
 2023-03-17 11:32:27




  1. 介绍

最有可能的是,对未来行为规划不周的一个负面后果是慢性拖延,即在开始或完成任务时有目的和频繁的延迟,以至于经历主观不适(Schouwenburg等人,2004)。虽然拖延症是一种数千年来众所周知的现象,但直到最近才对其表现,原因,后果和治疗方法进行了系统研究(法拉利,2010;钢铁,2011)。令人信服的证据表明,拖延可能包括个人,学术和职业功能的实质性损害(例如,Nguyen等人,2013;Sirois等人,2003年;钢铁,2007)。有拖延倾向的人会遭受相当多的负面后果。例如,拖延症与心理健康状况不佳有关(Stead等人,2010),并干扰健康治疗频率 - 它与不太频繁的牙科和体检有关。此外,那些拖延症高的人表现出较少的家庭安全行为(Sirois,2007)和较高的压力水平(Flett等人,1995;西鲁瓦,2014)。拖延被发现是工作相关压力的预测因子(Mohsin和Ayub,2014)。正如法拉利(1991c)所表明的那样,拖延症与较低的自尊和较高的社交焦虑以及更强的自我障碍倾向有关。拖延症也与负面情绪有关,如羞耻倾向(Fee和Tangney,2000)或内疚(Blunt和Pychyl,2005)。

一系列跨文化研究表明,在不同国家,慢性拖延症患者在人口中的比例约为15-20%(Ferrari等人,2007年)。虽然根据以前的文献综述(Van Eerde,2003年),延迟开始执行任务的趋势在成年人中很常见,但当检查原始拖延分数时,国家之间出现了巨大而显着的差异:与秘鲁,美国,西班牙和澳大利亚相比,英国成年人报告的慢性拖延症显着更高;据报道,委内瑞拉成年人的拖延倾向最低。一般来说,研究表明,男性和女性的拖延程度相似。大多数研究发现性别没有显着差异,尽管Van Eerde(2003)的荟萃分析指出,拖延倾向在男性中更为常见。关于年龄,一些研究表明,拖延与年龄之间存在显着的负相关关系(Ferrari等人,2005;Hammer和Ferrari,2002),表明拖延症随着年龄的增长而适度减少。年龄和拖延之间的这种负关系已被其他研究人员复制(即,r = minus;.27,Diacute;az-Morales等人,2008;r = minus;.19, Gupta et al., 2012).

关于拖延症的衡量标准,在实际情况下使用不同的行为指数进行了几项实验或准实验研究(见Ferrari等人,1995年)。例如,在工作场所,雇员面临着他们可能失败的任务(Van Eerde,2003年)或具有无限期截止日期的任务(Ferrari,2001年)。就学生而言,拖延症的常见行为指数是相对于作业截止日期提交课程作业的时间。在拖延症方面得分较高的学生比那些在拖延症评分上得分较低的学生更有可能推迟提交作业(Digdon and Howell,2008)。基于问卷调查的几种可靠和有效的长期拖延措施已经在不同的文化背景下得到验证(Diacute;az-Morales等人,2006a;法拉利等人, 1995, 2009;马里亚尼和法拉利,2012年;钢铁,2010)。Lay的一般拖延量表(GP;Lay, 1986)衡量与人格变量相关的不同情况下的拖延行为,例如低自控力,叛逆性或外向性。它由20个项目组成,例如“我不断说我明天会这样做”或“在准备外出时,我很少在最后一刻被抓到做某事”。GP分数与外部属性或延迟的借口有关(Ferrari,1993年)以及当存在环境压力因素时表现不佳,从而在任务截止日期前加剧了唤醒(Ferrari,2001年)。研究人员通常发现该量表具有单因素结构(Diacute;az-Morales等人,2006;Ferrari et al., 2005),尽管在意大利样本中,确定了两个因素(Mariani和Ferrari,2012)。成人拖延症清单(AIP;McCown et al., 1989)衡量在各种情况下推迟任务的长期倾向。它研究了由恐惧(例如,成功或失败),避免披露缺乏技能和绩效不安全感(Ferrari,1991a)引起的拖延症。AIP由15个项目组成,例如“我不太擅长满足最后期限”或“我没有按时完成工作”。它是对频繁拖延的全球衡量标准,检查各种任务,以转移对感知到的无能和无能的潜在披露(Ferrari,1993)以及有关一个人的技能和能力的自我相关信息(Ferrari,1991b)。在西班牙成年人样本中提取了两个因素,标记为缺乏准时性和缺乏计划(Diacute;az-Morales等人,2006a);在土耳其成人样本中提取的两个因素被命名为回避的积极方面和回避的消极方面(Ferrari等人,2009);在意大利成人样本中,AIP被证明是一维的(Mariani和Ferrari,2012)。






GP量表(Lay,1986)包括20个项目,使用5分Likert量表(1 =强烈不同意,5 =强烈同意)进行评级。它衡量了各种日常任务中拖延的全球趋势。这些项目的例子是:“当早上起床时,我通常会从床上爬起来”,或者“我通常会在开始工作之前拖延我必须做的事情。

DP量表(Mann,1982)是一个自我报告的量表,用于评估决策的延迟;它包含五个项目(例如,“除非我真的必须,否则我不会做出决定”)。参与者被指示使用5分制(1 =强烈不同意,5 =强烈同意)提供的断言做出回应。

AIP(McCown et al.,1989)衡量了避免任务的倾向,并包含15个项目(例如,“我没有按时完成工作”)。它由15个项目组成,具有5分响应量表(1 =强烈不同意,5 =强烈同意)。





使用SPSS 20.0和Lisrel统计程序进行统计分析(Jouml;reskog和Souml;rbom,1993年)。对每个量表执行探索性因子分析 (EFA)。使用Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin检验评估样本的充分性,Barlett球形度检验(p lt;.01)是足够的。采用Oblimin旋转的主成分分析方法,特征值的选择准则为gt;1。可靠性是使用克朗巴赫的alpha估计的。为了测试学生和成人样本之间的相似性,计算了同余系数(Tucker,1951)。进行方差分析(ANOVA)以测试三种拖延量表中的年龄和性别差异。最后,进行验证因子分析(CFA)和多组确认因子分析(MCFA)以测试性别和年龄因子不变性,并测试三个拖延量表与先前发表的测量模型的拟合性。


共有903名学生和成年人参加了这项研究。向390名年龄在15至25岁(M =21.81岁,SD = 1.57)的学生(其中65.2%为女性)进行了问卷调查,他们同意参加自愿研究,无需任何经济报酬。在教育方面,2.1%是高中生,其余是大学生。此外,513名年龄在25至74岁之间的成年人(M = 47.21岁,SD = 13.48)同意自愿参加,没有经济报酬,填写了三个拖延量表。在成人组中,56.5%的参与者是女性。在教育方面,1.2%的人受过小学教育,9.6%的人完成了技工学校,30%的人上了高中,16.2%的人没有受过不完整的高等教育,29.8%的人拥有硕士学位。已婚参与者占成人组的78%。就社区规模而言,31.6%的成年参与者来自农村,11.3%来自人口多达2万的小城镇,17.2%来自中型城镇(20-99千居民),15.4%来自大城镇(10万-50万居民),11.3%来自人口超过50万的城市。


首先,独立提取各年龄组各尺度的因子结构。三个量表的项目、均值、标准偏差、因子载荷和项目总相关性显示在表 1 到 3 中,适用于两个样本 (学生和成人)。

表 1.均值 (M)、标准差 (SD)、项目-总计相关性 (ITC) 以及来自探索性因素分析 (EFA) 的探索性因素分析 (EFA) 的抛光版本的因子载荷。

表 2.均值 (M)、标准差 (SD)、项目-总计相关性 (ITC) 以及来自学生和成人样本中探索性因素分析 (EFA) 的决策拖延 (DP) 的抛光版本的因子载荷。

表 3.来自探索性因素分析 (EFA) 的探索性因素分析 (EFA) 的抛光版本的项目均值 (M)、标准差 (SD)、项目-总计相关性 (ITC) 和因子载荷。

在学生样本中,获得全科医生的单因素解,解释了总方差的23.53%(见表1)。该样本中的凯撒-梅耶-奥尔金指数(KMO = .83)和球形度巴特利特检验(chi;2 = 1543.48,df = 190,p lt; .001)就足够了。克朗巴赫在GP alpha;为0.82。关于DP,提取了特征值为1.0gt;的单因子解,占总方差的47.85%(见表2)。KMO指数为0.76,巴特利特球形检验(chi;2 = 355.45,df = 10,p lt;.001)是可以接受的。DP的内部一致性(克朗巴赫alpha;)为.72。最后,在AIP中,提取了一个解释41.45%方差的因素(见表3)。KMO指数为0.86,Bartlett球形度检验(chi;2 = 1342.00,df = 105,p lt;.001)表明可以进行探索性分析。克朗巴赫的阿尔法是0.82。三个量表之间的皮尔逊相关系数(p lt; .001)在GP和DP之间为r = .65,GP


I will do it tomorrow! Exploring the dimensionality of procrastination in Poland

Aneta M Przepiorka, Agata Blachnio, Juan F Diacute;az-Morales

First Published December 1, 2016 Research Article


The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the widely used general procrastination, decisional procrastination, and adult inventory of procrastination scales in both undergraduate and adult Polish populations. Polish versions of these scales were filled out by 390 student and 513 adult participants. Principal component analysis indicated one-factor structure for each scale. The pattern of loadings was congruent between student and adult samples. The item-total correlation coefficients were adequate in each sample, with higher Cronbachs alpha values in adults compared to students, who reported higher procrastination scores in general procrastination and decisional procrastination scales. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the unidimensional model emerged as the best fit when the three scales were considered together. The results of the study suggest that Polish versions of the three procrastination scales are effective and reliable and contribute to the international debate about the dimensionality of procrastination.


Procrastination, factor structure, Poland


Most likely, one negative consequence of poor planning of future behavior is chronic procrastination, the purposive and frequent delay in beginning or completing a task to the point of experiencing subjective discomfort (Schouwenburg et al., 2004). Although procrastination is a phenomenon well known for thousands of years, it is only recently that systematic research has been conducted into its manifestations, causes, consequences, and cures (Ferrari, 2010; Steel, 2011). Compelling evidence has shown that procrastination may include substantial impairment in personal, academic, and occupational functioning (e.g., Nguyen et al., 2013; Sirois et al., 2003; Steel, 2007). People who have tendencies to procrastinate suffer from a considerable number of negative consequences. For instance, procrastination is related to poor mental health (Stead et al., 2010) and interferes with health treatment frequency – it is related to less frequent dental and medical check-ups. Additionally, those with high procrastination exhibit fewer household safety behaviors (Sirois, 2007) and a higher level of stress (Flett et al., 1995; Sirois, 2014). Procrastination was found to be a predictor of work-related stress (Mohsin and Ayub, 2014). As Ferrari (1991c) also showed, procrastination is related to lower self-esteem and higher social anxiety and to a stronger tendency toward self-handicapping. Procrastination is also related to negative emotions such as shame-proneness (Fee and Tangney, 2000) or guilt (Blunt and Pychyl, 2005).

One series of trans-cultural studies showed that in different countries the proportion of chronic procrastinators in the population is around 15–20% (Ferrari et al., 2007). Although according to previous literature reviews (Van Eerde, 2003) the tendency to delay starting to perform tasks is common among adults, large and significant differences emerged between countries when raw procrastination scores were examined: UK adults reported significantly higher chronic procrastination compared to those from Peru, the US, Spain, and Australia; the lowest tendencies to procrastinate were reported among adults from Venezuela. In general, studies have shown that procrastination level is similar in men and women. Most studies found no significant difference by sex, although Van Eerdersquo;s (2003) meta-analysis stated that a tendency to procrastinate was more common among men. Regarding age, some studies showed a significant negative correlation between procrastination and age (Ferrari et al., 2005; Hammer and Ferrari, 2002), indicating that procrastination moderately decreases with age. This negative relationship between age and procrastination has been replicated by other researchers (i.e., rthinsp;=thinsp;minus;.27, Diacute;az-Morales et al., 2008; rthinsp;=thinsp;minus;.19, Gupta et al., 2012).

Regarding the measure of procrastination, several experimental or quasi-experimental studies have been conducted in real situations, using different behavioral indices (see Ferrari et al., 1995). For example, in the workplace, employees were confronted with tasks in which they were likely to fail (Van Eerde, 2003) or with tasks that had open-ended deadlines (Ferrari, 2001). In the case of students, a common behavioral index of procrastination was the time of submitting course assignments relative to assignment due dates. The students who scored higher on procrastination were more likely to postpone the submission of assignments than were those who scored lower on the procrastination scale (Digdon and Howell, 2008). Several reliable and valid measures of chronic procrastination based on questionnaires have been validated in different cultural contexts (Diacute;az-Morales et al., 2006a; Ferrari et al., 1995, 2009; Mariani and Ferrari, 2012; Steel, 2010). Lays general procrastination scale (GP; Lay, 1986) measures dilatory behavior across different situations related to personality variables such as low self-control, rebelliousness, or extraversion. It is composed of 20 items such as “I am continually saying Ill do it tomorrow” or “When preparing to go out, I am seldom caught doing something at the last minute.” GP scores have been related to external attributes or excuses for delays (Ferrari, 1993) and poor performance when environmental stressors existed that heightened arousal at task deadlines (Ferrari, 2001). Researchers typically found the scale to have a single-factor structure (Diacute;az-Morales et al., 2006; Ferrari et al., 2005), although in the Italian sample, two factors were identified (Mariani and Ferrari, 2012). The a



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