
 2022-12-12 04:12

Women Look into Love: Reimaginings of Heterosexual Love in Contemporary Womenrsquo;s Fiction

Melina Karekla

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of English Studies

Durham University


How to cite:

KAREKLA, MELINA (2013) Women Look into Love: Reimaginings of Heterosexual Love in Contemporary

Womens Fiction, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online:


Heterosexual love has been a source of disquiet for feminists in the patriarchal

Western world, where men have power over women. The traditional romance plot, to

which the heterosexual relationship is arguably integral, has also been perceived as

limiting and repressive by feminists. Yet, what will emerge in this thesis is that

approaches and attitudes to romantic love and heterosexual relationships in fiction

have of late been subject to change; developments within feminism in the 1990s and

2000s, such as the emergence of third-wave feminism, in addition to the increasing appeal of popular genres such as chick lit, have led to a re-evaluation of womenrsquo;s lives and their relationships with the opposite sex. An earlier generation of feminists, also began to call for the start of a new discussion of love as early as the 2000s.

In light of how reconfigurations of heterosexual love began to be foregrounded

in the 1990s and 2000s, a close examination of the ways in which women writers

chose to portray romantic relationships between the sexes during this period seems

urgent. How women writers are reimagining heterosexual love is illuminated by

consideration of feminist writersrsquo; and theoristsrsquo; responses to conventional romance

narratives and a more general reflection on the kinds of concerns that have been raised

with regard to heterosexual relationships within contemporary patriarchal society.

While it is clear that feministsrsquo; work on homosexual love is vitally important and has

allowed for considerable subversion of traditional expectations of romance, this thesis

focuses on heterosexual love as mediated in the writing of selected contemporary

women writers. Heterosexual love has received considerable and diverse critical

attention, and the focus on how women writers have engaged with such debates and

considerations promises to throw important light on significant preoccupations of

contemporary womenrsquo;s fiction..

It must be mentioned that although the chosen terminology is heterosexual love

rather than romance, this is not to suggest that romance is divorced from a discussion

of love between the sexes.It will be seen how fundamental the genre of romance has been to the modern novel, so that any discussion of romantic love in fiction arises out of this context. Moreover, the heterosexual relationship is an instrumental aspect of the traditional romance plot, so that an exploration of love between men and women is inevitably connected to this,even where a writer may seek to rework or renounce romancersquo;s conventions. However, although it is clear that romance comes into this examination, the thesis emphasises love as a more helpful and open term; this is because it is able to encompass non-conventional elements that are not usually tackled in the romance genre (for instance, the topic of race or age or communal bonds). So, love provides more scope to cover diverse explorations of men and womenrsquo;s romantic relationships, while it also allows for more flexible extensions to representations of heterosexual love (for example, the efforts of a number of selected writers to move away from patriarchal models and explore alternative ways of loving).

This thesis finds valuable the fact that the selected women writers, like the

feminist thinkers examined in this part of the introduction, are searching for fresh and

revisionary ways of addressing love, even if their approach is generally more subtle

than radical. Furthermore, even though this thesis looks into heterosexual love, which

in “Rescripting Romance” is identified as one of the conventions of the romance

genre, the novels under analysis often destabilise other conventions, such as, for

example, the prescription for same-race relationships. So in this study, certain norms

are found to be challenged, without this meaning that the undermining of all kinds of

convention is necessary; the moderate as well as the more progressive reimaginings of

romantic love are significant. In the review of the different types/levels/degrees of romantic subversion...we...avoid the assumption that the most subversive texts/discussions...are necessarily the most interesting or most lsquo;importantrsquo;. In the final analysis romance is, and will always remain.

Therefore, as will be seen, while rescriptings of romantic love are valuable, in that

they challenge convention and allow for radically new possibilities to emerge, more

modest or nuanced or complicated reconceptualisations also have an important role to


In having seen here how a number of modern-day feminist thinkers foreground

the reworking of romance conventions and contemplate non-patriarchal models of

romantic love, it is apparent that it is both important and timely that this thesis, Women

Look into Love: Reimaginings of Heterosexual Love in Contemporary Womenrsquo;s

Fiction, examines how women writers portray heterosexual love in their late twentieth

and early twenty first centur









梅琳娜·卡瑞卡拉 (2013) Women Look into Love: 女性对爱情的理解:当代女性小说中对异性恋的重新解读, 杜伦论文, 杜伦大学. 可在杜伦大学论文网在线查询:


在父权制的西方世界,男性的地位远远高于女性,异性恋被认为是使女权主义者感到不安的源头。在传统的浪漫情节里,异性恋关系可以说是不可或缺的,也被女权主义者认为是限制和压抑的。在本文中将对小说中对浪漫爱情和异性关系的态度的变化进行论述,女权主义发展到2000年代和1990年代,后女权主义等的出现,使得人们除了对流行的体裁的呼声越来越高,也导致了女性生活的重新评估和他们与异性关系的重新梳理。早期的女权主义者,比如bell hook,也开始呼吁在本世纪初开始新一轮的爱情讨论。






这种专注于浪漫关系的个人领域与此有关激进的女权主义的出现,“作为20世纪60年代后期强有力的对立话语”。事实上,“社会主义和自由主义者主要是在讨论社会结构和妇女在其中的不平等地位,而激进分子倾向于关注妇女的个人生活”(Whelehan 73)。激进的女权主义者凯特·米利特在性政治(1969年)表达了她对父权制的反对,她认为父权制是“最基本的压迫力”(Whelehan15),同时也对“西方父权制被hellip;hellip;浪漫的爱情”表达了看法。米莱特不希望浪漫的爱情伪装成“西方文化的父权特征”(37),她强调了男人如何利用女人,以及爱如何掩盖女性在男权文化中的实际地位:







关于浪漫小说的修正以及对婚姻的不同态度,这是传统情节的关键。事实上,正如《甜心俏佳人》(Ally McBeal)在上世纪90年代的一部流行电视剧一样,它描绘了一个渴望结婚的现代职业女性。帕切特在《美声》一章结束时也回到了婚姻的殿堂,尽管之前曾暗示过爱的关系并不依赖于这样的长期承诺和礼节。由此可见,对异性恋爱情的重新想象不仅涉及到对立的传统,还带来了新的想法,但对一些人来说,还包括了对某些习俗的创新。




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