
 2022-08-14 03:08


Effects of Internal Audit Quality on the Severity and Persistence of Controls Deficiencies


International Journal of Auditing


International Journal of Auditing,2015,19(3):148—165.



The objective of this study is to test the effects of internal audit quality on the severity and persistence of the internal controls deficiencies (ICD). Internal audit quality is investigated through the internal audit process, internal audit input and types of ICD. The paper extends previous findings on ICD severity and ICD persistence. Using private data collected with questionnaires and performing logistic regressions, we find that the improvement of planning – scoping and testing – monitoring quality and competences – independence reduces ICD severity, decreasing significant deficiencies and material weaknesses, and reduces persistence of ICD over time. We also find that revenues are the most severe type of ICD, while human resources and period end accounts are the most persistent.


Keywords:Internal audit;Internal control;audit planning;audit quality




The objective of this study is to test the effects of internal audit quality on the severity and persistence of internal controls deficiencies (ICD). Internal audit quality is investigated through the internal audit process, internal audit input and types of ICD.

The prior literature has analyzed ICD mainly in the United States (US) where the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has been implemented. The US literature mainly analyses ICD as the outcome of audit quality as reported in the opinion on internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) by auditors. Following Bedard and Graham (2011), we analyze ICD severity (outcome). Severity is measured separating the less severe deficiencies (D) from the more severe significant deficiencies (SD) and material weaknesses (MW). We also contribute to the literature by adding ICD persistence as outcome proxies, extending the results of Klamm, Kobelsky and Watson (2012). Persistence is evaluated looking at the dynamics of ICD from the start-up period (2007–2009) to the operating period (2010–2012) of Italian Law 262/2005.

Our study extends the US literature by analyzing the audit quality of ICFR through an input–process–outcome approach, widely recognized both in the literature (Francis, 2004, 2011; Bedard, Johnstone amp; Smith, 2010; Knechel et al., 2013; DeFond amp; Zhang, 2014)and by regulators (Financial Reporting Council, 2008; International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, 2011; Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 2013). We contribute in testing the impact of internal auditor competences – independence (input), audit cycle phases (process) and types of ICD – on severity and persistence (outcomes).

This study focuses on Italy, where a law with the same objectives and origins as the US SOX has also been implemented. Italy is interesting because it allows us to analyze the usefulness of the regulations implemented as a result of financial scandals in a civil law country where the market is driven by banks and financial institutions. Moreover, a peculiarity of Italy is that the responsibility for ICFR opinion is assigned to the chief financial officerand internal auditors. This allowed us to analyze the internal audit perspective.

Prior literature mainly uses publicly available annual report data to distinguish characteristics of companies disclosing MWs under SOX Section 404 or Section 302 (Ashbaugh-Skaife, Collins amp; Kinney, 2007; Doyle, Ge amp; McVay, 2007; Hoitash, Hoitash amp; Bedard, 2009). We use proprietary data collected by internal auditors from a sample of Italian listed companies, which shows 4,284 ICD. Private data are more precise and comprehensive than public data so we are able to further develop findings from previous literature. Furthermore, private data gives an indication on how ICD are detected by the internal auditor. Absence of private data has not previously allowed research to address this topic.

Regression results find a lower probability of more severe ICD in companies with higher overall quality of internal control. Specifically, we find that ICD becomes less severe through improvement in the effectiveness of the phases of the audit cycle (planning – scoping and testing – monitoring). ICD become less persistent through an improvement in planning – scoping, testing frequency, competencies and independence of internal auditors. Next, we find that revenues are the most severe ICD types and that human resource and period-end policies are the most persistent.

These results have several implications for regulators, academics and auditors. Regulators in countries with environmental contexts similar to Italy could make use of them in order to interpret the behavior of ICD in ICFR in listed companies, outside the context of SOX. The original model proposed in this paper can be replicated in other countries or extended with other audit quality proxies to test our results. Academics may appreciate the usefulness of the input–process–outcome approach used to evaluate audit quality. The findings should encourage auditors to distinguish effective audit cycle phases.


The empirical setting of the study is the Italian stock market. This market is driven more by banks and financial institutions than b












我们的研究扩展了通过输入-过程-结果的方法分析财务报告内部控制审计质量的美国文学,广泛文献(弗朗西斯,承认双方2004年2011贝达德,约翰斯通和史密斯; 2010 ; Knechel 等人。2013 ; DeFond&Zhang,2014年)以及监管机构(财务报告委员会,2008年;国际审计与鉴证准则理事会,2011年;上市公司会计监督委员会,2013年)。我们致力于测试内部审计师能力的影响-独立性(输入),审计周期阶段(过程)和ICD类型-对严重性和持久性(结果)的影响。


先前的文献主要使用可公开获得的年度报告数据来区分根据SOX第404节或第302节披露MW的公司的特征(Ashbaugh-Skaife,Collins和Kinney,2007年; Doyle,Ge和McVay,2007年; Hoitash,Hoitash和Bedard,2009年) 。我们使用内部审计员从意大利上市公司的样本中收集的专有数据,该数据显示了4,284个ICD。私人数据比公共数据更为精确和全面,因此我们能够进一步发展以往文献的发现。此外,私人数据表明内部审计师如何检测ICD。缺乏私人数据以前不允许进行研究以解决这个问题。




该研究的经验背景是意大利股票市场。这个市场更多地是由银行和金融机构驱动,而不是由投资者驱动,并且包括少量的上市公司(近250家)。意大利是大陆法系国家,其法律执行力薄弱,投资者保护薄弱(Choi&Wong,2007)。根据Wingate(1997)的指数,意大利的诉讼风险也很低。意大利的诉讼风险评分为6.22,而盎格鲁撒克逊国家报告的评分高于10,美国的最高评分为15。意大利的得分与法国,德国,荷兰,挪威和瑞士等其他非盎格鲁撒克逊欧洲国家相似(Cameran 2015)。


内部审计在意大利是一门相对较新的学科,意大利公司没有建立内部审计部门的法律要求。金融服务提供商是唯一的例外(Arena和Azzone,2009年; Cortesi,Tettamanzi和Corno,2009年; Mariani,Tettamanzi和Corno,2010年),但是在2005年,第262号法律引入了对ICFR的强制性评估(第262/2005号法律) 。


美国和意大利的法律具有相同的目标,即寻求保护股东免受财务丑闻和欺诈行为的侵害。但是,在生效日期,试用期,权限,应用领域,控制对象,与ICFR相关的主要部分,职责,ICFR框架以及用于上市公司的外部审计原则等方面存在许多差异。 ICD的严重程度(表thinsp;1)。第262号法律于2005年通过,但仅在美国法律生效近五年后的2007年下半年才生效。其次,在美国成立了上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB),而在意大利则没有单独的权限设置准则或监督审计师,也没有简化手续或过渡期。此外,在美国,监督范围扩展到整个内部控制系统,而在意大利,仅对ICFR进行监督。与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)一样,在意大利,“法国证券交易所委员会(CONSOB)”负责监管金融市场。例如,CONSOB提供有关报告的指示,以符合262/2005号法律,并提供报告模板(CONSOB报告)。涉及《国际公约》的第262/2005号法律的主要部分是第154条之二。SOX 404和302节提供的披露和评估范围比第154条之二更



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