
 2022-04-05 09:04



































随着数字集成技术和电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation,EDA)技术的迅速发展,数字系统设计的理论和方法也在相应地变化和发展着。EDA技术是从计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机辅助测试(CAT)和计算机辅助工程(CAE)等技术发展而来的。它以计算机为工具,设计者只需对系统功能进行描述,就可在EDA工具的帮助下完成系统设计。

应用可编程逻辑器件(Programmable Logic Device,PLD)实现数字系统设计和单片系统的设计,是目前利用EDA技术设计数字系统的潮流。这种设计方法以数字系统设计软件为工具,将传统数字系统设计中的搭建调试用软件仿真取代,对计算机上建立的系统模型,用测试码或测试序列测试验证后,将系统实现在PLD芯片或专用集成电路上,这样最大程度地缩短了设计和开发时间,降低了成本,提高了系统的可靠性。



数字集成电路从它的产生到现在,经过了早期的电子管、晶体管、小中规模集成电路,到大规模、超大规模集成电路(VLSIC,几万门以上)以及许多具有特定功能的专用集成电路的发展过程。但是,随着微电子技术的发展,设计与制造集成电路的任务已不完全由半导体厂商来独立承担。系统设计师们更愿意自己设计专用集成电路(Application Specifi,Integrated Circuit,ASIC)芯片,而且希望ASIC的设计周期尽可能短,最好是在实验室里就能设计出合适的ASIC芯片,并且立即投入实际应用之中,因而出现了现场可编程逻辑器件(Field Programmable Logic Device,FPLD),其中应用最广泛的当属CPLD和FPGA.

CPLD是复杂可编程逻辑器件(Complex Programmable Logic Device)的简称,FPGA是现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array)的简称。两者的功能基本相同,只是实现原理略有不同,所以我们有时可以忽略这两者的区别,统称为可编程逻辑器件或CPLD/FPGA。



使用可编程逻辑器件来开发数字电路,可以大大缩短设计时间,减少芯片面积,提高系统的可靠性。可编程逻辑器件的这些优点使得可编程逻辑器件技术在20世纪90年代以后得到飞速的发展,同时也大大推动了EDA软件和硬件描述语言(Hardware DescriptionLanguage,HDL)的进步。


20世纪70年代中期,出现了一类结构上稍复杂的可编程芯片,称为可编程逻辑阵列(Programmable Logic Array,PLA)。它由可编程的与阵列和可编程的或阵列组成,虽然其阵列规模大为减小,提高了芯片的利用率,但由于编程复杂,支持PLA的开发软件有一定难度,因而也没有得到广泛应用。

20世纪70年代末,美国MMI公司(Monolithic Memories Inc,单片机存储器公司)率先推出了可编程阵列逻辑器件(Programmable Array Logic,PAL)。PAL由可编程的与阵列和固定的或阵列构成,采用熔丝编程方式、双极型工艺制造。PAL在器件的工作速度、输出结构种类上较早期的可编程逻辑器件有了很大进步,但由于其输出方式的固定不能重新组态,所以编程灵活性较差,又由于采用的是PROM工艺,只能一次性编程,使用者仍要承担一定风险。

20世纪80年代中期,Altera公司发明了通用阵列逻辑(Generic Array Logic,GAL)。它和PAL的区别在于GAL的输出电路可以组态,而且它大多采用UVCMOS或E2CMOS工艺,实现了重复编程,通常可擦写百次以上,甚至上千次。GAL由于其设计具有很强的灵活性,设计风险为零,可以取代大部分SSI、MSI、和PAL器件,所以在20世纪80年代得到广泛使用。


其后,随着集成电路工艺水平的不断提高,PLD突破了传统的单一结构,向着高密度、高速度、低功耗以及结构体系更灵活、适用范围更宽的方向发展,因而相继出现了各种不同结构的高密度PLD。20世纪80年代中期,Altera公司推出了一种新型的可擦除、可编程逻辑器件(Erasable Programmable Logic Device,EPLD),它采用CMOS和UYEPROM工艺制作,集成度比PAL和GAL高得多,设计也更加灵活,但内部互联能力比较弱。

1985年Xilinx公司首家推出了现场可编程门阵列器件(Field Programmable Gate ArrayFPGA),它是一种新型的高密度PLD,采用CMOS.SRAM工艺制作,其结构和阵列型PLD不同,内部由许多独立的可编程逻辑模块组成,逻辑模块之间可以灵活地相互连接,具有密度高、编程速度快、设计灵活和可再配置设计能力等许多优点。FPGA出现后立即受到世界范围内电子工程师的普遍欢迎,并得到迅速发展。

20世纪80年代末,Lattice公司提出在系统可编程(In System Programmable,ISP)技术后,相继出现了一系列具备在系统可编程能力的复杂可编程逻辑器件(Complex Programmable Logic Device,CPLD),CPLD是在EPLD的基础上发展起来的,它采用E2CMOS工艺制作,增加了内部联线,改进了内部结构体系,因而比EPLD性能更好,设计更加灵活,其发展也非常迅速。




EDA and digital system design

1.Basic concept of digital system design.

At present, digital technology has penetrated into the fields of scientific research, production and People#39;s Daily life. From computers to home appliances, from mobile phones to digital phones, and most of the newly developed medical equipment and military equipment, digital technology has been adopted as far as possible.

Digital system is an electronic system that stores, transmits and processes digital information.

The gate circuit, trigger, and so on are usually called logic devices. Would consist of a logical device that can perform a single function of the circuit, such as counter, decoder, adder, called logical features, by logical function of parts can realize complex function of digital circuit is called the digital system. A complex number system can be divided into several subsystems, such as a computer, which is a fairly complex digital system.

Regardless of the complexity of the digital system, the size, in terms of its essence are logical problems, from the composition, is made up of many can do all kinds of logic operation function of parts, this kind of features, can be a small-scale integrated circuit (SSD logic unit, also can be all kinds of MSI, LSI logic unit, and can even CPU chip. Because of the organic cooperation between the functional components, the coordination work makes the digital circuit become a unified digital information storage, transmission and processing electronic circuit.

Corresponding to the digital system is to simulate system, compared with analog system, digital system has a stable and reliable work, strong anti-jamming capability, easy to large-scale integrated, easy to realize miniaturization, modularization, etc.

The digital system is generally composed of control circuit, multiple controlled circuits, input/output circuits, time base circuits and so on. External signal input circuit (switch signal and clock signal, etc.) the introduction of digital system, the control circuit logic processing, or control the controlled circuit, or the output circuit external actuator (light emitting diode, digital tube, speakers, etc.) the required signal. The digital system is usually a sequential circuit, and the time base circuit produces various clock signals to ensure that the whole system coordinates work under the action of the clock.

Digital system and the logic feature of q is one of the function is single, the difference between a memory, although the size is large, can reach several megabytes and even gigabytes, but because of its single function, can be logical features, whereas the traffic light controller is composed of a couple of MSI should be referred to as a system.

Digital system and features the difference between the second is whether to include control circuit, a digital circuit, whatever its size, can only be called in cases with control circuit system. The control circuit determines the next step of the system according to the external input signal, the feedback signal of each controlled circuit and the current state of the control circuit. The logic relation of the control circuit is the most complex, which is the key in the design of digital system.

2.Introduction to digital system design method.

The general flow of digital system design is:

1)Define the design requirements and determine the input/output of the system.

Before specific design, detailed analysis design requirements, determine the system input/output signal is necessary. For example, to design a traffic light controller, what are the input signal must be explicitly system (vehicle arrival signals which are obtained by the sensor, the clock signal), what are the requirements for the output (red, yellow and green traffic lights display correctly and time display), only on the basis of the specific design requirements, to make the system design in an orderly fashion.

2)Determine the overall design plan.

For a specific design, there may be several different schemes, determining the scheme, the response to different schemes of performance, cost, reliability, etc, a comprehensive consideration, the design scheme was finally determined.

3)The top-down Modular design method.

Digital system design usually has two design methods: one is the bottom-up design method; One is a white top-down design.

The bottom-up design process starts with the lowest level design. When designing the system hardware, first select the specific components, with these components through the logic circuit design, complete independent function module design of the system, and then connect these function modules, assembly into a complete hardware system.

This design process is often used in traditional manual circuit design, which is in line with the traditional design habits of hardware design engineers. Defect is in the underlying design, a lack of mastery of the electronic system overall performance in the whole system design is completed, if it is found that performance for improvement, change is difficult, and thus design cycle is long.

With the continuous expansion of the scale of integrated circuit design and the increasing complexity, the traditional circuit schematic input method has been unable to meet the design requirements. EDA tools and HDL production have enabled the top-down design method to be implemented.

The top-down design method is on the top floor, in the design of the whole system as input and output port of a single module, the system level simulation, error correction, and then to the division of function block diagram and the structure of the top-level, namely, starting from the functions of the system as a whole, according to certain principle, the system is divided into several subsystems, then each subsystem is divided int



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