
 2022-08-19 04:08

An Analysis of 'life Oriented Education' Infiltration in Primary

School Mathematics Teaching


Under the Background of the Current education, life-Oriented Education in Primary School mathematics teaching is very necessary ,by which, students can learn to use mathematical knowledge to solve life problem, and to know how to observe and experience life. In this paper, the promotion of the value and implementation of the program has been studied . students can experience the real life scene in studying, and learning is just like a real life. School teachers must improve teaching means and methods on the new curriculum abckground, and accept the teaching mode of life Oriented b in themselves, use all teaching resources rationally, design problems on the basis of students understanding ability a perfect combination between knowledge and students life needs to take actions.

Keywords: Primary school Mathematics; life; Research approach; Significance

1 The important value of life-Oriented Education in Primary School mathematics Teaching

The teachers purpose is to educate students to learn knowledge, and students learn knowledge to use it and solve the problems encountered in daily life.teachers

should self summarize the relationship between teaching and life. In class, students, as the center, should be led to study how to use the knowledge to solve the problem in

life, and to promote the development of the comprehensive level of the students in the new era.

1.1 Theoretical knowledge on how to put service into life

Teachers should understand students interests and backgrounds. through a certain point-cut in daily life, teachers can combine with theoretical knowledge to solve

the problem of life, so that students have a strong desire to learn, to explore solutions. Teachers can also let students answer the questions with guidance, and lead a

student to have independent thinking in practice so that they could understand book knowledge better. As the saying goes:kill two birds with one stone. Teachers know

how to use and innovate teaching resources.They must fully link the life with the learning in the process of teaching improve the quality of teaching, make the

textbook content concrete to real life, let the students learn from life experience and use theoretical knowledge to solve real life problems.

1.2 Let students understand the role of mathematics in life, innovative education thinking

Teachers should learn to innovate teaching resources and develop some practical problems of life beyond books.let mathematics knowledge in life satisfaction

application, teachers should guide students to correct research solutions, cultivating students mathematical thinking, and let the students not only learn theory, but also learn to solve practical problems, thus, mathematics teaching is meaningful.

2 How to develop the teaching of mathematics in primary school

Now most of the teachers still follow the old way of education, classroom content blunt, students understand the difficulties. Under the background of the education

and the teaching methods will soon be replaced. The task for a teacher is to teach students how to learn, not to teach the students how to do exercises only if the students comprehend the learning content, which can be called truly learned knowledge. Teachers in the education process must always be combined with the actual situation of life to teaching, so that students understand the mathematics in life is indispensable, so that students feel the importance of learning mathematics.

2.1 Observation of life in Mathematics

Teachers should cultivate the ability of students to discover problems, so that students develop the habit of finding problems and solving problems in their daily life. Pupils thinking mode is simple, the simple content will make students lose interest in learning.teachers should train students to learn to observe things carefully, let the

students find problems in life. Using what the teachers teach to solve real life problems, which will not only greatly enhance students self-confidence, but also greatly stimulate students of mathematics learning desire, so as to the exercise students comprehensive level.

2.2 Targeted teaching on the basis of students

The inner world of primary school students is relatively simple, therefore, teachers cannot use adult thinking to face the primary school students. Faculty members should use a lot of practice to fully understand the students in after-school life, and to understand the students ideas and interest. They can offer some subjects according to the students interest, such as games students like and ask some practical problems: the length of the distance of the long jump, running speed and time and so on. In addition, they need to learn more about the students family life as well as items students may referred to, and learn how to let students have a general understanding to the prices of goods. Home visits and talking with the students may not only enhance the emotion between teachers and students, but also let the students to learn knowledge in a pleasant atmosphere.

3 Significance and concrete execution plan of life-Oriented Education in Primary School mathematics Teaching

The most important meaningfulness of life-Oriented Education is to make teaching and learning to serve for life. life-Oriented Education in Primary School mathematics

teaching should put the students in the first place. let the students try to independently complete the task assigned by the teacher. courses and teaching methods are given together to help students know how to use academic knowledge to solve problems. that making teaching service for life will do make sense.

3.1 Breaking through the traditional mode, advocating new education

Life oriented teachin



为了培养出合格的印尼人,即具备解决问题能力的人,数学在教育环境中起着非常重要的作用。因此,为了让学生能够有解决问题的能力,从小学到中学教育的各个层面都授有数学课程。根据KTSP 中所论述的,数学学习目标之一就是让学生有解决问题的能力。其中包括理解问题的能力,设计一个数学模型,解决这个模型和阐述所得到的解决办法。


这篇文章意在调查数学能力和数学创造力之间是否存在关系以及检测这种关系的结构。另外,为了更加确定这两个结构之间的关系,我们将跟踪几组拥有不同数学能力的学生以及调查这些学生在数学能力检测的表现和数学创造力之间的关系。359个小学数学能力和数学创造力的检测的数据已被收集。数学能力被认为是一个多维的机构,包括数量能力(数字感觉,预代数推理), 因果能力(因果关系检验),空间能力(折纸,视野和空间旋转的能力),定性的能力(相似性和差异的处理方程)和电感/演绎能力。数学的创造力被定义为一个特定领域的特征,它使个人在数学领域表现的更加流畅,灵活和独创。数据分析表明数学能力和数学创造力之间有积极的相互作用。此外,验证性因素分析表明,数学创造力是数学能力的一个下属结构。此外,潜类分析表明,运用数学能力的不同可以把学生分为三种不同类别。这些数学能力不同的学生也反映着三种具有不同数学创造力的学生。

数学创造力现在被认为是所有学生应该掌握的必要技能(mann 2005)。实际上,在特定领域知识的创造运用(Sternberg 1999),采用普通数学算法的独创解决方法(Shriki 2010),以及寻找多种解决数学问题答案的能力 (Sriraman 2005)都被认为是学好数学的重要因素。

在这点,数学创造力与特定领域的深层知识紧密相连(Mann 2005)。但是,数学创造力和数学能力之间的关系依然值得深思。那么两个相关的问题出现了:数学能力和数学创造力之间有相互关系吗?数学能力是数学创造力的前提吗?数据表明,相关的研究呈现出截然不同的答案。


科学和数学研究表明,对于本质上相似的问题,学生们会产生互不兼容的解决办法。例如,当同一个问题处于不同的语境中时,他们会给与不相宜的反应。这一观察结果提出了对理论教育和实际教育中至关重要的问题。一个核心问题是,各种各样的因素是怎样影响学生们对于某个特定问题的选择呢?更具体地说,这些因素是如何与这个问题相联系的呢?例如:它的结构、它的数据、图形方面,以及所涉及的领域是怎样影响学生的解决方法的呢?与求解者相关的因素(如:年龄、年级、教导)对他或她解决某一特定问题产生 什么样的影响?


两种本质不同的问题被选作这一研究课题:有关潜在无限性的数学问题和有关颗粒性物质的科学问题。这两个问题在形象上和空间上相近,但由于分别来自一个完全不同的理 论结构,它们需要不同的应对方法。主要目标是:(a)来检测学生会错误的对两种问题产 生相同的或应对措施,还是对每个问题给与不同的解答办法;(b)来检测学生的应对办法 随着常规的、学校的教导而改变;(c)来评定学生充分评估每个问题的效果。

来自以色列沙龙区的两百名中学生参加了这一调研。调查者随机挑选了来自同一所学 校的七、八、十、十二年级的50 名学生。十年级和十二年级的学生的主修学科是数学。



On the Application Ability and Creativity of Mathematics

The mathematics has important role educational settings in order to achieve complete Indonesian human, the human who is able to resolve the problems encountered. Therefore mathematics lessons every level of education from primary secondary education, with the aim that every student can have the ability to solve the problems. As stated in one of the goals of learning mathematics based Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan(KTSP)is that students should have the ability to solve problems which includes the ability to understand the problem ,devised a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution(see [1])

The important role of mathematics (especially problem solving) cannot be optimized by majority students; it is visible from some researches that say the ability of mathematical problem solving of most students is still low. In addition, there are many students who think that mathematics is a difficult and tedious subject. The author observes that the lack of mathematics problem solving capabilities and the emergence of these assumptions as a result of unpreparedness students to follow a particular learning activity regardless of the presence of heterogeneity of studentrsquo;s mathematical abilities.

This study aims to investigate whether there is a relationship between mathematical ability and mathematical creativity, and to examine the structure of this relationship. Furthermore, in order to validate the relationship between the two constructs, we will trace groups of students that differ across mathematical ability and investigate the relationships amongst these studentsrsquo; performance on a mathematical ability test and the components of mathematical creativity. Data were collected by administering two tests, a mathematical ability and a mathematical creativity test, to 359 elementary school students. Mathematical ability was considered as a multi-dimensional construct, including quantitative ability (number sense and pre-algebraic reasoning), causal ability (examination of cause–effect relations), spatial ability (paper folding, perspective and spatial rotation abilities), qualitative ability (processing of similarity and difference relations) and inductive/deductive ability. Mathematical creativity was defined as a domain-specific characteristic, enabling individuals to be characterized by fluency, flexibility and originality in the domain of mathematics. The data analysis revealed that there is a positive correlation between mathematical creativity and mathematical ability. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis suggested that mathematical creativity is a subcomponent of mathematical ability. Further, latent class analysis showed that three different categories of students can be identified varying in mathematical ability. These groups of students varying in mathematical ability also reflected three categories of students varying in mathematical creativity.

Mathematical creativity has recently come to be considered as an essential skill that may and should be enhanced in all students (Mann 2005). Indeed, the creative application of knowledge in specific circumstances (Sternberg 1999), proposing original solutions by employing common mathematical algorithms (Shriki 2010), as well as the ability to find numerous and distinctively different answers in mathematical tasks (Sriraman 2005), are considered to be important elements for success in mathematics.

In the view, mathematical creativity is closely related to deep knowledge in the specific domain (Mann 2005). However, the relationship between mathematical creativity and mathematical ability is still ambiguous. Two relative questions arise



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