物发送了新闻稿.Wooster Brush Company管理层预计此新闻稿将产生大量文章,因为Wooster Brush是所有这些杂志的常规广告商。新闻稿介绍了Jumbo-Koter作为Wooster Brush公司的新产品,其中包括广告副本的主要内容。

店内商品推销。有人认为,成功将Jumbo-Koter产品线整合到零售店的关键是店内展示计划。这个项目的基石是一个两英尺的独立商品,包括完整的Jumbo-Koter产品系列。 Wooster Brush可以将机架免费提供给零售商。显示器中包含了一条消费者的文献。

时间表。在Wooster Brush按下按钮进行重大开发后,需要十八个月才能完成。还需要三个月才能达到最初状态


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Innovation Is a Good Way to Maintain Market Presence

The Jumbo-Koter venture is a good example of the development of a successful new product by solving a consumer problem. The Wooster Brush Company identified the difficulty that painters were having because their mini-rollers were sticking after a few uses. The new Jumbo-Koter mini-rollers solved that problem by using a smooth-turning cage frame. Wooster Brush further improved these mini- rollers by using high-quality fabrics from its highly successful nine- inch rollers. Finally, by not extending fabric over the end of the new mini- rollers, Jumbo -Koter enabled the painter to get into tighter spaces than with traditional mini-rollers. This also prevented paint from spinning off onto another surface.

One lesson to be learned from the Jumbo-Koter program is that innovation s a good way for a company to maintain its presence in the marketplace. The Wooster Brush Company has made a notable effort to continue to innovate, developing truly beneficial products in a very stodgy, old- fashioned business for many years. The Jumbo-Koter product line is a good example of this. This continuous innovation has enabled the company to compete successfully without participating in industry price wars. At the time of this writing, the Wooster Brush Company was in the process of developing additional new products to meet the paint application needs of its customers.

Summary Marketing Plan for: Wooster Jumbo-Koter TM Wooster Brush Company


BACKGROUND. Many painters have problems with their mini- rollers. Because these rollers are smaller than traditional rollers, they are great for getting paint into tight places and corners. On the other hand, the small size of the roller sometimes causes it to stick after a certain number of uses. Painters often become frustrated when they have to drag a stuck mini-roller down a wall. This consumer problem led to a whole new product line called the Jumbo-Koter, and to a marketing plan that effectively leveraged the strengths of the Wooster Brush Company.

MARKET REVIEW. The paint applicator industry is made up of a relatively small number of companies, and it changes only slightly from year to year. A trend identified by Wooster Brush was



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