
 2022-12-29 11:12


摘要:信息技术在教学和学习中的引入越来越普遍,是当今教育改革的主要关注点之一。 本文侧重于多媒体在教育中的应用,分析了多媒体的定义及其在学习和教学中带来的好处,分析了由于多媒体应用导致的教学模式转变,解决多媒体工具和在线技术问题,和具体的设计。最后作者指出,多媒体本身并不能保证良好的学习环境,应该正确地设计和监控。

关键词:教育; 典范; 改变;教学设计



信息技术在教学和学习中的引入是当今教育改革的主要关注点之一。 教育者和决策者都意识到多媒体在教育中的重要性。 媒体和技术在全球文化中的融合正在改变我们了解世界和挑战教育基础的方式。 不再能够阅读印刷的单词; 包括学生和成人学习者在内的所有学习者必须掌握使用多媒体的技能,以便更有效和积极地学习,他们应该有能力批判性地解释多媒体文化的强大形象。 媒介素养教育为21世纪生活,工作和公民身份所需的新识字提供了一个框架和教学法。 而且它为在不断变化的世界中终身学习所需技能的掌握铺平道路。


什么是多媒体? 不同的人给出不同的答案。 即使是教育者和研究人员给出的多媒体定义也不尽相同。 一些研究人员将多媒体定义为依赖于文本和图形的内容呈现。 一些人坚持认为,多媒体是“将各种数字媒体类型(如文本,图像,声音和视频)结合到一个集成的多感官交互式应用或演示中,以向观众传达信息或信息。” Patti Shank 在她看来,赞成后者; 这个定义意味着这个组合加起来不仅仅是元素本身,这是多媒体在学习时的关键质量。 在常见媒体格式的任何组合或排列中,整体应该大于各部分的总和。

事实上,多媒体是文本,图形,艺术,声音,动画和视频与链接和工具的任意组合,可让教师/学习者浏览,互动并与计算机进行交流。 它们以某种方式集成并链接在一起,使用户能够通过各种搜索和索引功能浏览,浏览和分析这些材料。 它有能力以多种形式交付大量材料并在综合环境中交付。 当您允许用户(观看者)控制这些元素的传送时间时,它就是交互式多媒体。 当你提供一个学习者可以浏览的链接元素结构时,交互式多媒体变成超媒体。


教育多媒体工具和软件是当今世界上增长最快的市场之一。 多媒体不仅改变了教学方式,而且改变了阅读本身的性质,使阅读变得更加动态。 在传统环境中,读者可以按照原样阅读书本或黑板上的文字,然后求助于老师解释其基本意义和相关知识。 相反,多媒体中的文字作为触发器,读者可以利用超链接和更生动的声音,图片,音乐和视频来扩展文本。 在这种情况下,读者更容易被言语所吸引,并更积极地参与学习过程。 教师可以利用各种多媒体工具,使他们的课件更有趣,或者他们甚至可以开发他们自己需要的软件,因为他们比那些专业软件更清楚他们需要什么开发人员。 当然,为了满足这个大市场的需要,商业和教育可用通用课件支持商业产品正在出现。 总之,多媒体工具和软件在教育中广泛使用,有助于合作学习,批判性思维,讨论,解决问题和自学。

没有人怀疑多媒体有可能扩展信息可用容量的数量和类型。 多媒体可以提供多层有益资源并提供丰富的信息。 然而,当信息大量涌入学习者并使他们感到沮丧和无助时,这种优势可能变得不利。 例如,在线百科全书可以提供视频和关于特定主题的其他文章的链接。 新闻报道可以引用音频评论的链接,录像片段的回放,以及带有额外资源的网站链接。 在线教学可以包括解释,资源链接,模拟,插图和照片,以及可以包含多种媒体的各种活动。 然而,太多的资源和媒体,以及好处被挤出来需要弄清楚是什么。

我们通过口头和视觉两个基本渠道处理信息。 传统的教学/学习方法主要使用口头渠道。 相比之下,我们可以通过多媒体工具充分利用这两个渠道。 在我们的大脑以非线性方式访问信息的基础上,我们可以通过使用多媒体获得更理想的学习效果。 多媒体有助于人们更容易学习,因为它更容易吸引不同的学习偏好。


学习和教学有两种对比的解释。 根据第一种解释范式,学习往往被视为从教师/教师头部到学生/学习者头部的信息传递。

它将学生/学习者视为信息的被动接受者,学生/学习者被认为是从专家那里获得信息并将其添加到他们自己的记忆中,在这个过程中,教师是信息和知识的来源; 学生是机械化的接收者,他们所能做的就是学习死记硬背。 所有这些都是由于缺乏有效的学习环境而发生的。 在对比的范例中,学生变成积极的学习者,他们在教学/学习过程中发挥重要作用并积极参与过程。 他们不再以死记硬背的方式学习,而是在日常生活中运用新信息的同时亲自整合并理解新信息。

因此,我们可以将知识分为两类:声明性知识和程序知识。 事实上,我们在第一学习/教学范式的情况下获得陈述性知识,并在第二学习/教学范式的情况下获得程序性知识。 我们得到这两个各种知识在不同的学习阶段。宣称知识通常是程序知识的一部分,但这还不够。 通常,指令是在声明级开发的,而实际任务则需要人们在程序级工作。 有效教学的目的是为复杂的技能和能力提供正式的机会 - 一种程序性的知识 - 一种发展。 在学习的建构模式中,设计教学的要点是为学习者创造机会,使其获得越来越复杂的技能和能力,然后评估他们是否在实际情况下运用知识。


Shephard综合研究表明,精心设计的多媒体可能带来的好处包括:1,其他观点; 2,积极参与; 3,加速学习; 4,知识的保留和应用; 5,解决问题和决策技巧; 6,系统理解; 7,高阶思维; 8,自治和重点; 9,控制信息的起搏和排序; 10,获取支持信息。

他解释说,鉴于人类拥有视觉和听觉信息处理能力,多媒体一次充分利用了这两种能力。 另外,这两个通道处理信息的方式不同,因此多种媒体的组合对调用两个系统的功能很有用。 文本和图形之间有意义的连接可能允许更深入的理解和更好的心智模式,而不是单独一个。


虽然对此的研究处于初级阶段,但可以说,将多媒体引入课堂会对教学风格产生深远影响。 在使用多媒体时,学生看起来更有动力,一位教师称其为“使用多媒体”钩子“。 教师们表示,多媒体可以让学生以不同的速度工作,有些套餐可以根据学生的需求量身定做。 教师们还建议,在使用多媒体时,他们将学生视为合作学习。 老师成为一个促进者,问题制定者和指导者,而不是担任中心角色。 实际上,一些学生的媒体能力使他们至少可以像一些教师一样有效地浏览CD-ROM。


基于互联网的应用程序(如电子邮件,gopher和WWW服务器)也已广泛应用于教育领域。 教育的一项主要任务是启动教学方法的范式转变,从基于教科书,以教师为中心的方法转向更加互动,以学习者为中心的方法。 这些想法的核心是从对教育的思考转变为完全在教师头脑中,将其视为教师和学生之间的伙伴关系,教师作为学习的主要架构师。

在准备课件时,教师倾向于将多种媒体和动态图形融入其作品中。 这也适用于那些开发商业教育软件的人。 大多数研究人员和教师都承认,在多种媒体上进行教学可能比通过单一媒体(如文本)进行教学更有效。 然而,必须进行适当的规划,设计和开展,否则就会走向相反。 也就是说,教师应该有效地整合媒体,而不仅仅是增加媒体。 有效的多媒体学习需要认真地结合媒体以合理的方式利用每种媒体的独特特性。 最有效的多媒体提供了反映真实世界体验的学习体验,并让学习者在各种情况下应用内容[3]。



诸如WebEdit Pro,FrontPage,HotDog Pro和HotMetal Pro等HTML资源的多媒体教育资料等课程模板,Gif构建集等图像增强工具

教程和示例,Lview,PaintShop Pro,CorelDraw和Photoshop,Java资源如Sun一Calgarian编写的Java和Shlurrrpp ... Java学习Java一Java学习Java教程,用于查看多媒体,流媒体视频观众如RealPlayer,Live Audio /视频,VDOLive,NetToob和CU-SeeMe桌面视频会议,像Real Audio和Plug Ins之类的声音播放器,如VRML Shockwave,Quicktime等都将提供。


在各级教育中应用像CD,DVD,互联网,视频,有线电视这样的新型信息传播媒介表明,世界正在迅速变化,因此人们需要持续不断的教育过程。 那些不遵循这个新议程的人可能在不久的将来被认为是“文盲”,因此在这个社会中被边缘化。

设计师只有在支持学习需求时才需要选择媒体。 构建执行良好的单媒体教学资料比执行不良的多媒体要有效得多。 多媒体,这是有效的学习不是简单地将多个媒体结合在一起,而是将媒体有意识地结合起来,利用每种媒体的特性,扩大和增加学习体验。 尽管多媒体在使学习环境变得有意义和有效方面很有帮助,但多媒体本身并不能保证良好的学习环境,它应该得到恰当,审慎和建设性的使用。




Advent of Information communication technology (ICT) and the growth of Internet have changed the way teachers instruct and students learn in online environment. The World Wide Web (WWW) offers educators a new medium to deliver teaching and learning material, allowing flexibility for learning from home or workplace and the ability to cope with a widening variety of backgrounds and qualifications. Internet and the multimedia enrich the student community for accessing the educational materials. Broadband Internet access opens up new opportunities and new challenges for education to go online, that is, for educational services to be delivered to students at home and in their workplace, overcoming the time and travel constraints of conventional place-based face-to-face educational methods. Technology such as video and the Internet can be combined with hands on activities to enhance critical thinking and support learning skills.

The introduction of information technology in teaching and learning is one of the major concerns of education reforms nowadays. Both educators and decision-makers realize the importance of multimedia in education. The convergence of media and technology in a global culture is changing the way we learn about the world and challenging the very foundations of education. No longer is it enough to


Thoughts on Application of Multimedia in Education

xidou @ sdut.edu.cn


Advent of Information communication technology (ICT) and the growth of Internet have changed the way teachers instruct and students learn in online environment. The World Wide Web (WWW) offers educators a new medium to deliver teaching and learning material, allowing flexibility for learning from home or workplace and the ability to cope with a widening variety of backgrounds and qualifications. Internet and the multimedia enrich the student community for accessing the educational materials. Broadband Internet access opens up new opportunities and new challenges for education to go online, that is, for educational services to be delivered to students at home and in their workplace, overcoming the time and travel constraints of conventional place-based face-to-face educational methods. Technology such as video and the Internet can be combined with hands on activities to enhance critical thinking and support learning skills.

The introduction of information technology in teaching and learning is one of the major concerns of education reforms nowadays. Both educators and decision-makers realize the importance of multimedia in education. The convergence of media and technology in a global culture is changing the way we learn about the world and challenging the very foundations of education. No longer is it enough to be able to read the printed word; all learners including students and adults learners, must master the skills using multimedia in order to learn more effectively and actively, they should have the ability to critically interpret the powerful images of a multimedia culture. Media literacy education provides a framework and a pedagogy for the new literacy needed for living, working and citizenship in the 21st century. Moreover it paves the way to mastering the skills required for lifelong learning in a constantly changing world [1].


Whats multimedia? Different persons give different answers. Even the Definitions of multimedia given by educators and researchers vary. Some researchers define multimedia as presentation of content that relies on both text and graphics. Some insist that multimedia is 'the combination of various digital media types, such as text, images, sound, and video, into an integrated multisensory interactive application or presentation to convey a message or information to an audience.'[2] Patti Shank is in favor of the latter, in her opinion; this definition implies that the combination adds up to more than the elements by themselves, which is the key quality of multimedia when it comes to learning. In any combinations or permutations of common media formats, the whole should be greater than the sum of the parts [3].

In deed, multimedia is any combination of text, graphics, art, sound, animation and video with links and tools that let the teacher/learner navigate, interact and communicate with the computer. They are integrated and linked together in some way that offers users the ability to browse, navigate and analyze these materials through various searching and indexing features. It has the capacity to deliver large amounts of materials in multiple forms and to deliver them in an integrated environment. When you allow the user (the viewer) to control what and when these elements are delivered, it is interactive multimedia. When you provide a structure of linked elements through which the learner can navigate, interactive multimedia becomes hypermedia .


Educational multimedia tools and software are among the fastest growing markets in the world today. Multimedia not only change the teaching/learning way but also change the nature of reading itself and makes reading dynamic by giving words an important new dimension. In traditional environments readers read the words in books or blackboard as they are, and they resort to the teacher to explain the underlying meaning and relevant knowledge. In contrast, words in multimedia serve as triggers by which readers can expand the text making use of hyperlink and more lively sound, pictures, music and video. Under such circumstances, readers feel more attracted by the words and become more actively and positively involved in the learning process. Teachers can make use of kinds of multimedia tools and make their courseware more interesting, or they may even develop the software they need themselves since they are more aware of what they need than those professional software developers. Of course, to meet the need of this large market, commercial and educational available generic courseware to support commercial products is emerging. In sum, multimedia tools and software are put into use widely in education, which is helpful for cooperative learning, critical thinking, discussions, problem solving and self-study.

Nobody doubts that multimedia has the potential toextend the amount and type of information available tolearners. Multimedia can offer layers of beneficialresources and provide abundant information. However, this advantage may become disadvantage when flood of information overwhelming the learners and make them feel frustrated and helpless. For example, online encyclopedias can provide links to videos and additional articles on specific topics of interest. News stories can reference links to audio commentaries, replays of video footage, and links to websites with additional resources. Online instruction can include explanations, links to resources, simulations, illustrations and photographs, and myriad types of activities that can also include multiple media. Too many resource



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