
 2023-01-11 09:01


第三章 行业发展和前景

原文作者:Paul Wilson

3.1 走进电子商务

网络技术和电子商务正在迅速发展。为农产品行业开发的应用程序会在下面的第五章中细述。基于开发方法的个人网站分类让我们看到了它的趋势发展、潜在影响和前景。IDC(2000)和FOL Networks (2000)根据在其发展中的主要驱动力确定了三种类型:




电子市场预计将成为在电子商务中的主导力量,这就解释了与2000年的7.5% (IDC 2000)相比,2004年由企业与企业间的交易(B2B)产生了56%的价值的原因。电子市场的优点是能线下行为可以复制到线上。这是通过提供同时满足目标买家和卖家的需求而定制的一系列应用程序来实现的。

电子市场的例子包括了由FOL Networks经营的英国领先的B2B网站http://www.farmline.com/folclub/fol.asp,为了农业产业所有的部门,最近美国嘉吉公司首创了http://www.Rooster.comhttp://www.farms.com ,这是一个拥有众多拍卖、信息和服务的综合网站。

另一个趋势显示电子商务在供应信息。与传统的销售流程相比, 每个网站都提供了大量的信息。一种解释可能是,互联网作为交易媒介本身是不够有吸引力的。因为客户可能需要冒更大的险,不像在商店里可以直接接触到产品。此外,由于买家浏览快速和选择的多样性,网站必须能迅速抓住他们的注意力。也许更多的互动媒体的发展将使电子商务更有吸引力。

3.2 农业:B2B还是B2C?


在所有行业中,全球B2B电子商务的价值在2000年达到3567亿美元,这代表着大约60%的全球电子商务(Goldman Sachs 2000)。在未来,B2B预计将代表近80%的全球电子商务(Franck 2000)。



然而,正如许多观点和趋势表明,电子商务应用到农业产业就出现了问题。如果我们看到电子商务在农业上是如何发展的,就知道“农场企业”和“上游和下游企业” 之间似乎存在明显差异:




3.3 农业电子商务的潜在的优势是什么?









进一步集成可能会同时导致线上和线下的拍卖市场的衰落。一个拥有在线数据的集成系统将允许农民通过直接进入买方数据库下载关于农作物说明书的数据 (例如农药的应用程序)。这可能有利于所有玩家。生产商将会赢利,通过拥有一个安全的市场,数量有保障的买家,信息供应和质量控制改进后得到的消费者。


一个更综合的在线市场将让农民受益。例如, 当发生出售或购买时减少了运输成本,以及逛市场的劳动力成本仅限于在线时间,而不是每周固定地访问一个市场或农场商店。然而,可能衰退的传统拍卖市场,以及买家和加工工厂的集中化可能不利于在边远地区的生产商,因为他们要支付相对更多的运输成本。一些网站提供了运输距离计算器,允许交易员在价格,质量和运输成本中达成平衡。


在线获取产品和价格信息将允许比较产品和增加价格透明度。由于竞争的加剧,由地理位置产生的价格差异产生也可能减少。这可能有利于农民的投入价格,但可能减少他们产品的价格。尤其真实的是,许多现有的产品不存在差异和定期地需要,以及十分依赖供应商善于选择产品。然而,在集中化行业中,比如化肥行业 ,电子中介商可能会有很少或根本没有机会,不像其他行业那样有更多的竞争。


可能有机会进一步发展合作商的概念。从农民角度,电子合作商可以帮助小企业增加关键的顾客。例如Lavouras(2000年)表明,种植者集团通过电子市场购买化学制品可以节省30% 以上,买家与XSAg.com的订单节省了25 - 50%。另外向集团购买可以节省运费成本。


网络营销还为更有效地分配资源提供机会,。例如,供应商可以实时跟踪销售,下至农场的业务水平,为把库存水平限制在当前水平的50%提供了机会(Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 1999)。过量库存可以被拍卖来加快清算,释放库存资本。







预测表明到2001年,在25000个电子商务网站中,将有1000至1500个网站要运营粮食和农业(Agra Europe 2000)。

在美国,大约有90000农民注册了www.Farmbid.com,并且有10%的国际流量。 另一个美国的例子是,www.XSAg.com在第一年就签署了10000农民。关于XSAg.com的研究显示,75%的美国农民通过使用互联网带来大于250000美元的收入。另一个发表在Farm Progress上关于www.AgEx.com的调查显示,大多数使用网络的美国农民是年轻的,只有大约三分之一的农民在网上时只看农业网站。该研究还报告说,农民一个星期平均花5小时上网,周三夜晚是首选的上网时间。农民上网的黄金时间是在7和8点之间。

在欧洲“FOL Agriculture”,一个致力于农业部门的英国网站的已注册用户中有近18000名的农民(http://www.farmline.com/)。平均60 - 70%的成员至少每天访问一次站点,在系统上平均至少花费7 - 8分钟。此外,95%留在FOL 门户网站(个人通信)。FOL一个月有平均超过150万的页面下载量。另一个类似的网站“@griculture Online”每月有300万的页面浏览量(Irish Farming Online 2000)。

虽然上述表明关于农业在互联网上的使用知识越来越多,这并不能保证其用于商业目的。除了上网,开发个人业务应用程序跟教育程度有关。据预期在未来十年里,至少50%的爱尔兰农民将使用计算机作为一种业务工具 (Irish farming Online 2000)。

据估计到2005年,欧盟贸易总额将达到19.06万亿美元,占全球贸易的三分之一(Goldman Sachs 2000),同时在2005年,欧盟的电子商务收入将有2527美元。这些预测是基于观察美国的增长趋势。它假设了到2005年,欧洲将经历一个类似的增长率,电子商务将占到农业、林业和渔业贸易的14%。



European Commission, Directorate General Agriculture.(2000)


An overview of developments and prospects for e-commerce in the agricultural sector


3.1. Approach to e-Commerce

Internet technology and e-Commerce is developing rapidly. The range of applications developed for the agri-food sector, includes applications in the market place as well as information resources which are reviewed in section 5.0 below. Categorising individual sites based on development approaches provides an insight into trends in development, potential impacts and prospects. IDC (2000) and FOL Networks (2000) identify three categories based on the primary drivers in their development:

(1)E-Marketplaces/Neutral e-Hub – are neutral to buyers and sellers, seeking to innovate in the core internet technology taking into account the interests of both buyers (characteristics and needs) and sellers(margin requirements);

(2)E-Distribution sites/Distributor model - designed to serve sellers by removing and replacing existing distribution chain. Must ensure current sales are not alienated and ensure large producers are not creamed off leaving other channels to pick up the smaller and more expensive orders.

(3) E-Procurement sites/Aggregation model - designed to serve the buyers by aggregating online buyers and using volume to force prices down - unattractive to distributors due to price transparency which could potentially erode margins below savings achieved by cheaper sales channel.

e-Marketplaces are expected to emerge as a dominant force in e-commerce, accounting for 56% of the value of all Business to Business(B2B)transactions by 2004, compared to 7.5% in 2000 (IDC 2000). The advantage of an e-Marketplace is their ability to replicate offline behaviour online. This is achieved by offering a range of applications tailored to meet the needs of both target buyers and sellers.

Examples of e-Marketplaces include the UKrsquo;s leading B2B site run by FOL Networks http://www.farmline.com/folclub/fol.asp, for all sectors of the agricultural industry, a recent initiative by Cargill http://www.Rooster.com/ and http://www.farms.com/, which is a comprehensive site with numerous auctions, information and services.

Another trend observed in e-commerce is in the supply of information. In contrast to traditional sales processes, a vast amount of information is provided on each site. One explanation for this could be that the Internet as a medium for trading is not sufficiently attractive in itself. An incentive may be required for customers to venture further, unlike a shop where products are all around you. In addition, due to the speed of viewing and options available, a buyerrsquo;s attention must be caught quickly. Perhaps the evolution of more interactive media will make e-Commerce more attractive.

3.2 Agriculture:B2B or B2C?

The term “Business to Business” (B2B) implies similarities or equal partners in trade. By contrast “Business to Consumer” (B2C) suggests a difference between the two parties. This raises questions for agriculture because traditionally farmers have never been equal trading partners with either the upstream input suppliers or with the downstream retailers and distributors.

Across all industries, global B2B e-Commerce is valued at US$356.7 billion in 2000, which represent around 60% of global e-Commerce (Goldman Sachs 2000).B2B is expected to represent close to 80% of global e-Commerce in the future (Franck 2000).

The contrast in the development of B2B e-Commerce as compared to B2C may be linked to the ease and cost effectiveness with which offline B2B processes can be replicated online compared to more complex B2C processes.

Another trend is the current domination of B2B developments by large and medium sized firms. According to www.emarketer.com although 98% of medium and large businesses will be online by the end of 2002, 82% of small businesses will also be online.

However, as with many concepts and trends, application to the agricultural industry raises questions. If we look at how e-commerce is evolving in agriculture there appears to be a distinct difference between “Farm Businesses” and “Up and Down Stream Businesses”:

bull; “Farm Businesses” – limited web presence - restricted to direct trade with final customer often in niche markets and not to retailers or processors.

bull; “Up and Down Stream Businesses” – significant developments - sites for buying or selling with a large number of individual businesses, farmers or customers.

Classical Farm businesses do not appear to have either the capacity (capital, labour, and expertise) or the necessity (output) to set up and maintain sites at the same level as for Up and Down Stream Businesses. Businesses upstream and downstream of the Farm Business are generally more consolidated and are more likely to have the capacity and necessity to set up and maintain a site. In essence, farmers cannot replicate offline behavior online. In this respect it is perhaps more realistic to classify farmers as consumers in the context of e-Commerce.

3.3 Potential benefits of agriculture online?

bull; E-Commerce may offer solutions for a large and fragmented market.

The agricultural market is large (euro;213 billion),fragmented(~7.0 million farm holdings, 10rsquo;s of suppliers, 100rsquo;s distributors, 1000rsquo;s of dealers) and spatially dispersed. E-Commerce may offer solutions by integrating individual actors to improve organisational structures. Many aspects of business, even at the farm level, may be managed through the Internet.

bull; The Internet may improve market reach with limited investment.

Internet technology provides the opportunity (with limited infrastructure investment) to link individual actors in the food production chain together irrespective of geographic location. This has the potential to im



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