
 2022-08-07 03:08

Chapter 7. Designing the Architecture

with Felix Bachmann

We have observed two traits common to virtually all of the successful object-oriented systems we have encountered, and noticeably absent from the ones that we count as failures: the existence of a strong architectural vision and the application of a well-managed iterative and incremental development cycle.

—Grady Booch [Stikeleather 96]

Up to this point, we have laid the foundations for creating an architecture by presenting a broad set of basic concepts and principles, principally the business aspects of architecture (Chapter 1), architectural views and structures (Chapter 2), quality attributes (Chapter 4), and architectural tactics and patterns for achieving them (Chapter 5). Chapters 3 and 6 presented case studies to cement the concepts presented so far.

We now turn our attention to the design of an architecture and what you can do as it starts to come into being. This chapter will cover four topics:

Architecture in the life cycle
Designing the architecture
Forming the team structure and its relationship to the architecture Creating a skeletal system

Creating a skeletal system

7.1 Architecture in the Life Cycle

Any organization that embraces architecture as a foundation for its software development processes needs to understand its place in the life cycle. Several life-cycle models exist in the literature, but one that puts architecture squarely in the middle of things is the Evolutionary Delivery Life Cycle model shown in Figure 7.1. The intent of this model is to get user and customer feedback and iterate through several releases before the final release. The model also allows the adding of functionality with each iteration and the delivery of a limited version once a sufficient set of features has been developed. (For more about this life-cycle model, see For Further Reading.)


The life-cycle model shows the design of the architecture as iterating with preliminary requirements analysis. Clearly, you cannot begin the design until you have some idea of the system requirements. On the other hand, it does not take many requirements in order for design to begin.

An architecture is 'shaped' by some collection of functional, quality, and business requirements. We call these shaping requirements architectural drivers and we see examples of them in our case studies. The architecture of the A-7E discussed inChapter 3 is shaped by its modifiability and performance requirements. The architecture for the air traffic control system discussed inChapter 6 is shaped by its availability requirements. In the flight simulator software presented in Chapter 8, we will see an architecture shaped by performance and modifiability requirements. And so on.

To determine the architectural drivers, identify the highest priority business goals. There should be relatively few of these. Turn these business goals into quality scenarios or use cases. From this list, choose the ones that will have the most impact on the architecture. These are the architectural drivers, and there should be fewer than ten. The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method of Chapter 11 uses a utility tree to help turn the business drivers into quality scenarios.

Once the architectural drivers are known, the architectural design can begin. The requirements analysis process will then be influenced by the questions generated during architectural design—one of the reverse-direction arrows shown in Figure 7.1.

7.2 Designing the Architecture

In this section we describe a method for designing an architecture to satisfy both quality requirements and functional requirements. We call this method Attribute-Driven Design (ADD). ADD takes as input a set of quality attribute scenarios and employs knowledge about the relation between quality attribute achievement and architecture in order to design the architecture. The ADD method can be viewed as an extension to most other development methods, such as the Rational Unified Process. The Rational Unified Process has several steps that result in the high-level design of an architecture but then proceeds to detailed design and implementation. Incorporating ADD into it involves modifying the steps dealing with the high-level design of the architecture and then following the process as described by Rational.


ADD is an approach to defining a software architecture that bases the decomposition process on the quality attributes the software has to fulfill. It is a recursive decomposition process where, at each stage, tactics and architectural patterns are chosen to satisfy a set of quality scenarios and then functionality is allocated to instantiate the module types provided by the pattern. ADD is positioned in the life cycle after requirements analysis and, as we have said, can begin when the architectural drivers are known with some confidence.

The output of ADD is the first several levels of a module decomposition view of an architecture and other views as appropriate. Not all details of the views result from an application of ADD; the system is described as a set of containers for functionality and the interactions among them. This is the first articulation of architecture during the design process and is therefore necessarily coarse grained. Nevertheless, it is critical for achieving the desired qualities, and it provides a framework for achieving the functionality. The difference between an architecture resulting from ADD and one ready for implementation rests in the more detailed design decisions that need to be made. These could be, for example, the decision to use specific object-oriented design patterns or a specific piece of middleware that brings with it many architectur


Chapter 7. Designing the Architecture

with Felix Bachmann

We have observed two traits common to virtually all of the successful object-oriented systems we have encountered, and noticeably absent from the ones that we count as failures: the existence of a strong architectural vision and the application of a well-managed iterative and incremental development cycle.

—Grady Booch [Stikeleather 96]

Up to this point, we have laid the foundations for creating an architecture by presenting a broad set of basic concepts and principles, principally the business aspects of architecture (Chapter 1), architectural views and structures (Chapter 2), quality attributes (Chapter 4), and architectural tactics and patterns for achieving them (Chapter 5). Chapters 3 and 6 presented case studies to cement the concepts presented so far.

We now turn our attention to the design of an architecture and what you can do as it starts to come into being. This chapter will cover four topics:

Architecture in the life cycle
Designing the architecture
Forming the team structure and its relationship to the architecture Creating a skeletal system

Creating a skeletal system

7.1 Architecture in the Life Cycle

Any organization that embraces architecture as a foundation for its software development processes needs to understand its place in the life cycle. Several life-cycle models exist in the literature, but one that puts architecture squarely in the middle of things is the Evolutionary Delivery Life Cycle model shown in Figure 7.1. The intent of this model is to get user and customer feedback and iterate through several releases before the final release. The model also allows the adding of functionality with each iteration and the delivery of a limited version once a sufficient set of features has been developed. (For more about this life-cycle model, see For Further Reading.)


The life-cycle model shows the design of the architecture as iterating with preliminary requirements analysis. Clearly, you cannot begin the design until you have some idea of the system requirements. On the other hand, it does not take many requirements in order for design to begin.

An architecture is 'shaped' by some collection of functional, quality, and business requirements. We call these shaping requirements architectural drivers and we see examples of them in our case studies. The architecture of the A-7E discussed inChapter 3 is shaped by its modifiability and performance requirements. The architecture for the air traffic control system discussed inChapter 6 is shaped by its availability requirements. In the flight simulator software presented in Chapter 8, we will see an architecture shaped by performance and modifiability requirements. And so on.

To determine the architectural drivers, identify the highest priority business goals. There should be relatively few of these. Turn these business goals into quality scenarios or use cases. From this list, choose the ones that will have the most impact on the architecture. These are the architectural drivers, and there should be fewer than ten. The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method of Chapter 11 uses a utility tree to help turn the business drivers into quality scenarios.

Once the architectural drivers are known, the architectural design can begin. The requirements analysis process will then be influenced by the questions generated during architectural design—one of the reverse-direction arrows shown in Figure 7.1.

7.2 Designing the Architecture

In this section we describe a method for designing an architecture to satisfy both quality requirements and functional requirements. We call this method Attribute-Driven Design (ADD). ADD takes as input a set of quality attribute scenarios and employs knowledge about the relation between quality attribute achievement and architecture in order to design the architecture. The ADD method can be viewed as an extension to most other development methods, such as the Rational Unified Process. The Rational Unified Process has several steps that result in the high-level design of an architecture but then proceeds to detailed design and implementation. Incorporating ADD into it involves modifying the steps dealing with the high-level design of the architecture and then following the process as described by Rational.


ADD is an approach to defining a software architecture that bases the decomposition process on the quality attributes the software has to fulfill. It is a recursive decomposition process where, at each stage, tactics and architectural patterns are chosen to satisfy a set of quality scenarios and then functionality is allocated to instantiate the module types provided by the pattern. ADD is positioned in the life cycle after requirements analysis and, as we have said, can begin when the architectural drivers are known with some confidence.

The output of ADD is the first several levels of a module decomposition view of an architecture and other views as appropriate. Not all details of the views result from an application of ADD; the system is described as a set of containers for functionality and the interactions among them. This is the first articulation of architecture during the design process and is therefore necessarily coarse grained. Nevertheless, it is critical for achieving the desired qualities, and it provides a framework for achieving the functionality. T



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