
 2022-11-15 02:11


  1. 研究现状






张祝祥 刘杰辉(2007)认为:林纾的译笔,是构成“林译小说”取得巨大成功的重要因素之一。《巴黎茶花女遗事》译笔文雅,满足了当时绝大多数读者的审美心理和阅读习惯,从而为外国文学作品顺利进入中国奠立了良好的基础。

  1. 总结


Cross-Cultural Communication

Vol. 9, No. 2, 2013, pp. 27-30


Translatorrsquo;s Subjectivity in Lin Shursquo;s Translation

YANG Lihua[a],*

ISSN 1712-8358[Print] ISSN 1923-6700[Online]

www.cscanada.net www.cscanada.org

[a] Ph.D., Lecturer, School of Foreign Studies, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, China.

* Corresponding author

Supported by Humanity and Social Science Foundation of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (Project No. 13q038) and by Young Teacher Foundation of the School of Foreign Studies, Yangtze University.

Received 28 January 2013; accepted 12 April 2013


Lin Shu translated many foreign works for Chinese readers, but he had to cooperate with his oral interpreters in his translation process because he knew nothing about foreign languages. Translators and reviewers often criticized that what Lin Shu did was to utter his own voice and that he was not a translator but a second- hand story teller. A review of existing studies on Lin Shursquo;s translation shows that they are mostly value judgments of correctness or adequacy of the translations using traditional perspective linguistic approach, which emphasizes the lsquo;faithfulness to the originalrsquo; principle. In the static text-centered studies, translatorrsquo;s subjectivity has been almost completely neglected. This paper tries to analyze translatorrsquo;s subjectivity in Linrsquo;s translation from four aspects: selection of the original, translation purpose, and textual form and translation strategies. It comes to the conclusion that it is due to Linrsquo;s subjectivity that his translations possessed a wide readership and became a great success in the literary translation history of China.

Key words: Lin Shursquo;s translation; Translatorrsquo;s subjectivity


Lin Shu was one of the most famous writers and translators in modern China. A man of remarkable talent, who produced in his life a large number of poems, essays, novels, and literary treatises, he made his contribution to modern Chinese literary history mainly by his amazingly extensive translations of foreign novels. Bali chahuanv yishi (La dame aux cameacute;lias), his first translation (1899), caused a great sensation in China. Lin Shu was inspired by its success and kept translating foreign literary works. His translations let modern Chinese get to know many famous writers. As a pioneer of modern Chinese literary translation, it was him who began Chinarsquo;s literary translation and made translation a conscious practice. His translation remains an academic interest in Chinarsquo;s translation history.

1970s saw the occurrence of the cultural turn of translation study, which has brought out translatorrsquo;s subjectivity to the foregrounding position. Now, translatorrsquo;s subjectivity has become a hot issue. “The translatorrsquo;s subjectivity shows its influence not only in the process of translatorrsquo;s understanding, interpretation and artistic re-production of the originals, but also in the process of translatorrsquo;s selection of the originals, translatorrsquo;s cultural motivations, translation strategies, and the manipulation of translationsrsquo; expected functions” (ZHA, 2003). Owing to the overlap in Zharsquo;s methodology and the particularity in Linrsquo;s case, the paper chooses to study from four aspects: selection of the original, translation purpose, textual form and translation strategies, which can best show how Lin Shu took his subjectivity as

a translator.

YANG Lihua (2013). Translatorrsquo;s Subjectivity in Lin Shursquo;s Translation. Cross-Cultural Communication, 9(2), 27-30. Available from: http//www. cscanada.net/index.php/ccc/article/view/j.ccc.1923670020130902.2529 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020130902.2529


What role did Lin Shu play in the selection of the original texts? It is widely accepted that Lin Shu did not know any foreign languages so the choice depends on his collaborators. Zheng Zhenduo said, “The collaborators randomly chose a book and narrated it to Lin Shu. Then Lin Shu wrote it down” (ZHENG, 1924, p.12). Obviously, Zheng thought Lin played an entirely passive role in the selection process.

Zhengrsquo;s opinion was representative but not reasonable. It is possible that his oral interpreters played a more important role, but Lin Shu was impossible to play an entirely passive role. First of all, Lin Shu could choose to translate or not translate the originals brought to him. Owing to the lsquo;obstinacyrsquo; in his personality and his lsquo;prestigersquo; in the society, Lin may put his own consideration and judgment on the first place. His own decision was very likely to be accepted by his oral interpreters because most of them were his students or admirers.

Secondly, according to the prefaces or postscripts written by Lin Shu, it is not difficult to find his initiative in th


Lin Shus Hao Jie Yi in novel translation, illustrated by the cases of Uncle Toms Cabin and The Lady of the Camellias

Research Status

Wei Xuemin (2016) points out that Lin Shu, through a series of Hao Jie Yi such as reduction, addition and transformation, spread the western cultural to the Chinese people, which were quite important to broaden the horizons of the Chinese.However, the domestic theoretical study of Hao Jie Yi is still very limited.

Li Furong (2015): Two translation versions of Uncle Toms Cabin (Lin Shu, Huang Jizhong) are proposed through comparative analysis, which reflects the differences in understanding the original works in different times and social environments.This understanding difference is not only of the times, but also of the translators personality, which is a kind of recreation of art.

Zhao Weiwei (2014) points out that Lin Shus translation makes it creatively faithful to the original text, realizing the principle of loyalty and the effective transmission of cross-cultural information.

Liu Xiaochen (2014) believes that the Linrsquo;s translation of The Lady of the Camellias not only remains the significant blanks of the source text in aesthetics, but also injects Linrsquo;s own feeling for the due filling.

Yang Lihua (2013) thinks that it is due to Linrsquo;s subjectivity that his translations possessed a wide readership and became a great success in the literary translation history of China.

According to Zhang Zhuxiang, Liu Jiehui (2007), Lin Shus translation style is one of the most important factors in the success of 'Lins translation novels'.

The elegant translation of The Lady of the Camellias, which satisfied the aesthetic psychology and reading habits of most readers at that time, and laid a good foundation for the smooth entry of foreign literary works into China.


In recent years, the study of Lin Shu and his translation has opened a new world for the study of Lin Shus novels from the perspectives of cross-cultural communication, time significance and reader aesthetic. The recognition of Lin Shus translation strategies, such as Hɑo Jie Yi and translation variation, is also a recognition of Lin Shus outstanding contribution to a particular era.





* 对应作者



林纾一生译作颇丰,被誉为“译坛泰斗”。但因他本人并不通外语,翻译全借他人之口,落笔转译成文言文。评论界对林纾及翻译的看法长期存在争议,认为林纾所做并不是翻译,而是借外国文学作品表达他自己的想法。传统翻译研究由于受到“忠实“、”对等”等观念的束缚,侧重于研究林纾译文的准确性、 充分性。而在静态文本为中心的研究中,译者的主体性几乎被完全忽略。本文从对原文本的选择、翻译目的、文本形式和翻译策略四个方面对林纾翻译中的译者的主体性进行了分析、研究。并由此得出结论:正是由于林纾翻译中译者主体性的体现,才让他拥有了广泛的读者群,并在中国文学翻译史上取得一席之地。






林纾在原文本的选择上扮演了什么样的角色 ?评论界普遍认为林纾不通外语,所以他对文本的选择完全取决于他的合作者。郑振铎认为,“合作者选了一本书后,便将其口述给林纾。林纾再将其转述下。” (郑,1924:12)。 由此,郑振铎认为林纾在原文本的选择上扮演了一个完全被动的角色。

郑的意见很具有代表性,但并不合理。林纾的合作口译员自然相当重要,但林纾绝无可能完全被动。首先,林纾可以选择译或不译口译员给他的文本。由于 他固执的性格和在社会上的名望,林会将自己的思虑和考量放在首位。而相反地,林的口译员则很易接受他的决定,因为他们中的大多数是林的学生或崇拜者。

其次,根据林纾写在译本中的序言和后记,不难发现他在原文本选择中的主动性。《迦茵小传》(现译《约翰·哈斯特》)的前言记载,他之所以选择翻译此书,是因为他对包天笑、杨紫麟的不完整版本不满意。对于他和读者都感兴趣的作品,他都会尽自己最大的努力去寻找并译出。在《古桂义经记》序言中,林写到, “严复曾说过神学在西方极为流行,此书又生动形象地描述了鬼神。因此我便将其译出,给各位读者品鉴 。”(朱,1923:34)。林纾了解到他所译的狄更斯广受好评后,便告诉他的读者们,狄更斯有许多优秀的作品,在短时间内翻译这些作品是不可能的。读者需耐心一些,待他将狄更斯的作品逐个译出。这些序言表明林纾不仅不是被动地接受原文本,而是有目的、有选择地挑选文本。


由汉斯 · J · 韦尔默提出,是德国功能主义的重要理论之一。韦尔默提出,翻译是一种有目的的行为。任何形式的翻译行为,包括翻译本身,都是一种行为。任何行为都有目标、有目的。进一步的行动带来了新结果,新情况,或是一个 “新对象 '。(韦努蒂,2000年:221)。

《巴黎茶花女遗事》(现译《茶花女》)是第一部林译小说。林纾接受该文本的原因之一可能是阿尔芒对玛格丽特的忠贞爱情打动了他。林纾 46 岁时妻子病逝,伉俪情深,十分悲伤,终日牢愁寡欢。好友王寿昌邀请林纾与他合作翻译小仲马的小说《巴黎茶花女遗事》。此书的哀婉情调正与林纾此时的心情相吻合,聊以寄情。在翻译的过程中,林纾和王守昌极为投入,注入了无数伤心泪。当译到悲伤的情节时,他们便相拥号啕大哭。在《翻译与批评》一书中,周仪和罗平认为, “林纾所有的译本中最好的,便是那些倾注了译者真情实感的。”(周、罗,1997:127)。


林纾翻译的西方现实主义小说,其中占绝大部分的便是狄更斯的作品。狄更斯特别擅长描写英国社会底层“小人物”的生活境遇。 无论是《大卫·科波菲尔》中大卫生活中的悲欢离合,或是《董贝父子》中的各种家庭纠纷,或是《雾都孤儿》中描绘的令人害怕的孤儿院,或是《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》中书写的环境恶劣的寄宿学校,又或是《老古玩店》中刻画的耐儿逝去的偏远房子,无一不体现了这一点。


“主体” 常同义于有权力、有意志、有意识的人。就译者而言,决不能忽略译者的目的。它组成译者主体性的整体性内涵。目的论


杨丽华 (2013)。



林纾翻译西方侦探小说的原因可能略显特别。他深知这类小说在完善西方司法制度中起到了重要作用。 “西方司法制度远强于中国。” (朱,1923:47),所以他认为有必要向中国读者介绍西方侦探小说。在中国,没有律师为被告申诉,导致了许多冤假错案。他希望西方的侦探小说能够在中国流行起来,能够有助于完善中国的司法制度。

除了上述翻译类型外,林纾还翻译了西方历险小说,其中《鲁滨逊漂流记》是最受好评的。它讲述了一个人在岛上独自遇船难,最终回到了他的祖国的故事。在西方,《鲁滨逊飘流记》是一个极其引人入胜的故事。林纾把它介绍给中国读者后,也吸引了许多中国读者。林树为什么要翻译《鲁滨逊飘流记》 ?林纾在序言中解释道:传统的中国文化强调儒家思想,使中国人不像西方人那样勇敢和富有冒险精神。考虑到这一点,林纾想通过引入《鲁滨逊飘流记》,引入鲁滨逊这样一个热爱冒险的英雄来改变这一点。


林纾的译本读起来就像中国的传统小说,然而原文本却是用白话文写的。他译本所用的古汉语,与白话文(现代汉语)大不相同。在句子翻译中,林纾的古汉语使用极为明显。《大卫·科波菲尔》一句为例。在搬到坎特伯雷之前,米考伯给大卫写了一封信。这既是一封私人信函,也是一封邀请函。整体上,林纾保留了中国古典散文的韵味,简洁、平淡、而又流畅。在这封信的结尾,有四个汉字 “大卫顿首”。这是由林纾故意添加的。







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