
 2023-01-11 09:01


SNS are used for promoting social relationships and reflect many of the complicated interpersonal relationship in the society. More specifically, they are designed to facilitate communication, collaboration, and content sharing across networks of people, who can then share ideas, interests, activities, and events through their individual networks on a platform or web site.The emergence of SNS have changed how people use and engage in the internet.

SNS, such as Facebook and Myspace encourage both amateur and professional developers around the world to create multipurpose applications for social interaction through an open platform. Since the launch of the Facebook Developer Platform in 2007, Facebook has experienced rapid growth,from relatively few to innumerable applications. For example, it accrued more than 35,000 applications on its platform in July 2008. The growth of applications has also led to even higher traffic on the corresponding social networks. Nazir et al. (2008) believe it is important to characterize such social network-based applications as an emerging type of workload.

The developer platform provides an excellent stage for the successful launch of many original and interesting games from the entire world. As a result, the utility rate of Facebook has increased substantially, attracting larger customer segments through the games that are available on its platform. The Facebook platform is currently the most popular place for SNS games, and it is not surprising that Facebook continues to create new modes for increasing friendship through SNS games. According to statistics, the number of Facebook users increased by 100,000 because of Facebook games (Lai, 2009). The rapid increase in the popularity of Facebook games has led online games in a new direction and this merits exploration through research.

Because this type of game is very popular on the Facebook platform, we have focused on these games in our study and refer to them, hereafter, as “Facebook games”. This type of game is particularly simple, fun, and addictive, and does not require continuous online presence or too much thinking. SNS games are simpler to play than other games and, therefore, attract more players that are non-professional. There is a strong demand for these games in the worldwide market and they generate enthusiastic responses from fans. The great mass fervour for SNS games has sparked researchersrsquo; interests in comprehending the style, unique characteristics, and appeal of this type of game. Therefore, a study of the unique characteristics of SNS games andtheir contribution to social integration through the internet is of great importance to the field of internet research.

We argue that a critical reason for the surge in popularity and availability of SNS games is that they are particularly attractive to players because of particularelements, which we have named “appeal factors” in the study. “Appeal” can range from an abstract idea, such as “instant”, to a specific element, such as “instant downloading”. These definitions refer to human preferences and this research studies

the constituents of the various appeal factors. Compared to the content of MMORPGs, Facebook games have become slimmer and simpler but their appeal has increased. We hypothesise that they possess special characteristics that other types of gamesdo not have. We also believe that these characteristics have a strong relationship with human perception, cognition, and affection, and that these attributes affect human preferences.

Therefore, we have focused our study of SNS games on their appeal to users. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted as ways to explore this issue. To make a qualitative assessment, we collected data from authoritative articles, analysed games by ourselves, and interviewed experienced game designers. For the quantitativeassessment, we conducted a survey using a questionnaire and analysed the resulting data statistically.

Functionality and usability are two of the most important issues for computer

systems. Foley and Van Dam (1982) concluded that usability was atleast as important as functionality. Furthermore, the relationship between functionality and usability is both close and inseparable. Hence, researchers have explored how usability acts on functionality and affects the effectiveness of a system. Research shows that instead of limiting functionality, usability actually complements functionality (Goodwin, 1987). Thus, our study employs the perspectives of both usability and functionality to probe the appeal of SNS games.

Generally speaking, the interactions of game play and the software itself are the most critical issues in the study of computer software for games. In this study, users play SNS games by using an interface produced by software that actualises the human-computer interaction as a “continuous exchange between players and the game software”. A critical element of a game is the type of continuous exchange, such as a high number of “input-output-loops” (Klimmt and Hartmann, 2006). This means that while the players manipulate the game environment, gaming software interacts with them according to their actions.

Appeal of Facebook SNS games

From the aspect of the software itself, SNS games are uniquely different from other common computer games. Unlike common video games, SNS games have to be run on computers through the internet. Players can play these games anywhere they want, as long as the internet is available. Compared to MMORPGs, players of SNS games do not have to concentrate on the games continuously or for a long period of time and can just play when they have free time.

Furthermore, the methods of interaction and their appeal to players is a critical element that contributes to the growing use of SNS games. In order to cater to the needs of the SNS game population a



Kuo-Hsiang Chen,Kai-Shuan Shen,Min-Yuan Ma

摘要:本研究的目的是通过互联网的视角探索游戏的易用性和功能性,来研究社交网络服务(SNS)游戏的吸引力。为什么玩家喜欢SNS游戏等各类游戏,有什么具体特点使他们沉迷于连续的游戏将被探测的两个关键问题。 笔者采访了11位专家和调查的321玩家使用问卷调查,以收集有关自己的喜好的数据。笔者认为,基于的偏好的研究可以揭示的根本原因的SNS游戏的吸引力。利用数量化理论I型对所收集的数据进行分析。分析显示,SNS游戏具有吸引力原因是游戏玩家的喜好,以及SNS游戏的具体特点的类型之间的关系。根据统计分析,SNS游戏的三个最重要的吸引力的因素是“简单方便”,“友好活泼”和“社会交往”,而这些都影响到了特定的原因和特点不同程度。根据研究结果,本文hypothesises是Facebook的SNS游戏的普及原因,这些可以归因于游戏的设计,它的目标是符合玩家的心理偏好。SNS游戏已经成为非常流行,由于他们的一些吸引人的特点。这一发现为Facebook的SNS游戏设计师和研究人员的重要信息。这项研究还有助于在网络空间的人机交互领域。

关键词:SNS游戏;Facebook游戏; 感性工学;网格评价法;数量化理论I型;社会化媒

SNS用于促进社会关系,反映了许多社会复杂的人际关系。更具体地讲,他们的目的是促进沟通,协作,和个人信息的网络分享,谁可以通过他们的个人网络上的一个平台或网站上分享观点、兴趣、活动和事件,谁就实现了网络内容的共享。 SNS的出现改变了人们如何使用互联网和如何参与互联网的方式。

社交网站中,比如Facebook和Myspace鼓励世界各地的业余爱好者和专业开发人员创建多功能应用程序,希望可以通过一个开放的社会互动平台进行互动。因为Facebook开发者平台的推出,2007年,Facebook已经经历了快速增长,从无数的应用程序到相对较少的应用程序。例如,应计在其平​​台上超过35000的应用程序在2008年7月申请的增长也导致产生了更高流量的相应社会化网络。这样的社会化网络是基础应用工作负载网络的一个新兴类型。该开发者平台提供了从整个世界成功推出了许多原有的和有趣的游戏一个很好的舞台。其结果是,在实用率上Facebook的大幅增加,通过提供其平台上的游戏吸引更大的客户群。 Facebook平台是目前SNS游戏最流行的地方,这并不奇怪,Facebook的继续创建通过SNS游戏增进友谊的新模式。据统计,Facebook用户数量增加10万,全是因为Facebook游戏而增加的。在Facebook上游戏的受欢迎程度迅速增加,导致网游在一个新的方向发展,这是值得研究探索的。因为这种类型的游戏在Facebook平台上非常流行,我们把重点放在这些游戏上,并在我们的研究中引用它们,以下简称为“Facebook游戏”。这种类型的游戏是特别简单,有趣,令人上瘾,并且不需要连续在线或存在过多的思考。 SNS游戏是简单的比其他游戏玩,因此,吸引更多的玩家是不专业的。因为这些游戏在全球市场的强烈需求,他们产生热烈的反响。本热潮的SNS游戏已经引起了研究人员的兴趣在理解这类游戏的风格,独特的特点和吸引力。因此,SNS的游戏独有的特色进行研究,他们通过互联网向社会融合的贡献是非常重要的互联网研究领域。

我们认为,一个重要的原因,在普及和可用性激增。SNS是对玩家特定的一种游戏,因此对于玩家特别有吸引力。这就是我们在命名研究的“吸引因素”。 “上诉”的范围可以从一个抽象的概念,例如“即时”,以一个特定的元素,如“即时下载”。这些定义是指人的喜好和这项研究的研究。








在这项研究中,我们表明,游戏是一种实现社会的互动,而且这种社会互动往往是游戏的目的(目标)。社会互动可以由游戏的可用性的特性来促进。在网络空间的社会互动与用户互动参与在同一个网络社区,并且起源与同一个在线网络社区,通过与周探讨人在网络空间这一社会行为来得到相关的结果。周的研究结果表明,无论是社会认同和群体规范在用户参与的过程中有显著的影响。在网络空间游戏​​的可用性是用户参与在线社区的另外一个动机。因此,网络游戏的社会影响有很多,如引起社会互动博彩相关的犯罪,也是目前正在研究。特别是,Chen等人(2005)提供的信息和意见的人谁是深切关注犯罪在线游戏的问题。瓦尔特(1996)提出的关键成分人际交往,包括那些因为通信信道更贴心,更激烈,更突出互动。这些互动值得进一步研究。在SNS游戏中,玩家可以找到现实生活中熟悉的朋友,或者至少那些谁知道对方的个人配置文件,他们可以邀请他们加入在游戏中可以通过Facebook或其他社交网络平台。这往往反映在现实生活中的社交互动。 SNS游戏居然可以影响社会互动的模式民。此外,社会支持影响功能和社会关系,比如帮助(施瓦泽和诺尔,2007)的感知的可用性质量。社会支持,可以通过从SNS游戏的反馈来确定。例如,快乐的“普及台湾农场“是由于寻求娱乐和与朋友在现代社会互动的诱惑,通过谁可能有孤独感的意识在他们忙碌的生活的人。

外文文献出处: Internet Research, 2012, Vol.22 (4), pp.467-481



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