
 2022-12-18 03:12

Optimizing Energy of HTTP Requests

in Android Applications

Ding Li and William G. J. Halfond

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, California, USA



Energy is important for mobile apps. Among all operations of mobile apps, making HTTP requests is one of the most energy consuming. However, there is not su cient work in optimizing the energy consumption of HTTP requests in mobile apps. In our previous study, we found that making small HTTP requests was not energy e cient. Yet, we did not study how to optimize the energy of HTTP requests. In this paper, we make a preliminary study to bundle sequential HTTP requests with a proxy server. With our technique, we had a 50% energy saving for HTTP requests in two market Android apps. This result indicates that our technique is promising and we will build on the result in our future work.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.5 [Testing and Debugging]: Diagnostics

General Terms



Energy optimization, HTTP requests, Mobile systems

more than 32% of the total non-idle state energy of an app. Thus, researchers and developers can miss a signi cant area to optimize energy if they omit HTTP requests.

To study energy consumption of HTTP requests, we per-formed a preliminary study [7] and found that making small HTTP requests is not energy e cient. However, in that preliminary study, we did not propose a method to optimize HTTP energy.

In this paper, we introduce a preliminary study on how to optimize the energy consumption of HTTP requests in mobile apps. Our approach is to combine multiple HTTP requests that will de nitely be made together. By doing this, our approach could reduce the number of HTTP re-quests and reduce the overhead of initiating and sending each individual HTTP request. In our evaluation, we found that there was an up to 50% reduction in the HTTP energy consumption in two market Android apps when using our approach.

The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some background information about making HTTP requests and our previous results. In Section 3, we introduce our ideas of how to optimize the HTTP request energy. In Section 4, we report the results of our evaluation. Finally, in Section 5, we discuss related work and conclude in Section 6.


Energy is a critical resource for battery supported devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Improving the energy ef-ciency of mobile apps could improve the user satisfaction of the apps and potentially improve the revenue of develop-ers. Recently, researchers have proposed many techniques to save energy for mobile apps. However, none of these ap-proaches focus on the optimization of HTTP request energy consumption.

Unfortunately, overlooking HTTP requests is problematic. According to our previous study [8], making HTTP requests is the most expensive type of API call in mobile applica-tions. On average, making HTTP requests can consume


In our previous empirical study [8], we found that making HTTP requests is one of the most energy consuming opera-tions in Android apps. In the empirical study, we measured the energy consumption of di erent packages of APIs in 405 Android market apps. We found that, on average, making HTTP requests could represent 32% of the total non-idle state energy consumption of mobile apps. For certain apps, this percentage could be even higher than 60%. Compared with other operations, making HTTP requests consumes sig-ni cantly more energy.

Another one of our previous studies [7] further showed that making small HTTP requests is not energy e cient. In that study, we found that downloading one byte of data consumed the same amount of energy as downloading 1,024 bytes of data through HTTP requests. Furthermore, we found that downloading 10,000 bytes of data only consumed twice the amount of energy as downloading 1,000 bytes of data. In this case, making small HTTP requests consumes more energy per each byte transmitted through the network.

This ine ciency is due to the protocol of sending HTTP requests. Making an HTTP request needs three steps: es-

tablishing the connection, transmitting data, and closing the connection. In the steps of establishing the connection and closing the connection, the client side needs to have a 3-way or 4-way handshake protocol, which spend energy in trans-mitting practically empty packets. In the step of transmit-ting data, energy overhead will be introduced by the headers of the HTTP request and its lower-level network protocols, such as TCP and IP. Thus, most energy of a small HTTP request will be consumed by the handshake-protocol and headers.


Our approach focuses on optimizing the HTTP energy consumption of mobile apps with sequential HTTP requests. By sequential HTTP requests, we mean the HTTP requests that are always made together, in sequence, despite the user input or execution condition of the program. One example of sequential HTTP requests is in Program 1, where the HTTP requests at line 6, line 10, and line 14 are sequential HTTP requests. Since these HTTP requests will always be sent in sequence, their tasks can be accomplished in one HTTP request.

  • public InputStream agent(URLConnection conn)

2 f

3 if(InCache(conn))

4 f

5return GetCache(conn);

6 g

7 String oldurl=conn.getURL();

8 setURL(conn, Proxy url);

9 addHeader('old_URL',oldurl);

  1. InputStream bundled=conn.getInputStream();
  2. InputStream[] allResponses=GetEachResponse(bundled);
  3. addToCache(allResponses);
  4. return allResponses[0];
  5. g
  6. public void print html()
  7. f
  8. <l




    Ding Li and William G. J. Halfond

    University of Southern California

    Los Angeles, California, USA














    1. 引言



    2. 背景和动机





    1. 方法


    • public InputStream agent(URLConnection conn)

    2 f

    3 if(InCache(conn))

    4 f

    5return GetCache(conn);

    6 g

    7 String oldurl=conn.getURL();

    8 setURL(conn, Proxy url);

    9 addHeader('old_URL',oldurl);

    1. InputStream bundled=conn.getInputStream();
    2. InputStream[] allResponses=GetEachResponse(bundled);
    3. addToCache(allResponses);
    4. return allResponses[0];
    5. g
    6. public void print html()
    7. f
    8. URL url1, url2, url3;
    9. URLConnection urlConnection1,urlConnection2, urlConnection3;
    10. //query current weather
    11. url1 = new URL('http://weather');
    12. urlConnection1 = url1.openConnection();
    13. ParseStream(agent(urlConnection1));
    14. //query weather forcast
    15. url2 = new URL('http://daily');
    16. urlConnection2 = url2.openConnection();
    17. ParseStream(urlConnection2.getInputStream());
    18. //query location info
    19. url3 = new URL('http://location');
    20. urlConnection3 = url3.openConnection();
    21. ParseStream(urlConnection3.getInputStream());
    22. g



    Android HTTP API和Android应用程序中的代理HTTP API。然后,代理HTTP API将把HTTP请求重定向到代理,这是一个从客户机截取HTTP请求到服务器的过程。它包含两个组件,捆绑计算器和重定向器。

    当客户端开始发送HTTP请求时,它通过代理HTTP API发送请求。然后,代理HTTP API将请求重定向到代理。当代理收到HTTP请求时,它将请求传递给绑定计算器,该计算器计算是否有任何其他HTTP请求应该绑定。它的决策基于应用程序开发人员提供的规则。之后,绑定计算器使用重定向器查询需要从服务器绑定的所有HTTP请求的数据。当检索到响应时,绑定计算器将所有HTTP请求的响应捆绑在一个包中,并将其回复到代理HTTP API。然后,当绑定响应返回时,代理HTTP API将解包绑定响应并恢复每个请求的响应。然后,这些响应存储在本地缓存中或为当前HTTP请求返回。最后,当调用同一组序列HTTP请求中的其他HTTP请求时,响应将直接从本地存储返回。

    3.1 例子

    我们使用程序1中的示例来解释我们的方法。在程序1中,我们首先用代理HTTP API替换第8行、第12行和第16行的HTTP API。当在第8行发出HTTP请求时,它被发送到代理服务器。然后,代理nds传入请求是一组连续HTTP请求中的第一个请求,其中包含第6行链路天气、第10行预测和第14行位置的三个HTTP请求。这样的决策是基于开发人员手动提供的规则及其领域特定知识。然后,代理从服务器查询对天气、预报和位置的响应,并将它们全部返回到客户机的单个数据包中。

    当代理发送回打包的响应时,我们的代理HTTP API将在程序1的第8行捕获该响应。代理HTTP API RST从代理中解包响应,从打包的响应中检索预测和位置的响应,并将它们存储在本地缓存中。然后它检索weather的响应,weather是第8行HTTP请求的目标URL,并将响应作为inputstream返回,该inputstream与原始的android HTTP请求具有相同的数据结构。

    在第8行的代理HTTP API返回后,代码使用代理HTTP API在第12行发出预测HTTP请求。在第12行,代理HTTP API检查本地缓存和NDS是否已存储响应,因此它直接返回forecast的响应。位置的情况也是如此。


    3.2 代码重写



    带有代理HTTP API的HTTP API。在此过程中,我们的方法解析原始应用程序中每个方法的字节码,并检测每个调用指令的签名。如果有调用指令调用Android HTTP API,我们的方法会将调用指令重定向到相应的代理Android API。

    3.3 代理HTTP API

    代理HTTP API是替换Android SDK中原始HTTP API的静态方法,例如url-connection.getinputstream。代理HTTP API的参数是目标对象和原始HTTP API的参数。代理HTTP API的返回值与原始API相同。


    3.4 代理




    3.5 通信协议

    代理HTTP API和代理使用特定的协议

    去实现通信。在这个协议中,可以以JSON格式的单个包返回对一些HTTP请求的响应。当代理向代理HTTP API返回数据时,它包含三种类型的信息:第一种是响应数;第二种是当前请求及其响应;第三种是所有绑定的请求及其响应。

    当代理HTTP API得到响应时,它们将通过以下步骤处理数据。首先,它们检索当前请求的响应,此响应将用作返回值。其次,它们迭代所有捆绑请求,并检索它们的响应。第三,它们将所有捆绑请求的响应缓存在本地缓存中。

    4. 评价


    4.1 测试应用程序

    为了回答我们的研究问题,我们发现了2个Market,一个来自Google Play市场




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