
 2022-11-27 02:11


1. UIImageView

A UIImageView object displays a single image or a sequence of animated images in your interface. Image views let you efficiently draw any image that can be specified using a UIImage object. For example, you can use this class to display the contents of many standard image files, such as JPEG and PNG files. You can configure image views programmatically or in your storyboard file and change the images they display at runtime. For animated images, you can also use the methods of this class to start and stop the animation and specify other animation parameters.

2. UIImage

A UIImage object manages image data in your app. You use image objects to represent image data of all kinds, and the UIImage class is capable of managing data for all image formats supported by the underlying platform. Image objects are immutable, so you always create them from existing image data, such as an image file on disk or programmatically created image data. An image object may contain a single image or a sequence of images you intend to use in an animation.

3. NSTimer

You use the NSTimer class to create timer objects or, more simply, timers. A timer waits until a certain time interval has elapsed and then fires, sending a specified message to a target object. For example, you could create an NSTimer object that sends a message to a window, telling it to update itself after a certain time interval.

Timers work in conjunction with run loops. To use a timer effectively, you should be aware of how run loops operate—see NSRunLoop and Threading Programming Guide. Note in particular that run loops maintain strong references to their timers, so you donrsquo;t have to maintain your own strong reference to a timer after you have added it to a run loop.

A timer is not a real-time mechanism; it fires only when one of the run loop modes to which the timer has been added is running and able to check if the timerrsquo;s firing time has passed. Because of the various input sources a typical run loop manages, the effective resolution of the time interval for a timer is limited to on the order of 50-100 milliseconds. If a timerrsquo;s firing time occurs during a long callout or while the run loop is in a mode that is not monitoring the timer, the timer does not fire until the next time the run loop checks the timer. Therefore, the actual time at which the timer fires potentially can be a significant period of time after the scheduled firing time. See also Timer Tolerance.

4. UIScrollView

UIScrollView is the superclass of several UIKit classes including UITableView and UITextView.

The central notion of a UIScrollView object (or, simply, a scroll view) is that it is a view whose origin is adjustable over the content view. It clips the content to its frame, which generally (but not necessarily) coincides with that of the applicationrsquo;s main window. A scroll view tracks the movements of fingers and adjusts the origin accordingly. The view that is showing its content “through” the scroll view draws that portion of itself based on the new origin, which is pinned to an offset in the content view. The scroll view itself does no drawing except for displaying vertical and horizontal scroll indicators. The scroll view must know the size of the content view so it knows when to stop scrolling; by default, it “bounces” back when scrolling exceeds the bounds of the content.

The object that manages the drawing of content displayed in a scroll view should tile the contentrsquo;s subviews so that no view exceeds the size of the screen. As users scroll in the scroll view, this object should add and remove subviews as necessary.

Because a scroll view has no scroll bars, it must know whether a touch signals an intent to scroll versus an intent to track a subview in the content. To make this determination, it temporarily intercepts a touch-down event by starting a timer and, before the timer fires, seeing if the touching finger makes any movement. If the timer fires without a significant change in position, the scroll view sends tracking events to the touched subview of the content view. If the user then drags their finger far enough before the timer elapses, the scroll view cancels any tracking in the subview and performs the scrolling itself. Subclasses can override the touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView:, pagingEnabled, and touchesShouldCancelInContentView: methods (which are called by the scroll view) to affect how the scroll view handles scrolling gestures.

A scroll view also handles zooming and panning of content. As the user makes a pinch-in or pinch-out gesture, the scroll view adjusts the offset and the scale of the content. When the gesture ends, the object managing the content view should should update subviews of the content as necessary. (Note that the gesture can end and a finger could still be down.) While the gesture is in progress, the scroll view does not send any tracking calls to the subview.

The UIScrollView class can have a delegate that must adopt the 苹果官方API翻译







滚动视图也具有放大和缩小其子视图的功能。当使用者要进行放大和缩小的操作时,滚动视图会调整其子视图的尺寸。当手势结束后,管理内容视图对象是根据其子视图来进行更新。 (注意姿势可以结束,手指仍可能下降。)当手势正在进行,滚动视图不对其任何子视图进行监听。

5. UIPageControl




7. UITabBar




UITextField对象显示在你的界面可编辑文本区域。您可以使用文本字段使用屏幕键盘收集用户的基于文本的输入。键盘是可配置的许多不同类型的输入,如纯文本,电子邮件,数字,等等。文本字段使用目标 - 动作机制和委托对象报告的编辑过程中所做的更改。








11. UITableView

表视图显示一系列的列表。 UITableView是UIScrollView的一个子类,它允许用户对其进行滚动操作,但UITableView中只允许垂直滚动,包括表中的各个项的UITableViewCell也可以进行滚动。Cell是有内容的标题和图像,并且在右边缘附近有与其相对应的配套注释。在表视图中允许使用者对其内容进行修改、插入、删除以及重排表行。





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