
 2022-12-23 02:12


Jouni Rostila

German Language and Culture Studies, University of Tampere


This paper identifies intermediate stages of lexicalization in grammaticalization processes such as that of French pas and the development of adpositions out of nouns. It is argued that it is precisely the lexicalization of an item as part of a larger unit that makes its grammaticalization possible by backgrounding its literal meaning. The omission of internal syntactic analysis enabled by lexicalization may even function as a driving force of grammaticalization by motivating form-function reanalyses. The inclusion of a Construction Grammar perspective suggests that this does not only apply to lexicalization in the sense of storage as a lexical unit, but is true of constructions in general.


This paper argues that lexicalization can serve as a significant preparatory factor in grammaticalization developments. It can help fade the lexical meanings of items – hence also their capability for reference – and thus pave the way for their becoming grammatical items. This role of lexicalization seems to have been neglected to some extent in studies on grammaticalization, at least to jugde from the analysis of grammaticalization by Detges amp; Waltereit (2002; see below) that aims at highlighting the general features of the process. The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the role of lexicalization in the grammaticalization of adpositions out of nouns in cases where the development involves an intermediate stage of a complex adposition. Section 3 provides a partly novel approach to the grammaticalization of pas into an emphasis element of negation in French. The account stresses the contribution of an intermediate stage of lexicalization to this development and the role of type frequency in the spread of pas into the context of all verbs. Section 4 offers construction grammar accounts of these grammaticalization processes. It also serves to demonstrate that the concept of lexicalization employed here is rather wide, encompassing not only the storage of an item as a lexical unit, but also the storage of units displaying various grades of schematicity. In fact, it might be more adequate to speak of the contribution of storage in general or of the contribution of “constructionalization” to grammaticalization. Section 5 recapitulates the main findings and provides some further perspectives.


A first example of the contribution of lexicalization to grammaticalization can be seen in the development of COMPLEX PREPOSITIONS (cf. e.g. Vincent 1999: 1113) such as because of, in light of, in view of, on top of/atop; aufgrund, anhand (von) (see Fries 1991: 76 for further cases in German), (in) Richtung (cf. Rostila 2001: 149f.), paring; grund av, till fouml;ljd av (Swedish). I will illustrate the contribution on the basis of a hypothesis as to how the German noun Richtung has been reanalyzed as a preposition in certain contexts.

At first, Richtung occurs as an ordinary N that projects into a referential DP in contexts such as

(1) a. Ich bin in die Richtung von Koblenz gefahren. 1

I have in the direction of Koblenz driven

I drove in the direction of Koblenz.

b. In der Richtung von Frankfurt gibt es oft Staus.

in the direction of Frankfurt gives it often traffic jams

There are often traffic jams in the direction of Frankfurt.

At this stage, it is still the P in (the directional variant assigning the accusative case; cf.Wunderlich 1984: 74f.; Rostila 2001: 145) that is responsible for the directional reading of the PP in die Richtung von X.

The next step is the development of a complex P. This term is actually somewhat misleading. In my view, the whole PP has been lexicalized as such and only seems complex, but in reality constitutes a simple P. 2 The omission of von, the P that would be required by Richtung if it still were an independent noun, is an indicator of this, cf. (2a,b). The loss of the article in Ps like these points in the same direction, cf. (2a-d). The most overt manifestation of a simple P status can be seen in the fusion of “complex” Ps into single words in both speech and writing, cf. (2e-h):

(2) a. Ich bin in Richtung Koblenz gefahren. (= 1a)

I have in direction Koblenz driven

b. In Richtung Frankfurt gibt es oft Staus. (= 1b)

in direction Frankfurt gives it often traffic jams

c. [ P in light of]

d. [ P paring; grund av]

on basis of

lsquo;on the basis ofrsquo;

e. aufgrund dies-er Daten

onbasis these-G EN data

lsquo;on the basis of these datarsquo;

f. infolge dicht-en Nebel-s

inconsequence thick-G EN fog-G EN

lsquo;because of a thick fogrsquo;

g. [ P because of]

h. [ P anhand von] 3

athand of

lsquo;on the basis ofrsquo;

As a consequence of being lexicalized as part of another sign, Richtung loses its independent meaning and referential capacity in the context in question. The semantic unit is now [ P in Richtung]. 4 It is this complex-seeming P as a whole that speakers pick up from the lexicon. Richtung is not targeted in this process, and therefore its presence within the P as well as its semantic contribution to the P start to fade.

In the next stage, Richtung acquires a new, solely relational meaning from the semantic unit it has constituted a part of and develops into a P. As a sign of this, in becomes option










词汇化对语法化的贡献最早可以参见《复杂介词的发展》(见Vincent 1999:1113),例如英语中的“because of”,“in light of”, “in view of”,“ on top of/atop”;德语中的“aufgrund”;“anhand (von)”,“(in) Richtung”;瑞典语中的“paring; grund av”,“ till fouml;ljd av”。


(1) a. Ich bin in die Richtung von Koblenz gefahren. 1



b. In der Richtung von Frankfurt gibt es oft Staus.



在这个阶段,“Richtung”仍然是介词,它在介词短语“in Richtung von X”中充当指示方向的作用。(见《方向词指定宾格的作用》;Wunderlich 1984;74f ; Rostila 2001:145)。

下一步是复杂介词的发展。这个术语实际上有些迷惑性。在我看来,整个介词短语是词汇化的,只是看起来有些复杂,但实际上它已经构成了一个简单的介词。如果“Richtung”仍然是一个独立的名词,则表明“Richtung”是省略“von”和介词的必要前提,见例句(2a,b)。省略介词短语中冠词的情况,见例(2a-d)。 简单介词最明显的作用表现在“复杂”介词融合成单个单词的过程中,不管是在口语还是写作中都可体现,见例句(2e-h):

(2)a. Ich bin in Richtung Koblenz gefahren. (= 1a)


b. In Richtung Frankfurt gibt es oft Staus. (= 1b)


c. [ P in light of]

d. [ P paring; grund av]

on basis of

*on the basis of

e. aufgrund dies-er Daten

on basis these-G EN data

*on the basis of these data

f. infolge dicht-en Nebel-s

inconsequence thick-G EN fog-G EN

*because of a thick fog

g. [ P because of]

h. [ P anhand von] 3

athand of

lsquo;on the basis ofrsquo;

由于词汇化作为另一个标志的一部分,“Richtung”丧失了在文本问题中的独立意义和参照能力。其语义变为“P in Richtung”。这些复杂的P似乎是演讲者作为一个整体从词典中提取出来。“Richtung”不是这个过程中的目标,因此它在短语中对短语的语义贡献开始淡化。


(3) a. Ich bin (in) Richtung Koblenz gefahren. (= 1a)

b. (In) Richtung Frankfurt gibt es oft Staus. (= 1b)

至关重要的是,词汇语义是词汇参照能力的来源。若不经历将“Richtung”从词汇语义中脱离出来的词汇化中间阶段 ,“Richtung”可能没有办法完成语法化。当然,这种情况所需的语义变化并不是特别明显,因为名词性的“Richtung”是从一开始就存在的。


(4) a. kiivetauml; mauml;e-n pauml;auml;-lle


b. seistauml; mauml;e-n pauml;auml;-llauml;


可以认为,有些语言单位的使用并不是都起到激活名词词义的作用,如pauml;auml; 方位词。这导致了名词在这种语言形式中的存在变得越来越不明显,为再分析名词作为后置词铺平了道路。在脱口而出的口语中,已经可以接受如“Me seistii sit siauml; mauml;en pauml;auml;l”(然后,我们站在(那里)(在)山上)和“Me mentiin sit sinne mauml;en pauml;auml;l”(然后,我们去(到)(那儿)山上)这样的说法,即省略了与名词一起使用的方向单位。这可能表明像“pauml;auml;l”这样的不变式正在发展。这种形式将构成一个不能再用原始名词来分析的纯后置词。然而,其先决条件是模糊已通过词汇化(或更一般地说:存储)作为更大单位的一部分的名词的词义。



众所周知,当代法语中的否定元素“pas”起源于拉丁俚语中的强调词,它的使用仅限于动作动词的否定。与此同时,拉丁俚语也出现了其他几种类似的限于某些动词类别的否定强化词(参见Detges&Waltereit 2002:173; Geurts 2000)。例如:

(5) non passum vadere


non micam manducare


non guttam bibere




Detges amp;Waltereit (2002)认为强调否定词的使用是基于更为一般的话语技巧的,如“not to walk a step”,“not to walk a step”。它们之所以更常被使用是因为它们更便于表达。他们认为 “pas”在通过语法化转化为能与所有动词搭配使用的语法项目过程中,听者在其中扮演着重要的角色。Detges 和Waltereit对于这一结论的解释是:在交际情景中,听者观察到“pas”的强调意代替了“pas”的字面意义,并且将其再分析成类似“neshellip;pas”这样的强调否定表达式。因此,这些表达可以在包含所有动词的文本中使用,而不必关注其原始语义。例如“nehellip;pas”这样程序化和高频率使用的表达式更偏向于这种模糊了字面意思的二次分析,这对其至关重要。

这确实似乎是合理的,说话者由于“nehellip;hellip;pas”、“nothellip;a step”这样的表达式便于表达而更常使用。因此,人们可能频繁使用诸如此类表达式的结论似乎也同样合理。然而,我们却不太赞同“pas”语法化的原因是由于第一次接触它的听者将其重新分析成强调否定标记。因为有关的话语技巧一定是大多数语言用户都知道,相对于听者很可能不用重新分析“pas”的情况下,我更偏向于是听者依靠“pas”的字面意思和实用推理这一说法。通过允许“pas”的字面含义在一段时间内发挥作用,这种说法可以解释为什么“pas”的使用可以应用到所有动作动词文本中。

然而,由于“nehellip;pas”作为强调否定使用得越来越频繁,语言使用者似乎很快就接受了将“nehellip;pas”直接作为强调否定符号的说法。毕竟不管怎么说,这是“pas”在相关的语境中最可能的解释——它的字面解读在很多方面都难以实现。对“ne ... pas”作为强调否定的直接解释与它作为存储单位的解释相当。当它作为存储单位时,它与“强调”的前语义推理无关并且只能与动作动词结合使用。因此,在这个阶段既没有带有“强调”意义的成分,也没有对“pas”字面意义有要求的动作动词的限制,但却与更高的单位“nehellip; pas”相关联。这就是“pas”字面含义开始淡化并最终语法化的原因。

迄今为止的分析得到了不同频率类型具有不同影响这一观点的支持。“ne ... pas”可能具有高标志频度,这可能导致序列存储。(参见Croft 2001:28; Tomasello 2003:106f)。这种存储看似合理,但也涉及序列最常见的含义。在这里表现为“ne...pas”具有“强调否定”的语用意义。

Detges amp; Waltereit认为,有可能是因为“pas”能够应用于动词文本才使得听者觉得“pas”带有“强调”的意味。在这里,我们提供了一个更为复杂的过程。“ne...pas'的词汇化过程仅仅是”pas“语法化为否定强调标志的前奏。 正如前面提到的,“not at all”(一点也不)的意思主要是与“nehellip;pas”这一完整单位和作为其标志一部分的“pas”有关,它们在这个结构中根本没有独立的意义。可以肯定的是,说话者可能经常将“nehellip;pas”分析成这一阶段的组成部分,并将其的意义归纳为“强调”/“完全”。这是由于即使“ne”不与“pas”搭配使用,它也常常可以作为否定词来使用,从而使得“nehellip;pas”具有否定语义。对于这种情况的分析并不是后来的语法化的先决条件。不过,“pas”只有在有“ne”的文本中才有“强调”的意义。事实上,这说明了“nehellip;pas”这一完整结构才是有意义的单位。




第三,当分析复杂的内部表达不再是必要步骤时,词汇化会省略语言单位的某些组成部分,而重新分配表达式内的意义。在这个过程中,从其字面含义脱离出来的组成部分可以成为一个语法元素,代替整个表达式的意义。一个很好的例子是德语中的名词“Richtung”语法化成了一个介词,使其在“in die/der Richtung von (在某方向)”中承担了整个序列的意义。




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