
 2022-11-30 04:11

Natural assets are the myriad forms of wealth created by nature. They include the land on which we live and grow our food and fiber; the water we drink and use to irrigate crops, generate electricity, and dispose of wastes; the atmosphere that envelops our planet; the fish in the ocean, the trees in the forest and all other animals and plants, wild and domesticated; ores, minerals, and fossil fuels; and the energy of the sun that powers the biosphere. Natural assets are the wealth on which human well-being-and survival itself-ultimately depends.

Nature sustains human livelihoods in two fundamental ways: first, as the source of raw materials for the production of goods and services; and second, as the 'environmental sink' for the disposal of wastes generated by our production and consumption. Both kinds of natural assets are often diminished by human activities: we have depleted natures sources and overfilled natures sinks. But humans can also invest so as to increase the amount of natural assets. One avenue for such investment is 'ecological restoration,' measures such as reforestation, the replenishment of fisheries, and the clean-up of polluted land and water that increase natural assets by repairing some of the damages inflicted by human activities in the past. Another avenue is human engagement in the web of life, the evolutionary processes that constantly shape and reshape the living world. From the standpoint of human well-being, perhaps the most important example of such engagement is the domestication of rice, wheat, maize, and other crops, beginning roughly 400 human generations ago, and the subsequent evolution of the many thousands of diverse varieties of these crops today cultivated by farmers around the world.


Although natural resources are the common heritage of humankind, access to them is filtered through human institutions. Resources become assets only when people have rights to them. As with other kinds of assets, some people typically have more natural assets than others. The resulting distributional imbalances have long been a source of social struggles, and in recent decades they have fueled popular movements and public policies advocating environmental protection and environmental justice. Environmental protection seeks to maintain the quality and quantity of natural assets for present and future generations: it promotes inter-generational equity. Environmental justice promotes equity within the current generation, by demanding that natural assets-in particular, access to clean air and water-are distributed fairly.

These environmental aspirations are sometimes held to be at odds with another central social goal: poverty reduction. It is claimed that the poor face a grim but inescapable trade off between higher incomes and a better environment. This article challenges this conventional wisdom, maintaining instead that strategies for building natural assets in the hands of low-income individuals and communities can simultaneously advance the goals of poverty reduction, environmental protection,and environmental justice.

Poverty is not simply a lack of income today, but a lack of assets to yield income and other benefits tomorrow. This insight is the starting point for the asset-based approach to poverty reduction. It was applied by Michael Sherraden and Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro to financial assets and real estate. More recently, it has been applied to 'human capital,' in the form of health and education,and 'social capital,' in the form of community organizations and the bonds of trust that underpin cooperation. Natural assets too can play an important role in poverty reduction.

Asset-based strategies for poverty reduction have two compelling advantages over conventional income-based strategies. First, income transfers offer only temporary relief from poverty: unless todays income is followed by more tomorrow, the impact of such transfers is transitory. Assets generate income now and in the future,offering a long-term escape from poverty rather than a mere reprieve. Second, assets provide a source of leverage, enabling their owners to gain indirect benefits above and beyond those inherent in the asset itself, from more favorable access to credit markets to greater social standing and power. As Oliver and Shapiro remark,'Income supplies the necessities of life, while wealth represents a kind of `surplus resource available for improving life chances, providing further opportunities,securing prestige, passing status along to ones family, and influencing the political process'

Natural asset-building can, and often does, go together with building other types of assets. For example, Manuel Pastor reports that toxic waste facilities in metropolitan Los Angeles are disproportionately located in those poor and predominantly minority communities that are experiencing 'ethnic churning,' with new minorities moving in as others move out . The reason, he suggests, is that stable communities are richer in social capital-informal networks as well as formal community organizations-and hence better able to resist the siting of hazardous facilities in their midst

Just as social capital can contribute to natural asset-building, successful efforts to build natural assets can strengthen a communitys social capital. A movement to resist the imposition of toxic facilities may set the stage for other community-based campaigns, such as demands for better schools, housing, and public services. In Chelsea, Massachusetts, for example, local efforts to access and restore the riverfront have helped to spark the rise of community organizations

Natural assets have several features that distinguish them from financial wealth and real estate. First, the benefits that flow from access to natural assets include not only income, but







现在贫困不只是一个简单的收入,而是一个缺乏资产收益和其他收益的收益。这种洞察是以资产为基础的方法来减少贫困的起点。它是由Michael Sherraden,Melvin Olive和 Thomas Shapiro应用于金融资产和房地产。最近,它已被应用到“人力资本”的形式,健康和教育,和“社会资本”的形式,社区组织和债券的信任,巩固合作。自然资产也能在减贫中发挥重要作用。


自然资产的建设可以,而且往往是,一起建设其他类型的资产。例如,Manuel Pastor报告说,在大城市洛杉矶的有毒废物设施不成比例地坐落在那些正在经历“种族搅动”的贫困和主要的少数民族社区,与其他少数民族在其他移动。他建议,原因是稳定的社区是在社会资本非正式的网络,以及正式社区组织更丰富,因此能够更好地抵御危险设施的选址在他们中间。



















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