
 2022-12-12 04:12

Reality TV:audiences and popular factual television

Annette hill


So, what is this book about? Reality TV is about the development of atelevision genre often called reality TV. Reality TV is a catch-all category that includes a wide range of entertainment programmes about real people. Sometimes called popular factual television, reality TV is located in border territories, between information and entertainment,documentary and drama. Originally used as a category for law and orderpopular factual programmes containing lsquo;on-scenersquo; footage of cops on thejob, reality TV has become the success story of television in the 1990s and2000s. There are reality TV programmes about everything and anything,from healthcare to hairdressing, from people to pets. There are reality TVformats sold all over the world, from the UK to Uruguay. There are peoplewho love reality TV, and people who love to hate reality TV.

Reality TV is also about the viewing experience of a developing factualtelevision genre. It is commonly assumed that audiences cannot tell thedifference between entertainment and information, or fiction and realityin popular factual television. With such concern regarding audiences andreality TV it is necessary to explore the development of this genre, andaudience relationships with these types of popular factual output. If thisbook is about exploring the genre of reality TV, then what audiences haveto say about their experience of watching reality programmes isparamount. Audience responses to reality TV can provide invaluableinformation and analysis for understanding the transitional terrain of thereality genre, and can enhance critical understanding of contemporarytelevision audiences.

The reality genre has mass appeal. Popular series such as American Idolinthe USAor Irsquo;m a Celebrity hellip; in the UK have attracted up to and over 50per cent of the market share, which means more than half the populationof television viewers tuned into these programmes. According toLarry Namer, the co-founder of E! Entertainment and Reality Central, there is a large base of reality TV fans: lsquo;to them reality TV is television. Itrsquo;snot a fad.rsquo;In 2000, the reality gameshow Survivorrated number one in Americannetwork prime time (27 million viewers) and earned CBS during the finalthree episodes an estimated $50 million in advertising revenue. In 2002,the finale of the reality talent show American Idol(Fox, USA) attracted 23 million viewers, and a market share of 30 per cent, with almost half thecountryrsquo;s teenage female viewers tuning in to watch the show.

InJanuary 2003, American Idoldrew nearly 25 million viewers two nightsrunning, making it lsquo;the most watched non-sports show in the networkrsquo;s historyrsquo;.By February 2003, Fox had another winner, this time with the finale of reality dating show Joe Millionaire, which drew 40 million viewers, making it almost as popular as the broadcast of the Academy Awards.In comparison, only 15 millionviewers watched the number one crime drama series CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation(CBS), or sitcom Friends(NBC)。

During the same period.Reality programmes regularly win the highest ratings for the majority ofhalf-hour time slots during primetime American television.Reality TV is just as popular in the UK. In 2000, over 70 per cent of thepopulation (aged 4–65 ) watched reality programmes on a regular or occasional basis (Hill/ITC 2000). The types of programmes watched most often by the public in 2000 were: police/crime programmes (e.g. PoliceCamera Action!, ITV1) watched either regularly or occasionally by 72 percent of adults and 71 per cent of children; lsquo;placesrsquo; programmes (e.g.Airport, BBC1) watched by 71 per cent of adults and 75 per cent of children; and home/garden shows (e.g. Changing Rooms, BBC1) watchedby 67 per cent of adults and 84 per cent of children. Amongst the under 16s (in particular, the under 13s), pet programmes (e.g. Animal Hospital, BBC1)were as popular as the categories cited above – watched by 83 percent of children and 63 per cent of adults (Hill/ITC 2000). All of these reality programmes have performed strongly in peaktime schedules, andhave attracted up to and over a 50 per cent market share.

Since the early days of reality programming, critics have consistentlyattacked the genre for being voyeuristic, cheap, sensational television.Articles such as lsquo;Danger: Reality TV can Rot Your Brainrsquo;, lsquo;Ragbag ofCheap Thrillsrsquo; or lsquo;TVrsquo;s Theatre of Crueltyrsquo; are typical of the type of commentary that dominates discussion of reality programming.

Withseries such as When Animals Attackadvertised with the image of a snarlingdog and the words lsquo;Lassie He Ainrsquo;trsquo;, reality programmes are targets for allthat is thought to be wrong with commercial television.

In a UK report for the Campaign for Quality Television in 2003, reality TV was singled out by Michael Tracey of the University of Colorado as the lsquo;stuff of the vulgatersquo;, encouraging lsquo;moral and intellectual impoverishment in contemporary lifersquo;.

Robert Thompson of Syracuse University suggeststhat reality TV is popular lsquo;because itrsquo;s stupid and moronicrsquo;.

Broadcaster Nick Clarke argues in his book The Shadow of a Nationthat the popularity of reality TV has led to a dangerous blurring of boundaries between fact and fiction, and as a result reality TV has had a negative effect on modern society. As one critic commented: lsquo;In essence, this may as well be network crack: reality TV is fast, cheap and totally addictive hellip; the shows [are] weapons of mass distraction hellip; causing us to become dumber, fatter, and more disengaged from ourselves and society.rsquo;

Such criticism of reality TV fails to take into account the variety of formats within the reality genre. To say that all reality TV is stupid and moronic is to ignore the development of the genre over the past decade.The development of real






现实电视同样也是关于观看体验发展中的事实的电视类型。 通常假设不能告诉观众娱乐和信息之间的区别,或者小说与现实流行的电视剧的区别。因为有这样的观众在关注,所以现实电视有必要探索这种风格的发展,还有观众与这些类型的流行现实电视事实输出的关系。 如果这本书是关于探索现实电视的风格,那么观众他们收看现实节目的体验是最重要的。 观众对收看现实电视的反应可以提供宝贵的经验来了解信息和分析现实电视的流派,可以增强对当下的批判认识。

现实流派的电视对电视观众有着强大的吸引力。受欢迎的系列如美国的“美国偶像”和美国的“我是名人”,这些节目在英国吸引了占市场份额百分之五十的观众,这意味着一半以上人口的电视观众参与收看这些节目。据E娱乐的联合创始人拉里·纳默(Larry Namer)说,现实电视迷有很大的基础:“对他们来说,现实电视是电视,不是时尚。”2000年,现实游戏秀“生存者”在美国第一网络黄金时段(2700万观众)的决赛中获得了CBS三集广告收入估计为5000万美元。 2002年,美国偶像(美国福克斯)的现实人才秀的大结局吸引了2300万观众,市场份额为30%,几乎是一半国家的少女观众都在调整时间观看此节目。

在2003年1月,美国Idoldrew现实电视节目有近2500万观众收看,使其成为网络中观看次数最多的非体育表演节目,创造了新的历史。到2003年2月,福克斯又出现一个胜利者,这次是现实约会的现实电视节目Joe Millionaire,它共吸引了4000万观众,使其几乎像学院的广播一样流行,在全美都拥有超高人气。相比之下,只有1500万观众观看了第一大犯罪戏剧系列CSI:犯罪现场调查(CBS)和情景喜剧(NBC)。

在同样的时间段里,现实电视总是在这美国电视黄金时段的半小时时间内赢得大多数的最高评分。现实电视在英国也是同样受欢迎。 2000年,超过70%的人口(调查观众年龄段在4-65岁)观看节目类型最多的都在现实电视:警察/犯罪方案动作(定期观看或偶尔观看的有72%的成年人和71%的儿童); 地方节目(观看的有71%的成年人和75%的儿童); 家庭/花园表演(观看的有67%的成年人和84%的儿童)。 在16岁以下的儿童(特别是13岁以下的)观众中,宠物项目(如动物医院,BBC1)与以上引用的类别一样受欢迎。所有这些现实节目在高峰时间段中与其他类型的电视节目相比表现的最为强劲,吸引了超过50%的市场份额。


在一份英国2003年的关于电视质量电视节目的报告中,现实电视被单独挑出来被科罗拉多大学的迈克尔·特里西(Michael Tracey)称为是在当代的生活里“侮辱”道德智力和“鼓励”贫困。

雪城大学的罗伯特·汤普森(Robert Thompson)提出真实的电视是受欢迎的,因为它是愚蠢和幽默的。

广播员尼克·克拉克(Nick Clarke)在他的著作“民族的阴影”(The Shadow of a Nation)论文中得出结论的是现实电视导致事实和小说之间的边界的模糊。所以,现实电视对现代的影响是负面的。一位评论家所说:“实质上,这也可能是网络误解:现实电视是快速,便宜的,完全令人上瘾...的节目,是大众分心的武器...使我们变得笨蛋,并且更加脱离了我们自己和社会。”


在英国,公共广播和纪录片电视的强大历史的存在确保了某些类型的现实电视格式与公共服务和纪录片的想法和实践有关。其他北欧国家也可以说有公共服务和纪录片传统(参见Kilborn 2003; Winston 2000)。相比之下,在美国,商业广播的历史存在和纪录片电视的历史存在相对薄弱,确保了某些类型的现实电视格式与与公共服务和纪录片的想法和实践无关,只与商业和娱乐的想法和实践有关。虽然这只是一个粗略的比较,但它有助于突出现实规划的文化特性,以及在不同广播环境中特定格式的发展。不同类型的现实电视格式可能会共享制作特征,例如摄像机的镜头或关于普通人的故事,但现实流派是由多样化和独特的子项组成的,它们是通过“纵向”发展和与其他形式的强化交叉同化的过程“演变而来的”。


近年来,现实电视的学术研究已经有所减少。 对当时新兴电视现象的早期研究主要集中在类型的定义上,以及与其他类型电视类型的关系上。如 Bill Nichols的作品(1994年),John Corner(1995年,1996年)和Richard Kilborn(1994年,1998年)研究关于现实电视中现实制作的故事,特别强调了关于现实类型的事实和虚构元素的早期辩论。 在很多方面,关于现实电视的早期辩论提出的关于现实事实电视的现实和活动的重要问题在今天还没有回答。

Nichols,Corner和Kilborn的工作与在电视竞技场中的突发和混合类型以及现有的有关学术研究的学术辩论相关。 对于Corner和Kilborn,他们提出的有关他的现实电视制作的特点和流行的实际电视对纪录片电视的未来的影响是他们在当代工作中继续解决的问题。 两位学者都广泛地撰写了视听文体的不断变化的性质,现实电视在开放辩论中必须发挥的作用,和关于事实电视的真相声称(Corner 2002a,2002b; Kilborn 003)。虽然角落和基尔伯恩对现实电视制作作了方方面面的批评,但他们认识到,现实电视过去十年的人气在纪录片研究中是不可忽视的。

我自己的研究有助于现实电视的发展,包含和接收现有的工作。 我以前的研究在犯罪和紧急服务类型的现实电视制作(Hill 2000b,2000c),以及大哥哥节目(big brother)的制作的收藏。体现在将观众置于对现实电视的辩论中。在这个意义上说,这本书直接关系到我以前的兴趣在于批判性接受现实节目。 在这本书我将我自己的研究放在与现实电视规划相关的观众中,和关于现实电视知识和关于纪录片中现实流派的辩论,媒体和文化研究中。

我的希望是,本书的研究结果,正如在本书中概述,为周到其他学者的研究,我已经简要地说明和提及。本书的重点是观众观看电视真人秀的体验。 正如有一系列的程序和格式的现实流派,也有一系列的策略和反应来弥补不同类型现实节目的观看体验。

关于现实电视的伟大辩论,对电视及其观众的影响,往往缺少了什么? 缺少的是是观看现实节目的观众的声音。在听取关于收看流行和迅速变化的电视类型的观众的讨论方面要学习的还有很多。



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