
 2023-03-14 06:03







摘要:几何是数学的一个重要分支,在发展批判性思维和解决问题的教育中占有一席之地。此外,几何形状是我们生活的一部分,因为它们几乎无处不在,几何也在科学和艺术中得到了利用。本文对几何教学进行了界定,并提出了几何教学在数学教学中占有重要地位的原因。 本文讨论的主要问题是通过使用同样有用的教学来促进几何教学。



几何作为数学最重要的分支之一,在教育中占有非常重要的地位。我们在环境中看到和使用的大多数事物都是由几何形状和物体组成的。有效地利用这些物体和形状取决于理解它们之间的关系。 同时我们还利用几何思想来解决问题(如绘画、衬里墙等)。在定义空间和管理我们的职业方面也是如此,几何形状和物体是我们工作和工作的一部分。而是否能够有效利用这些对象取决于定义它们以及理解对象与其义务之间的关系(Altun, 2004:217)。

几何学科是首先引起人们注意的学科。 对曲面进行合理划分的要求催生了几何学,,它是物体和形状的测量信息和数字的表达信息。这就是为什么这门课程在人们的日常生活中有着直接的地位(Fidan,1986)。

几何是处理形状和空间的数学研究领域。 这一研究领域在培养学生的批判性思维和解决问题的技能方面具有重要作用(Pesen,2006)。学生开始通过几何学来理解和表达周围的世界,并分析和解决问题。另一方面,它们还可以从形状的角度来表达,更好地理解抽象符号。在这方面,他们能理解周围的形状,并能在日常生活和数学之间建立联系。

数学现象的第一个灵感来源是自然和生活,更需要也更容易将这种现象的几何方面联系起来。 人们代表几何学所做的是看到自然界中现有的和不可否认的真理,并通过发现它们之间的关系,将这些关系带到新的真理和新的关系中(Develi和Orbay,2003 )。人们在工作和工作中的决策依赖于他们关于几何形状和物体的信息。例如:木匠测量房屋建筑的角度,工程师决定哪种角度将塑造公路道路的坡度,园丁计划种植花卉的地理形态和位置(MEB,1999:1-3)。


  1. 批判性思维和问题解决在学校数学研究中占有重要地位。 几何研究为批判性思维和解决问题的技能提供了重要的贡献。
  2. 几何科目对数学的其他科目教学起到辅助作用。例如,几何被用来获得关于分数和小数的概念;矩形、正方形、面积和圆主要被用来教授运算的技巧。
  3. 几何是数学中最重要的组成部分之一,在日常生活中使用。 例如,用于装饰的房间、建筑物和形状的形状是几何形状。
  4. 几何是一种在科学和艺术中得到广泛应用的仪器。例如,可以说建筑师和工程师经常利用几何形状;几何特征在物理和化学中被大量使用。
  5. 几何帮助学生获得更多的意识,他们生活的世界,并欣赏它的价值。 例如,晶体的形状和空间物体的轨道是几何的。
  6. 几何是一种工具,它将帮助学生玩得开心,甚至使他们热爱数学。例如,他们可以通过切割、粘贴、旋转、平行位移和对称性来玩有观几何形状的游戏。要求一个人负责学生的教学和培训,必须对这一学科有全面的知识,从而密切了解人的成长和发展。





在现代教学中,除了利用传统方法的某些部分外,几何还得到了技术的支持。 例如,不变性是由数学家FelixKlein在1872年提出的,他将几何描述为“在一组变换下不变的配置的性质的研究这像泰勒斯定理和三角形这样的所有角定理[例如,所有内角之和等于180◦]”(如琼斯,2002 所引用)。对于不变性,使用像GeoGebra这样的动态软件将是非常有用的,因为学生将能够看到任何立即的变化和整个角度的关系(Jones,2002)。

对称是教学几何的另一个关键术语。概念部分说明了上述可视化过程。定义角之间的相等,如三角形中的对称性,必须给学生一个关于对称性的感知,这是可以通过使用交互式白板来说明。 这些板是非常有用的绘制这样的项目,因为它提供了保存,突出,使用尺子和放大和缩小的机会(琼斯,2002年)。

几何一直被视为数学的一个子域,在整个历史中,甚至在今天的小学,几何都是在数学下给出的。正如琼斯所说,“这是一个很好的数学领域来教hellip;hellip; 它对许多不同的方法是开放的hellip;hellip;有着与数学发展密切相关的悠久历史”(Jones,2002)。 从这个意义上说,教和学几何在某种程度上与数学培训和教育并行。



第二个是课程设计,并将其实施到教育过程中。 当已知个体以不同的方式学习时,可以采用多方位的教育方法。 科尔布,麦克卡锡,巴特勒等。 是一些研究者采纳了这个想法。

最后一种方法是诊断方法。个人的学习风格,可以算作关键要素被诊断,然后他们与材料和教育相匹配,为个人差异做好准备。 丽塔·邓恩、肯尼斯·邓恩和玛丽·卡博可以被展示在采用这种方法的人中(Brandt,1990)。

关于我们如何获得信息,有两种不同的观点。第一个是我们如何感知信息,后者是我们如何处理我们感知到的知识。我们每个人对真理的理解是不同的,并把它们放在我们的脑海中,以不同的风格。我们通过感觉、观察、思考或实践等来意识到真理。(McCarthy,1987年;Morris和McCarthy,1990年)。4MAT学习风格被考虑在内,因为它集中在McCarthy学习风格基础上的信息过程和感知上。在4种MAT学习风格中,有四种类型的学习者。麦克卡锡的名字是第一类学习者(符号学学习者)、第二类学习者(分析学习者)、第三类学习者(通过常识学习者)和第四类学习者(动态学习者)。具有这些学习风格的个人的基本特征如下(McCarthy, 1982 年; McCarthy, 1987 年; McCarthy,1990年)。


第二类学习者(解析学习者)通过抽象经验感知知识/信息,并通过反映观察方法对其进行处理。 他们把观察和已有数据结合起来建立理论。他们需要知道专家知道什么,通过经验和观点来学习,评估他们所面临的信息的准确性。他们重视系统思维,喜欢细节,可以通过逻辑、推理和分析来消除问题。当条件把事物变成一种无法理解的方式时,他们会重新分析这些现象。他们喜欢传统的班级;学校是这些学生的理想选择。他们寻求“什么”的答案?

第三类学习者(通过常识学习者)通过抽象概念化方法感知知识/信息,并通过主动体验来处理。 他们专注于结果。他们把理论和实践统一起来,通过测试来学习理论,通过手工技术学得很好。他们在解决问题方面是完美的,不喜欢被给予答案;他们需要自己解决问题的方法。他们注重战略思维。 他们是指导技能的学生,他们做实验,并就这些实验提出了一个想法。他们寻求“如何”的答案?”




试图通过使用尺子、笔、纸等工具来实现需要抽象思维技能的几何科目。 可能不足以内化和可视化相关的概念和规则。 因此,有必要以更详细的方式提供几何学科的学习,遵循教育技术中关于抽象概念可视化的新趋势,并适当地利用它们。


Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry: Teachingand Learning Methods

Hamdi Serin (Corresponding Author)

Ishik University, Iraq

E-mail: Hamdi.serin@ishik.edu.iq

Received: November 7, 2017 Accepted: December 28, 2017 Published: February 20, 2018doi:10.5296/jet.v5i1.12115 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/jet.v5i1.12115


Geometry, an important branch of Mathematics, has a place in education for the development of critical thinking and problem solving, furthermore, that geometrical shapes are parts of our lives as they appear almost everywhere, geometry is utilized in science and art as well. This paper defines geometry teaching and puts forth why it has been given an important place in teaching mathematics. The major issue the paper



Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry: Teachingand Learning Methods

Hamdi Serin (Corresponding Author)

Ishik University, Iraq

E-mail: Hamdi.serin@ishik.edu.iq

Received: November 7, 2017 Accepted: December 28, 2017 Published: February 20, 2018doi:10.5296/jet.v5i1.12115 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/jet.v5i1.12115


Geometry, an important branch of Mathematics, has a place in education for the development of critical thinking and problem solving, furthermore, that geometrical shapes are parts of our lives as they appear almost everywhere, geometry is utilized in science and art as well. This paper defines geometry teaching and puts forth why it has been given an important place in teaching mathematics. The major issue the paper deals with is to facilitate teaching Geometry through employing same useful preaches.

Keywords: Geometry teaching, Approaches, Learner

Defining Geometry Teaching

Geometry, as one of the most important branches of Mathematics, has a very significant place in education. Most of the items that we mostly see and use in our environment are composed of geometrical shapes and objects. Utilizing these objects and shapes efficiently depends on understanding the relations among them. We also make use of geometrical thoughts in solving problems (like painting, lining-wall etc.), in defining the space and running our profession as well. Geometrical shapes and objects are a part of our jobs and works. Making effective use of these objects depends on defining them and understanding the relation between the object and its duty (Altun, 2004:217).

The subjects in geometry are the ones that firstly draw attention of the people. The requirement to divide a piece of surface properly gave birth to geometry which is the information of measurement of objects and shapes and expression by the numbers. That,s why this course has direct place in peoples daily lives (Fidan, 1986).

Geometry is area of study of mathematics dealing with shapes and space. This area of study has an important role in developing students critical thinking and problem solving skills (Pesen, 2006). Students start to understand and express the world around them by means of geometry and they analyze and solve the problems. They can also express from the perspective of the shapes to understand the abstract symbols better. Within this context, they can understand the shapes around them and can set up connection between daily life and mathematics.

The first inspiration sources of the mathematics phenomenon are the nature and the life. It is more required and easier to relate its geometrical side of this phenomenon. What people have done on behalf of geometry is to see the existing and undeniable truths in the nature and to take these relations to the new truths and new relations by discovering the relations among them (Develi and Orbay, 2003). People make decisions in their works and jobs by depending on their information regarding geometric shapes and objects. Carpenters measure the angles for house building. Engineers decide on which angles will shape slope of a highway road. Gardeners plan the geographical formations and positions on which flowers are grown (MEB, 1999:1-3).

The following items can be among some reasons why geometry is given place in mathematics teaching at schools (Baykul, 2005:363).

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving occupy an important role amongst mathematical studies at school. Geometry studies provide significant contribution to the skills of critical thinking and problem solving.
  2. Geometry subjects give assistance in teaching other topics of the mathematics. For instance, geometry is utilized to gain the concepts regarding fraction and decimal numbers; rectangles, squares, areas and circles are mainly used to teach the techniques of the operations.
  3. Geometry is one of the most important parts of the mathematics which is used in daily life. For example, the shapes of the rooms, buildings and shapes used for ornaments are geometric shapes.
  4. Geometry is a device which is used a lot in science and art as well. As an illustration, it can be said that architects and engineers use geometric shapes a lot; geometrical characteristics are used quite much in the physics and chemistry.
  5. Geometry helps students gain much more awareness about the world in which they live and appreciate its value. For example, the shapes of crystals and the orbits of the space objects are geometric.

6)Geometry is a tool that will help students have fun and even make them love mathematics. For example, they can have enjoyable games with geometrical shapes through cutting, pasting, rotating, parallel displacement and symmetry. It is required that a person who will be in charge of teaching and training of students must have comprehensive knowledge of the subject and must know the growth and development of human closely.

Geometry is one of the primary courses which are difficult to learn and comprehend for students. It is a fact that the success level in geometry is low. As a result of this, mathematics and geometry is a nightmare for most of the students (Akin and Cancan, 2007) because mathematics is a system on its own. One of the reasons lying beneath this failure is that geometrical thinking skills of the students are lower than expected. Thus, different teaching methods must be applied to be able to improve these skills and to make the teaching much more efficient. Within this context, geometry needs a strong pedagogical approach besides deep knowledge to be able to provide an enjoyable and intellectual atmosphere for students. The role of teacher is to guide students to have a better and comfortable thinking rather than to force students to think in his/her own limits because in todays pedagogica



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