
 2023-01-03 11:01


原文作者:Cristel A. Russell 单位:亚利桑那大学

摘要:本文通过参考理论框架的发展情况,介绍研究产品如何进行植入的研究信息。 另外,本文还提出了关于营销人员每年在电影产业中产品植入所花费的金额详情、广告植入的好处以及植入的有效性。


每个人都会记得在电影“E.T.”中看到Reeses Pieces糖果和其他很多品牌。Seinfeld最喜爱的谷类品牌在NBC电视节目中是众所周知的,这些只是电影或电视节目中众多品牌产品中的一小部分。这种广告植入需要支付给制造商一定的费用,以便将他们的产品作为电视和电影背景。 消费者营销者每年仅在电影行业的广告植入中花费约5000万美元(Elliott 1997)。



  1. 广告植入:信息处理的角度






从信息处理的角度来看,三种植入类型的信息处理不同。感知编码是指“参与某些刺激的个体解释该刺激的过程”(Bettman, 1979)。 Paivio(1971)在研究传入刺激信息如何在生物体内转化和阐述时,区分了这些成像和口头编码过程。当分析与每个代码相关的识别存储器和存储器存储时,他将图像识别为“并行处理系统”,而言语过程被假定专门用于“串行处理”。因此,视觉图像和语言单位涉及不同的存储器代码。

编码冗余假说指出,“存储器随着一个项目可用的替代存储器代码的数量增加”,这对产品植入具有明显的影响。由于视觉和音频激活了不同的处理代码,因此屏幕和台词的不同组合在效果和品牌回忆方面存在差异(Paivio ,1971)。

  1. 理论命题


Paivio研究显示,当不能同时获得时,视觉优于言语(1971)。 Paivio假设言语媒介中的信息比图像媒介中的信息更难保留,因为后者更容易获得。这一发现意味着屏幕植入在其助记能力和解码准确性方面更有价值。然而,根据社会学习范式“大多数调节行为的认知过程主要是口头而不是视觉”(班杜拉,1971)。这些差异表明产品的植入效果可能因人而异。在接下来的章节中,我们将介绍如何处理风格,以调节产品的植入效率。



用转换条款评估广告植入的有效性。Wells(1980)首次提出了转型广告的概念,作为了解广告如何运作的框架。转型广告涉及“消费广告品牌的经验和独特的心理特征”。因此,通过将广告的体验与使用该品牌的体验相结合,使使用品牌拥有更丰富和更愉快的体验(Puto and Wells ,1984)。

在传统广告和广告植入之间进行平行比较,使我们能够确定一个成功的广告植入,将品牌的使用体验转变为与电影/电视节目中展示的品牌相匹配的体验。为了证明产品定位是一种转型经验,对转型概念的四个维度分别对其主机环境(电视和电影)进行了分析:1-个人关联,2-体验/共情,3-信息,4-执行(Puto ,1986)。






  1. 产品植入的非意识性





这个命题是指观众没有必要回忆产品的特定曝光以进行转换,这与转换性广告概念(Puto, 1986)严格平行,并强调需要重复暴露来刺激。

经典的条件反应强调刺激条件的情绪诱发特性(Staats, 1996)。例如,Staats证明,与人相配的正面词如美、诚实、聪明、富有等会增加与该人相关的积极程度。相反,如果与刺激相关的情绪是负面的,则强化可以沿着另一方向进行并产生负面情感转移。

在传统名人赞同的广告中,焦点主要集中在名人对观众情感/感情状态的影响(Petty and Cacioppo 1981,Allen and Madden 1985)。因此,我们可以预见情感调节驱动大部分产品植入过程。Gorn的研究结果表明,产品喜好可以通过单独接触吸引人的或无吸引力的音乐来调节(1982)。这一发现支持了Zajonc的观点,即影响不需要广泛的认知处理(Zajonc and Markus ,1982)。由此,我们可以推断,与产品植入有关的条件反应的性质是最有意义的。尽管这不是本文的目的,但我们也认识到,如果情感与产品的关联性强,则这种情感转移是双向的,因为它也可能从产品出现在屏幕上。


因此,对产品的条件反应的本质是情感而不是认知。这个命题表明,将产品植入在引发积极/消极情绪反应的节目中会转化为对产品的类似情绪反应。很显然,这种观察提出了一个消极配对关联的问题,例如产品被置于不讨人喜欢或贬低的情况下。许多从业人员认为这是该技术固有的风险(Shermach,1995),也是广告商对其产品使用缺乏控制的合理后果(Hulin-Salkin 1989,Mitchell 1996)。同样,如果放在节目中的产品的内容是负面的,或者是有道德的,那么正面的情感转移可能不会像预期的那样发生。古塔和古尔德(Gutpa and Gould,1997)指出,消费者可能会疏远这些产品,从而取消任何积极强化的机会,并随后出现积极的转变。


在这种情况下,对产品的反应的性质是认知的而不是情感。建模范式在概念上与替代学习相联系(Nord和Peter, 1980)。它假定观察性学习是通过加强模仿行为而发生的(班杜拉,1971)。几乎任何行为都可以通过精心策划的社会强化来获得、维持或消除(Zajonc, 1966)。社会学习理论假定建模影响主要通过其“模拟事件的象征性表示,而不是特定的刺激 - 反应关联”来运作(班杜拉,1971)。例如,仅仅观察模型表现的行为和态度有助于社会学习过程。广告通过描述产品使用的积极效果,对这一理论进行了深入的使用(Nord和Peter 1980)。

  1. 结论和建议


外文文献出处:Advances in Consumer Research;1998, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p357

Toward a Framework of Product Placement: Theoretical Propositions

Cristel A. Russell, University of Arizona

ABSTRACT:Presents information on a study which examined how product placement works, with reference to the development of a theoretical framework. Details on the amount of money spent annually by consumer marketers in product placements in the movie industry; Benefits of advertising; Effectiveness of a placement.

Everyone remembers seeing Reesersquo;s Pieces candies in the movie 'E.T.' and Audrey Hepburnrsquo;s Givenchy apparel in 'Breakfast at Tiffanys.' Seinfeldrsquo;s favorite cereal brands are well known to all regular viewers of his NBC television show. These are just a few of the multitude of branded products that appear in movies or television programs. This practice of product placement usually involves a fee that manufacturers pay to have their products included as background on television and movies. Consumer marketers spend an estimated $50 million annually in product placements in the movie industry alone (Elliott 1997).

Even though its effectiv


Toward a Framework of Product Placement: Theoretical Propositions

Cristel A. Russell, University of Arizona

ABSTRACT:Presents information on a study which examined how product placement works, with reference to the development of a theoretical framework. Details on the amount of money spent annually by consumer marketers in product placements in the movie industry; Benefits of advertising; Effectiveness of a placement.

Everyone remembers seeing Reesersquo;s Pieces candies in the movie 'E.T.' and Audrey Hepburnrsquo;s Givenchy apparel in 'Breakfast at Tiffanys.' Seinfeldrsquo;s favorite cereal brands are well known to all regular viewers of his NBC television show. These are just a few of the multitude of branded products that appear in movies or television programs. This practice of product placement usually involves a fee that manufacturers pay to have their products included as background on television and movies. Consumer marketers spend an estimated $50 million annually in product placements in the movie industry alone (Elliott 1997).

Even though its effectiveness as an advertising tool appears accepted among practitioners, product placement has not generated much research interest in the marketing discipline. Previous studies of product placement have focused on brand recall or recognition (Steortz 1987, Babin and Carder 1996) or attitudes towards product placement (Gutpa and Gould 1997). Moreover, there is no apparent theoretical framework which describes this phenomenon. The objective of this paper is to present theoretical support for a framework for how product placement works. The articulation of the theoretical framework is best summarized in terms similar to McCrackenrsquo;s meaning transfer model (1988). As depicted in Figure 1, we posit an adapted meaning transfer model in which the product meaning associated with a popular television show or movie is ultimatey transferred to the individual viewer.

We first differentiate between types of placement and posit a three dimensional framework based on the information modalities of the placements. We then incorporate transformation as a means for assessing the effectiveness of a placement. Finally, we examine the nature of the show-product linkage in terms of learning theory, and the strength of the show-individual linkage in terms of behavioral modeling.


A Three-Dimensional Framework of Product Placement

Previous research on product placement has mostly been limited to measuring brand recall to assess effectiveness. One of the few empirical studies on product placement indicated that viewers were able to recognize brands placed within a film (Babin and Carder 1996). However, the study only dealt with one form of product placement: the visual appearance of the brand on the screen. We posit three types of product placement which are categorized according to their modality and relevance. For audio-visual media, such as television and cinema, we first differentiate between the forms of product placement based on their different information modalities (cf. Bettman 1979).

A brief examination of TV shows and movies reveals that placement types vary along two main dimensions: visual and verbal or auditory. A purely visual type of placement involves placing the brand in the background of a show in one of two ways: either through creative placement, which insinuates the brand into the film, such as with outdoor advertisements in street scenes; or through on-set placement, which positions the product on the film set itself, such as food brands placed in kitchen scenes. In the remainder of this paper, this is referred to as screen placement. Screen placement can have different degrees, depending on the number of appearances on the screen, the style of camera shot on the product, and so on.

The second dimension is auditory or verbal. This type of placement refers to the brand being mentioned in a dialogue. There are also varying degrees of audio placement, depending on the context in which the product is mentioned, the frequency with which it is mentioned, and the emphasis placed on the product name (tone of the voice, place in the dialogue, character speaking at the time, etc.). This purely verbal type we label script placement.

In some cases, the product becomes part of the plot, taking a major place in the story line or building the persona of a character. This type of placement, which we call plot placement, constitutes the third dimension of our framework. It consists of any combination of visual and verbal components and can be conceived as the degree of connection between the product and the plot. A mere mention of the brand combined with a brief appearance of the product on the screen is considered low intensity. However, in cases where the actor is clearly identified with the brand, e.g. James Bond with his Aston Martin, then BMW Z3, or where the brand becomes a central part of the plot, e.g. Kenny Rogersrsquo; Roasted Chicken episode in 'Seinfeld,' such cases constitute high intensity plot placement.

Figure 2 graphically illustrates this three-dimensional framework, composed of screen placement (visual component), script placement (audio component), and plot placement (connection to the plot).

We now describe the theoretical premises underlying expected differences in effectiveness for each of these three types of product placement.

Different Processing Codes for Different Types of Placement

From an informationprocessing perspective, script, screen, and plot placements differ in the types of processing they require. Perceptual encoding refers to the 'process by which the individual, having attended to some stimulus, interprets that stimulus' (Bettman 1979, p. 25). In his study of how incoming stimulus information is transformed and elaborated within the organism, Paivio (1971) distinguished be



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