
 2022-03-26 07:03

. Peripherals

Each pizza glides into a slot like a circuit board into a computer, clicks into place as the smart box interfaces with the onboard system of the car. The address of the customer is communicated to the car, which computes and projects the optimal route on a heads-up display.

—Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

In addition to the processor and memory, most embedded systems contain a handful of other hardware devices. Some of these devices are specific to the application domain, while others—like timers and serial ports—are useful in a wide variety of systems. The most generically useful of these are often included within the same chip as the processor and are called internal, or on-chip, peripherals. Hardware devices that reside outside the processor chip are, therefore, said to be external peripherals. In this chapter we#39;ll discuss the most common software issues that arise when interfacing to a peripheral of either type.

7.1 Control and Status Registers

The basic interface between an embedded processor and a peripheral device is a set of control and status registers. These registers are part of the peripheral hardware, and their locations, size, and individual meanings are features of the peripheral. For example, the registers within a serial controller are very different from those in a timer/counter. In this section, I#39;ll describe how to manipulate the contents of these control and status registers directly from your C/C programs.

Depending upon the design of the processor and board, peripheral devices are located either in the processor#39;s memory space or within the I/O space. In fact, it is common for embedded systems to include some peripherals of each type. These are called memory-mapped and I/O-mapped peripherals, respectively. Of the two types, memory-mapped peripherals are generally easier to work with and are increasingly popular.

Memory-mapped control and status registers can be made to look just like ordinary variables. To do this, you need simply declare a pointer to the register, or block of registers, and set the value of the pointer explicitly. For example, if the P2LTCH register from Chapter 2, were memory-mapped and located at physical address 7205Eh, we could have implemented toggleLed entirely in C, as shown below. A pointer to an unsigned short—a 16-bit register—is declared and explicitly initialized to the address 0x7200:005E. From that point on, the pointer to the register looks just like a pointer to any other integer variable:

unsigned short * pP2LTCH = (unsigned short *) 0x7200005E;




*pP2LTCH ^= LED_GREEN; /* Read, xor, and modify. */

} /* toggleLed() */

Note, however, that there is one very important difference between device registers and ordinary variables. The contents of a device register can change without the knowledge or intervention of your program. That#39;s because the register contents can also be modified by the peripheral hardware. By contrast, the contents of a variable will not change unless your program modifies them explicitly. For that reason, we say that the contents of a device register are volatile, or subject to change without notice.

The C/C keyword volatile should be used when declaring pointers to device registers. This warns the compiler not to make any assumptions about the data stored at that address. For example, if the compiler sees a write to the volatile location followed by another write to that same location, it will not assume that the first write is an unnecessary use of processor time. In other words, the keyword volatile instructs the optimization phase of the compiler to treat that variable as though its behavior cannot be predicted at compile time.

Here#39;s an example of the use of volatile to warn the compiler about the P2LTCH register in the previous code listing:

volatile unsigned short * pP2LTCH = (unsigned short *) 0x7200005E;

It would be wrong to interpret this statement to mean that the pointer itself is volatile. In fact, the value of the variable pP2LTCH will remain 0x7200005E for the duration of the program (unless it is changed somewhere else, of course). Rather, it is the data pointed to that is subject to change without notice. This is a very subtle point, and it is easy to confuse yourself by thinking about it too much. Just remember that the location of a register is fixed, though its contents might not be. And if you use the volatile keyword, the compiler will assume the same.

The primary disadvantage of the other type of device registers, I/O-mapped registers, is that there is no standard way to access them from C or C . Such registers are accessible only with the help of special machine-language instructions. And these processor-specific instructions are not supported by the C or C language standards. So it is necessary to use special library routines or inline assembly (as we did in Chapter 2) to read and write the registers of an I/O-mapped device.

7.2 The Device Driver Philosophy

When it comes to designing device drivers, you should always focus on one easily stated goal: hide the hardware completely. When you#39;re finished, you want the device driver module to be the only piece of software in the entire system that reads or writes that particular device#39;s control and status registers directly. In addition, if the device generates any interrupts, the interrupt service routine that responds to them should be an integral part of the device driver. In this section, I#39;ll explain why I recommend this philosophy and how it can be achieved.

Of course, attempts to hide the hardware completely are difficult. Any programming interface you select will reflect the broad features of the device. That#39;s to be expected. The goal should be to create a programming interface that would not need to be changed if the underlying



每一个比萨饼滑到一个槽道中,像是一个电路板滑到一个 计算机里一样,而这个位置又好像是汽车里随车携带的系统与只能盒之间的接口。客户的地址传达给汽车,汽车在一个平视的显示器上计算盒计划最优的行车路线。

——Neal Stephenson 《Snow Crash》



在嵌入式芯片和一个外围设备之间最基本的接口就是一组控制和状态寄存器。这些寄存器是外围设备硬件的一部分,它们的位置、大小以及具体的意义表明了外围设备的特性。比如,串行端口的寄存器不同于一个时钟/计数器。本节,我们要讨论怎样直接通过 C/C 程序操纵这些控制和状态寄存器中的内容。


在储映像控制和状态寄存器可以看作是普通变量。要做到这一点,你仅仅需要声明一个指向寄存器或者寄存器块的指针,并且显式地设置指针的值。比如,如果第二章“你的第一个嵌入式程序”中的寄存器 P2LTCH 是存储映象的,并且位于物理地址 7205Eh,那么我们就可以完全用 C 来实现 toggleLed(),如下所示。一个指向 unsigned short 的指针——一个 16 位的寄存器——被声明并且被显式地初始化为地址 Ox7200:005E。从那个点开始,指向寄存器的指针看上去就好像是任何一个指向其他整数变量的指针:

unsigned short * pP2LTCH = (unsigned short *) 0x7200005E;




*pP2LTCH ^= LED_GREEN; /* Read, xor, and modify. */

} /* toggleLed() */


当声明指向设备寄存器的指针的时候,应该使用 C/C 的关键字 volatile。它会警告编译器不要对存储在这个地址里的数据做任何假设。比如,如果编译器看见两个紧跟着的向同一个易失位置的写操作。它不会假设第一个操作是在不必要地浪费处理器时间。换言之,关键字 volatile 提醒编译器,在优化阶段处理那个变量时,应该把它的行为看成在编译时无法预知。

这里有一个例子,使用 volatile 向编译器发出警告,注意前面的代码列表里

的寄存器 P2LTCH。

volatile unsigned short * pP2LTCH = (unsigned short *) 0x7200005E;

如果你把这个语句理解为“这个指针本身是易失的”,将是错误的。实际上,在 pP2LTH 中的变量在程序的运行期间会保持 0x7200005E(当然,除非它在别的地里想的太多就容易把自己搞糊涂。只要记住寄存器的位置是固定的,但是

其内容却不一定。如果你使用了 volatile 关键字,编译器也会这样认为。

另一种设备寄存器,I/O 映像寄存器的主要的缺点是 C/C 没有标准的方法来访问它们。这种寄存器只有通过特殊机器指令才是可访问的。这些处理器专用的指令是不被标准的 C/C 语言所支持的。因此有必要利用一个特殊的库例程或者是内联的汇编(就像我们在第二章做的那样)来读写一个 I/O 映像设备的寄存器。



当然,企图完全隐藏硬件是困难的。你选择的任何编程接口都会反映设备广泛的特性。那是所期望的。目标应该是这样一个编程接口,这个接口在底层的外设被另一个它的通用型所替换时不需要改变。比如,所有的快闪存储设备共享一个扇区的概念(尽管扇区的大小可能在芯片间有所不同)。擦除操作只能在整个扇区上执行,并且一旦擦除,每一个字节或者字可以被重写。因此,上一章快速存储器驱动提供的编程接口应该适用于任何快速存储设备。AMD 29F010 的特性在这一层如愿以偿地被隐藏了。

嵌入式系统的设备驱动与工作站的差别很大。一个现代的计算机工作站,设备驱动最经常涉及的是满足操作系统的需要。比如,工作站操作系统通常对于它们本身与网卡之间的软件接口施加一个严格的要求,而不管底层硬件的特性和能力。想要用网卡的应用程序只能使用操作系统提供的网络 API,而不能直接访问网卡。这种情况下,完全隐藏硬件的目标容易满足。





1. 覆盖设备的存储映像控制及状态寄存器的数据结构

驱动程序开发过程的第一步是创建一个 C 风格的 struct,它看上去就好像你的设备的存储映像寄存器。这通常要研究外设的数据手册并且创建一个控制及状态寄存器和它们偏移地址的表。然后从最低偏移处的寄存器开始填充 struct。(如果一个或者多个位置是未用的,或者是保留的,一定要把哑元变量放在那里以填充这个附加的位置。)

一个这样数据结构的例子如下所示。这个结构描述了 80188EB 处理器芯片内其中的一个时钟 / 计数器单元。设备有三个寄存器,安排如下面的 TimerCounter 数据结构所示。每一个寄存器是 16 位宽,因此应该被看作一个无符号的整数,尽管它们中的一个 control 寄存器,实际上是一个个单独的符号位的集合。

struct TimerCounter


unsigned short count; // Current Count, offset 0x00

unsigned short maxCountA; // Maximum Count, offset 0x02

unsigned short _reserved; // Unused Space, offset 0x04

unsigned short control; // Control Bits, offset 0x06


为了使得在 control 寄存器中的位易于单独地读写,我们可能也要定义下面的位屏蔽;

#define TIMER_ENABLE 0xC000 // Enable the timer.

#define TIMER_DISABLE 0x4000 // Disable the timer.

#define TIMER_INTERRUPT 0x2000 // Enable timer interrupts.

#define TIMER_MAXCOUNT 0x0020 // Timer complete?

#define TIMER_PERIODIC 0x0001 // Periodic timer?

2. 跟踪目前硬件和设备驱动状态的一组变量



3. 一个把硬件初始比到已知状态的例程


4. 合起来为设备驱动的用户提供 API 的一组例程


5. 中断服务例程



我们要讨论的设备驱动的例子是用来控制 80199EB 处理器的一个时钟/计数器单元。我选择用 C 来实现这个程序——并且本书所有剩下的例子部将用 C 来实现。尽管 C 在访问硬件寄存器方面没有提供比 C 更多的附加帮助,但是在对于这种类型的抽象方面有很多好的理由使用它。最明显的是,C 类与任何 C 特性或者编程技巧相比,允许我们更完全地隐藏实际的便件接口。比如,可以加入一个构造函数,在每一次新的时钟对象被声明的时候自动地设置硬件。这省去了应用软件对初始比例程的显式调用的需要。此外,有可能把对应于设备寄存器的数据结构隐藏在相关类的私有部分。这有助于防止应用程序员从程序的其他部分意外的读写设备案存器。

Timer 类的定义如下:

enum TimerState { Idle, Active, Done };

enum TimerType { OneShot, Periodic };

class Timer





int start(unsigned int nMilliseconds, TimerType = OneShot);

int waitfor();

void cancel();

TimerState state;

TimerType type;

unsigned int length;

unsigned int count;

Timer * pNext;


static void interrupt Interrupt();


在讨论这个类的实现之前,让我们研究一下前面的声明并且考虑一下设备驱动的总体结构。我们看到的第一个东西是两个枚举类型。 TimerState 和TimerType。这些类型的主要目的是使得其他的代码更具可读性。从中,我们可以知道每一个软件时钟有一个当前状态——Idle、Act



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