基于IPA分析法的数智化技术在酒店设施设备中的应用现状与分析 ——以杭州菲住布渴酒店为例外文翻译资料

 2023-03-13 10:03





引用文献一:[1] Jeremen D E , Jdrasiak M , Rapacz A . The Concept of Smart Hotels as an Innovation on the Hospitality Industry Market – Case Study of Puro Hotel in Wrocaw[J].



原文作者 Daria Elżbieta Jaremen, Małgorzata Jędrasiak, Andrzej Rapacz







要想定义一个智能酒店的类别,就需要解释“智能”一词的意义,并展示使用“智能”一词创造的经济类别的本质。讨论中提到的术语起源于英语,意思是聪明、智慧、灵巧和圆滑。目前,这一术语越来越频繁地用于新技术和新设备的背景下,被称为智能技术和智能设备。[日常使用的物体成为 '智能物体'。它们通过网络相互关联,对环境的变化作出反应,并不断与用户互动 (Federal Office for Information Security, 2006)]。如果一个特定的设备被赋予了智能属性,这意味着它更容易被使用、控制或被程序化。因此,它的功能更贴切用户。它在使用上也更加友好和直观。它通常具有更高的安全性和成本效益,这意味着这种设备产生的成本比没有智能属性的解决方案更低,效益更高。

“聪明”一词也用于经济科学领域,尤其是在管理科学领域。它最初与20世纪50年代出现的目标管理概念的发展有关。它意味着在严格按照特定规则定义目标的条件下,实现目标的高效性,这些规则可以缩写成S.M.A.R.T为标志(即具体、可衡量、商定、现实和有时限)。在20世纪90年代,“聪明”这个词与这样一些术语联系在一起:组织及其具体形式,即企业。[因此,这样的类别作为一个“智能的组织” (Matheson, Matheson, 1998; Afsarmanesh, Camarinha-Matos, 2000) 和“智慧的企业”出现(Quinn, 1992)]。在被讨论概念中的“智慧”,这种智能属性被赋予给一个企业,它的发展是基于知识,企业的不断迭代,进步和应用在为客户创造价值的过程中。

在经济学的基础上,在分析智慧组织的本质时,可以运用企业的资源基础理论和知识资本理论。[根据上述两个理论中的第一个可知,在所有可用的生产要素中,智力仍然是公司最重要的资源(Quinn,1992)],可以决定其他资源的有效实施。与上述概念类似,在知识资本理论中,人、人的知识、参与、创业精神和创造力被认为是创造附加值的关键因素,决定了企业开发和开展创新的可能性。 因此,将上述两种理论结合起来,以知识资本为基础的智能化企业更具竞争力,即可以提供更好的成长和发展机会。[创造、资本化和知识传播(Brilman, 2002)]也代表了所谓的“学习型”组织的属性。因此,智能企业是“学习型”组织。它将其未来的发展与不断改进和提高其所有雇员的资格、技能和能力的过程联系在一起。[学习型企业基于五大支柱(即所谓的P. Sengersquo;s disciplines)构建其潜力,即:个人精通、系统思维、心智模型、共享愿景和团队学习(Senge, 2000)]。

[知识代表了信息在公司运作中的应用(Brilman, 2002)]。因此,知识的倍增需要公司员工之间以及公司与环境之间长期的信息交流。

希望更容易地获取知识,更快地传播隐性知识(Kowalczyk, Nogalski, 2007),利用他人的知识优势和获取他人的知识机会,智能企业经常代表合作系统网络中的节点。在合作系统的网络中,网络成员之间的多边合作关系带来许多好处。导致因素表现为网络成员积累的知识潜能的获取,可用资源的集体使用,以及通过合作产生的协同效应。

目前,收集信息并将其转化为创造性知识的过程,得到信息和通讯技术,特别是互联网的支持。智慧企业对技术和技术进步的吸收能力很强,因此,他们在其结构、系统、流程、产品和服务中迅速实施现代IT解决方案。[在网络经济中,遵循这样规则的那些在公司在运作中利用ICT过程是有可能成功的。 (Grudzewski, Hejduk, 2011)]这种可能的成功






1.The Upper House in Hong Kong (the guests receive iPod Touch at check-in, loaded with the set of games, music and information about the hotel for their own use)

2.Novotel Muuml;nchen Messe (the guests are greeted by both the real and a virtual receptionist, the hotel provides information and communication systems equipped in touchscreens, using which guests can easily find tourist information they need;

3.Crowne Plaza in Copenhagen (owing to the application of new technologies, has become neutral in terms of CO2 emission, the entire energy used in it originates from renewable sources (e.g. bicycles propelled by the power of muscles of the guests working out in the hotel fitness club2) Blow Up Hall, Poznań, the hotel guests receive iPhones, instead of keys or cards, using which they enter their rooms.


3. 信息通信技术ICT 在酒店业中的应用

根据G. Weigel (2004) 对ICT的定义,ICT 意思是用于获取、处理和传输与文本、声音、数据和图像有关的信息的整个技术范围。


[信息和通信技术包括任何记录信息的媒介(磁盘/磁带、光盘--DVD/CD、闪存,也可以说是纸质记录)、信息广播技术(广播、电视)以及通过语音、声音和图片进行交流的技术(麦克风、照相机、扬声器、电话和手机)。和图片的技术(麦克风、照相机、扬声器、电话和移动电话)。(Januszewska, Jaremen, Nawrocka, 2015). ][信息通信技术正在改变全球旅游业 (Buhalis, Law, 2008)]

表1. ICT的组成部分根据酒店的四个运营领域


4. 信息通信技术的应用在Puro酒店的探讨


在研究过程中,为了本研究的目的,采用了案例研究法。案例研究的形成过程分为几个步骤,其中每个连续的阶段都应该由前一个阶段产生。最重要的步骤是为案例研究的发展收集信息。因为收集的材料的质量对结论有影响,对答案的调查不仅是在与酒店的直接访谈中进行的。不仅是在与酒店经理的直接访谈中,而且是在分析从不同来源收集到的数据的基础上,如:直接观察、新闻发布和互联网门户网站的内容。互联网门户网站的内容。描述构成了分析所收集的经验材料的基本技术。信息的主要来源采取了个人访谈的形式。所进行的研究的基本目标是提出智能酒店概念的实际层面 基于Puro酒店集团。提出了两个研究问题。

1. 一个智能酒店的特点是什么,什么决定了它在酒店市场上的独特性?

2. 酒店ICT应用的决定因素是什么,以及由此带来的优势是什么?

在波兰,大约有300家酒店,主要是四星级和五星级酒店,[它们在酒店业务中应用创新技术解决方案方面可以说是领先的。 (Wind Mobile, 2015)]






关键词:hotel, smart organization, intelligent enterprise, ICT

引用文献:[1] Jeremen D E , Jdrasiak M , Rapacz A . The Concept of Smart Hotels as an Innovation on the Hospitality Industry Market – Case Study of Puro Hotel in Wrocaw[J]. Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki, 2016, 36:65-75.

The concept of smart hotels as an innovation on the hospitality industry market—case study of Puro hotel in Wroclaw

Keywords: hotel, smart organization, intelligent enterprise, ICT


In modern economy, the symbol which is knowledge, only these enterprises stand the chance of success which are capable of collecting, multiplying and applying this knowledge successfully. The continuously expanding capital of knowledge results in the emergence of intelligent enterpris- es, taking full advantage of their staff creativity. It is emphasized that smart enterprises win their market advantage owing to the application of new information and communication technologies(ICT), even though one should remember that technological innovations do not represent the only factor of success.

Hospitality industry represents, beyond any doubt, one of these economy sectors which take an increasingly intensive advantage of the available ICT. They play a particular role and are regarded as the key factor of intelligent (smart) hotelsrsquo; effective functioning. They not only allow improved management effectiveness and higher efficiency of functioning, but also facilitate achieving such service level which, in the times of technological advancement in everyday life, can result in much batter satisfaction of the demanding guests.

The purpose of the presented article is to explain the essence of a smart hotel category and to identify the attributes distinguishing an intelligent hotel from other entities, which do not function based on this particular business model. The study takes up an attempt to present the definition of a smart hotel. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective the review of the subject literature in the theory of organization and management, as well as hospitality business economics and man- agement, was conducted. The theoretical discussion was illustrated using the case study of PURO hotel in Wrocław. The necessary information was collected from both secondary and primary sources, whereas the study and analysis of scientific and information providing publications consti- tuted the data collection methods, supplemented by market observation and interpersonal in-depth interview with the aforementioned hotelrsquo;s manager.

the essence of smart hotelsrsquo; concept

The attempt to define a smart hotel category requires explaining the significance of the term smart and presenting the essence of economic categories created using the word smart. The dis- cussed term, which originates from English, means clever, intelligent, ingenious and slick. Currently this term is used more and more frequently in the context of new technologies and devices, referred to as smart technologies and smart devices. The objects of everyday use become “smart objects”. They are related with each other in a network, they react to changes in their environment, they con- tinuously interact with their users (Federal Office for Information Security, 2006). If a particular device is assigned the smart attribute it means that it is easier to use, steer or program. Therefore, its functionality is better for its user. It is also more friendly and intuitive in usage. It is frequently characterized by a higher level of safety and cost effectiveness, which means that such device gen- erates lower costs and results in higher benefits than the solutions deprived of the smart attribute.

The term smart is also used in the field of economic sciences and especially in manage- ment sciences. Initially it was associated with the development of the management by objectives concept, which emerged in the 50s of the 20th century. It implies high effectiveness of achieving goals on condition of defining them strictly according to the specific rules, marked by an acro- nym S.M.A.R.T (i.e. specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time bound). In the 90s of the 20th century the word smart was linked with such terms as: organization and its specific case – an en- terprise. Therefore such categories appeared as a smart organization (Matheson, Matheson, 1998; Afsarmanesh, Camarinha-Matos, 2000), and intelligent enterprise (Quinn, 1992). In the discussed concept the intelligent attribute is assigned to an enterprise the development of which is based on knowledge, its continuous multiplication, advancement and application in the process of value crea- tion for a client.

On the grounds of economics, while analysing the essence of a smart organization, the re- source-based theory of an enterprise and intellectual capital theory can be used. According to the first of them out of all available production factors it is the intellect which remains the most im- portant resource of a company (Quinn, 1992), deciding about the efficient implementation of other resources. Similarly to above concept, in the theory of intellectual capital, people, their knowledge, involvement, entrepreneurialship and creativity are recognized as the crucial factors in creating added value and the key capital of an enterprise, which decides about the possibilities of developing and launching innovations. Thus, having in mind both of th



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