
 2023-03-15 01:03



本文着重于由不同类型的机车组成的重载组合列车,及其800 MHz和TD-LTE无线通信组合的分布式功率控制系统。它分析了一些影响重载组合列车差分无线多牵引同步控制系统同步性和通信性的关键特征参数。同时,为了减少不同类型机车之间指令和信息传递的延时,提高无线传输的时限确定性,优化重载联运列车多牵引控制系统的控制质量,提出一种基于马尔可夫决策过程的基于培养皿网络构造的同步优化策略。通过相关实验和试验验证了控制系统同步优化的有效性,为改进组合列车差分无线多牵引同步控制系统、优化列车控制提供了保障。

关键词: 重型列车,混合牵引机车,无线多牵引控制,机车同步运行,马尔可夫决策过程





2. 无线多牵引同步控制及差动机车控制策略分析



  1. 逻辑控制涉及运行准备条件和运行控制条件。机车逻辑控制功能主要包括牵引/制动控制、受电弓控制、主断路器控制、辅助系统控制、牵引力方向控制、机车自动通过中性分分离段通过控制、压缩机控制、气动制动和ATP联锁等。这些逻辑控件的大部分信息以状态数量的形式表示,即控制信息为'1'或'0'。机车控制系统在启动前和运行过程中需要控制机车功能设备并获取信息状态反馈,相关控制命令和状态信息的执行也具有逻辑顺序。基于机车控制内的逻辑关系,控制量可分为两类:一类是独立控制量,另一类是包含顺序逻辑关系的量。因此,不同机车之间的逻辑控制需要根据机车运行准备和运行控制的条件进行匹配。
  2. 对于协调运行的动态控制。动态同步运行是基于列车的安全平稳运行,这也涉及列车的动态性能。从牵引运行的稳定性来看,不同类型机车的动态运行远程多牵引同步控制主要涉及牵引力的调节,以保证列车车辆之间的力平衡。一般而言,在列车的动态运行中,各下属从主站接收调速指令和牵引扭矩指令,然后根据机车的运行情况和牵引系统的反馈信息,进行牵引力的同步闭环调整,实现平稳运行。牵引力控制往往因不同类型的机车而异,协调控制可以补偿这种差异造成的冲击。
  3. 远程气动制动器共同控制。不同类型的机车可能有不同的气动制动器:列车制动管压力的目标值的设定方式,机车气动平衡缸的控制,制动器的动作响应时间,特别是制动手柄的控制命令都可以不同。为了有效缓解制动过程中车辆间纵向力的冲击,加快列车气动充气和释放时间,有必要在远程多牵引力控制系统中控制每辆机车的制动器。这样,他们齐心协力,确保列车后部的列车管路压力控制能够快速跟随总列车,达到平稳制动的目的。

3. 基于Petri Nets的不同种类机车无线多牵引同步控制模型与算法

基于Petri Nets的机车无线多牵引同步控制系统, 将整列机车整体化,并根据机车网和控制关系分为三层;即列车层、机车车辆级和机车驾驶控制级。根据运行环境,选择具有四种不同类型机车的多牵引组合列车进行分布式动力牵引操作。假设每台机车采用兼容的无线多牵引力控制系统,列车层主要由无线数据终端设备(DTE)组成的空间网络和相应的无线网络管理组成。

在Petri Nets网络理论和确定性和随机Petri Nets(DSPN)模型的基础上,将四种不同的机车视为一个由四个子网组成的大型通信网络控制系统,每个子网包括位置S(i)_on, S(i)_ready, S(i)_token, S(i)_tran,S(i)_recv和S(i)_end。同时传输的是T(i)_signal, T(i)_token, T(i)_ empty, T(i)_ins, T(i)_tran,T(i)_recv,T(i)_restar和T(i)_force,其中位置为S(i)_on的常量标签号为1,表明子网系统始终具有实时信息源;传输T(i)_signal表示 第i个子网系统生成了一个要发送的数据包。并且该数据包进入发送缓冲区S(i)_ready并在那里等待网络管理令牌。每个令牌都会在每个网络节点传输,它的时间同时被确定并表达在S(i)_token中。当S(i)_token接收到令牌时,将触发传输T(i)_ins,数据包进入位置T(i)_tran并执行传输T(i)_tran过程,即发送消息数据包。为确定报文的到达情况,当发送节点在一定时间内未收到响应信息时,进行重传过程。当超过最大转播次数时,传输T(i)_force用于强制传输结束。位置T(i)_recv,表示该节点处于发送状态,其他节点执行传输T(i)_restar处于接收状态,传输T(i)_recv在接收到信息包后执行,并将信息包返回给多牵引控制系统。

基于Petri Nets的由四种不同类型的机车组成的远程无线多牵引系统的DSPN基本模型如图2所示。

图 2 基于Petri网的四种不同类型机车组成的远程无线多牵引系统DSPN基本模型


这个相关的近似解是根据Petri Nets的概念的,并给出了该DSPN模型中不同情况下确定性延迟的结构,以构建近似实际系统的模型。

具有确定性延迟的广义随机培养皿网的基本DSPN模型由七个元素群(P,T,A,M0,R,H和W),标记为:DSPN=(P, T, A, M0, R, H, W),其中:

(1) P={P1,hellip;,PM}是一组位置;

(2) T={t1,hellip;,tm}是一组转移,包括即时转移、时间尺度转移和确定性时间延迟转移;

(3) A = (At cup; A0), At sube; (P times; T), A0 sube; (T times; P);

(4) M0 = {m1, hellip; , mm}是初识标记状态;

(5) R = {r1, ··· , rm}是一组在Petri nets中与传输相关的触发概率;

(6) H sube; (P times; T)是一组禁止的弧;

(7) W = {w1, ··· , wm}.

通常,位置P0仅启用唯一的确定性延迟传递,并满足 M(P0)le;1的条件。本文中的无线多牵引DSPN模型也是如此。



稳态标记概率密度函数; tisin;A; Aisin;R(M0) 是满足条件的所有标记状态的集合,给出位置中标记数字的平均值。如果A(i, x)isin;R(M0)是一组标记具有x位置中的数字Pt⁠,且模型为K有界,得到的平均值为。





根据参考文献 [11–15],只要N足够大,位置P0将只启用唯一的确定性延迟传输,并且模型DSPN的近似处理近似于实际系统。



首先,要明确和定义机车多牵引同步性的内涵和定义[5,8,16]。 理想情况下,可以假设机车之间的多牵引力控制和信息传输是无缝的。但现实情况并非如此:无线通信对控制同步具有决定性影响,其同步


Analysis of the different locomotive wireless multi-traction synchronous control systems for heavy-haul combined trains and their performance

Keywords: heavy-haul train; mixed-traction locomotive; wireless multi-traction control;

locomotive synchronism running; Markov decision process


This paper looks at the heavy-haul combined train composed of different types of locomotives and its distributed power control system with a combination of 800 MHz and TD-LTE wireless communication. It analyses some key characteristic parameters that affect the synchronism and communication of the differential wireless multi-traction synchronous control systems for heavy-haul combined trains. At the same time, in order to reduce the latency of instruction and information transfer between different types of locomotives, improve the time-limit certainty of wireless transmission and optimize the control quality of multi-traction control systems for heavy-haul combined trains, a synchronism optimization strategy based on the Markov decision process on the basis of Petri networkconstruction is proposed. Relevant experiments and tests are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the synchronism optimization of the control system, which provides a guarantee for improving the differential wireless multi-traction synchronous control system for combined trains and optimizing train control.

1. Introduction

For quite a long time, Chinas railway transport capacity was seriously inadequate, and the contradiction between transportation capacity and volume was very prominent, restricting the development of the national economy. Since the 1980s, China has pursued the frontier of railway science and technology in the world, and has made great progress towards high-speed passenger transport and heavy-haul freight transport. In the 21st century, the development of high-speed passenger transport has accelerated the diversion between passenger and cargo transport, and the demand for heavy-haul freight transport has increased; in order to improve the traction capacity of heavy-haul trains, the wireless multi-traction running control of locomotives has become particularly important [1].

For combined trains implementing the locomotive wireless multi-traction synchronous control system, when the weight and length increase, the traction force and braking force during operation will increase, the braking wave transfer time will increase and the change of longitudinal force of heavy-haul trains will be more complicated [2–4]. At this time, for a combined train with different types of locomotives, the problems of locomotive synchronous running performance will be more prominent, and these will affect the quality of train running. Because of the inconsistency of traction drive mode (AC drive, DC drive), energy supply mode (electric locomotive, diesel locomotive), characteristic control mode (DC drive locomotive quasi-permanent speed control, AC drive locomotive quasi-permanent speed control, constant torque control mode, etc.), traction power, electrical logic line and auxiliary system, etc., it is necessary to implement different locomotives combined control on the basis of the wireless multi-traction control system. Secondly, the quality of communication is also one of the factors that affect the performance of train running, and it is desirable to combine different locomotives control with wireless broadband communication or a fusion communication solution, so as to improve the synchronization performance and further improve the running quality of trains [5–7].

Practice shows that on the basis of certain synchronism, the performance and quality optimization of heavy-haul combined trains can be realized through locomotive synchronous operation and asynchronous controls as well as macroscopic cooperative operation and different type locomotive remote wireless multi-traction. Therefore, this paper conducts a thorough research of the synchronous operation yet asynchronous control of locomotives as well as other macroscopic cooperative control questions.

2. Analysis of wireless multi-traction synchronous control and differential locomotive control strategy

The different type locomotives wireless multi-traction synchronous control system for heavy-haul combined trains is a complex construction system, which is based on the wireless multi-traction synchronous control system for locomotives and serves as the dynamic system of train traction running control. It involves various intelligent subsystems with complicated logic and electrical correlation, including the traction/brake control system, locomotive auxiliary electrical system, locomotive electrical control system and locomotive safety protection control system—it is a large system which automatically adjusts itself during locomotive running. Fig. 1 shows a mode of multi-traction heavy-haul operation that uses four different types of locomotives. The wireless multi-traction synchronous control system for locomotives is not a simple single input and output system, but a complex dynamic system with multiple ins and outs. Its complexity is manifested in its heterogeneous data relationship structure, function, algorithm, determinism and integration. Therefore, one of the key problems to be solved urgently is how to combine the different type locomotives system organically to form the remote wireless multi-traction synchronous control system for locomotives and coordinate the train traction operation with it [5, 8–10].

Fig. 1. Basic method of different type locomotives wireless multi-traction for heavy-haul combined trains

When the combined train with mixed locomotives is in operation, the locomotive located in the head position of the train is usually the master locomotive (master), which acts as the leading locomotive, and the res



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