Int. J. Civ. Eng. (2016) 14:307–324 DOI 10.1007/s40999-016-0041-2
Analysis and Control of the Coupled Vibration Between the Ship Lift and Ship Chamber
Y. Zhong1 bull; J. W. Tu2 bull; G. Que3 bull; B. Tu2 bull; J. Y. Xu2
Received: 12 June 2014 / Revised: 9 June 2015 / Accepted: 16 April 2016 / Published online: 3 June 2016
copy; Iran University of Science and Technology 2016
Abstract Coupled vibrations may occur between ship lift structure and the ship chamber during seismic process due to the ship chamber being hung at the roof of the ship lift. An investigation is carried out to explore the possibility of using different devices to connect the ship lift towers and the ship chamber to prevent the coupled vibrations. A three-dimensional shell finite element model is established, and then simplified into a three-dimensional truss finite element model through dynamic equivalent principle. And the numerical model of coupled vibration analysis is formed through static condensation, calculating the cou- pled vibration response between the ship lift structure and the ship chamber under five connection conditions: no connection, rigid connection, spring, viscous liquid damper and magneto-rheological fluid damper. The result shows that no connection and rigid connection between them are both inadvisable; the magneto-rheological fluid damper provides better vibration damping effect if suitable semi- active control strategy is applied, in comparison with passive control devices.
Keywords Ship lift · Ship chamber · Coupled vibration ·
Viscous liquid damper · Magneto-rheological fluid damper
Ship lift is a major navigation structure vertically lifting and lowering ships to hasten their passage across the dam by exploiting mechanical devices. Compared with traditional navigation lock, it adapts to complex terrain and shortens the passage of ships across the dam. Therefore, it has developed rapidly in water conservancy projects in recent years. With huge and complicated load, when mechanical devices work, extremely small structural deformation is demanded [1–3]. On the other hand, during earthquakes and wind load, the ship lift produces greater vibration response because of its enormous weight. Meanwhile, under dynamic load compli- cated coupled vibrations or even collision occur between the ship lift structure and the ship chamber, severely threatening the ship lift, the chamber and ships. Consequently, it is essential to analyze the coupled vibration during earthquakes and wind and to take appropriate damping measures.
In order to figure out the dynamic characteristic of the ship lift and calculate its dynamic response, it is required to establish the three-dimensional shell finite element model of the structure accurately [4–8]. The model, however, has numerous freedom degree and the ship chamber is viewed as a concentrated mass, with which calculating the coupled vibration responses between the structure and the ship
chamber is not possible, nor are the different effects pro-
amp; J. W. Tu
1 School of Information Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, No. 122 Ruoshi Road, Wuhan 430070, China
2 Hubei Key Laboratory of Roadway Bridge and Structure Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, No. 122 Ruoshi Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430070, China
3 CCDI Group, No. 19 Keji Mid 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518000, China
duced by using different connection between them. Thus, the three-dimensional shell model is simplified into the three-dimensional truss model adopting different damping devices to connect the structure and the chamber and analyzing the coupled vibration between them with dif- ferent connections.
At present, few researches have been done to coupled vibration analysis between the ship lift structure and the chamber, and most are confined to analyzing the coupling
308 Int. J. Civ. Eng. (2016) 14:307–324
process among the chamber, the water in chamber, the ship in chamber and steel cables lifting the chamber [9, 10] without considering the coupled vibration between the chamber and the structure. Besides, the study objects of the structural dynamic analysis are chiefly focused on analyz- ing dynamic response of the ship lift structure during earthquakes and wind. The research techniques include the shaking table test of its main structural model, finite ele- ment analysis and theoretical calculation. Chen and Zhao [11, 12] have performed the shaking table test; Ma and Zhang [4–7] have analyzed its dynamic property and seismic response by establishing its finite element model; Cheng [8] have made analysis and calculation on time- varying dynamic reliability of the ship lift structure under design earthquake intensity through its three-dimensional finite element model; Li [13] have calculated wind-induced response of the ship lift structure with mode superposition method according to random vibration theory. As they propose, the ship chamber is analyzed as a simplified concentrated mass without considering the complicated coupled vibrations in earthquakes and wind. The studies about vibration damping control mainly consist in reducing the seismic whipping effect at the roof machine room of the ship lift [14–16]. Few studies have been done to reduce the coupled vibrati
Y. Zhong1 bull; J. W. Tu2 bull; G. Que3 bull; B. Tu2 bull; J. Y. Xu2
Coupled vibrations may occur between ship lift structure and the ship chamber during seismic process due to the ship chamber being hung at the roof of the ship lift. An investigation is carried out to explore the possibility of using different devices to connect the ship lift towers and the ship chamber to prevent the coupled vibrations. A three-dimensional shell finite element model is established, and then simplified into a three-dimensional truss finite element model through dynamic equivalent principle. And the numerical model of coupled vibration analysis is formed through static condensation, calculating the cou- pled vibration response between the ship lift structure and the ship chamber under five connection conditions: no connection, rigid connection, spring, viscous liquid damper and magneto-rheological fluid damper. The result shows that no connection and rigid connection between them are both inadvisable; the magneto-rheological fluid damper provides better vibration damping effect if suitable semi- active control strategy is applied, in comparison with passive control devices.
Keywords Ship lift · Ship chamber · Coupled vibration ·
Viscous liquid damper · Magneto-rheological fluid damper
目前关于船舶升力结构与舱室耦合振动分析的研究较少,大部分研究仅局限于分析舱室,舱室内水分,舱室内船舶和提升舱室钢索的耦合过程[而不考虑腔室和结构之间的耦合振动。此外,结构动力分析的研究对象主要集中在分析船舶升力结构在地震和风力作用下的动力响应。研究技术包括其主要结构模型的振动台试验,有限元分析和理论计算。陈和赵[11,12]进行了振动台试验; Ma和Zhang [4-7]通过建立其有限元模型分析了其动力特性和地震反应; Cheng [8]通过三维有限元模型对设计地震烈度下船舶结构的时变动力可靠度进行了分析和计算; Li [13]根据随机振动理论,用模式叠加法计算了船舶升力结构的风振响应。正如他们所提出的那样,船舱被分析为简化集中质量,而不考虑地震和风的复杂耦合振动。有关减振控制的研究主要集中在降低船舶电梯屋顶机房的震波效应[14-16]。为减少船舶升降结构和船舱的耦合振动已经做了很少的研究。
为了解决这个问题,分析和控制了在地震过程中船舶升降机与船舱之间的耦合振动,以及三峡大坝升船机的工程背景。 建立其三维壳体有限元模型,并将其简化为三维桁架模型,充分考虑舱室与结构的耦合作用。 基于桁架有限元模型,通过静力凝结建立其数值模型,通过数值计算得到结构与舱室不同连接处的地震响应。
利用ANSYS软件建立三维壳体模型,其中起重设备,滑轮组,台阶,平台载荷等附件均转化为集中质量,压在船上的相应位置电梯。管壳和剪力墙采用Shell63单元模拟,耦合梁采用Beam4单元模拟,集中质量采用Mass21单元模拟。模型中钢筋混凝土的单位重量设置为25 kN / m,泊松比为0.20。
考虑到底部和顶部混凝土类型的差异,低于32.5 m的材料的弹性模量设置为27,980 MPa,高于32.5 m的材料的弹性模量为26,700 MPa。根据真实结构获得模型不同元素的形式和大小。其主要结构的三维壳模型如图2-2所示。
为研究升船机的动力学特性,采用Lanczos方法进行模态分析。表2-1列出了前两种横向和纵向振动模式的固有振动频率和周期。第一个固有振动频率为0.34 Hz,属于高层结构,具有更大的灵活性。图3和4分别显示其横向和纵向振动模式。由于三维壳体有限元模型存在真实结构的优化模拟,因此模型的固有振动频率和模态能够准确反映真实结构的动力特性。
图2-1 1/4主结构的布局的7-13轴
图2-2 主要结构的三维壳体模型
图2-3 壳模型的横向一阶振动模式
表2-1 三维壳体有限元模型的动力学特性
三维壳体模型 |
频率/Hz |
周期/s |
模式形式 |
0.34 |
2.94 |
第一阶段横向振动 |
0.89 |
1.12 |
第一阶段纵向振动 |
1.97 |
0.51 |
第二阶段横向振动 |
3.39 |
0.30 |
第二阶段纵向振动 |
船舶升力三维有限元模型能够准确反映真实结构的动力特性。然而,由于以下原因,壳模型必须被简化:(1)其自由度高达92382,这使得后续的阻尼计算变得不可能; (2)造型时,船舱以集中质量的形式压在船舶升降机上,无法反映舱室的动态特性; (3)壳体模型的结构太复杂,无法确定舱室与结构之间的连接,无法计算舱室与船舶升降机之间的耦合振动,而且考虑到不同连接装置对耦合的影响振动。为了解决这些问题,采用了从三维壳体有限元模型到三维桁架有限元模型到静态冷凝的两步简化过程,建立了船舶升力和结构动力学的简化数值模型用于在每个步骤中比较特性。
图3-1 壳模型的纵向一阶振动模式
室通过四个横向导向装置水平连接到塔。船上的导轨安装如图3-3所示。此时舱室的高度为122.3米。在建模过程中,塔和室都被简化为构件形式。船舱由边缘成员和支持成员组成。纵向导向装置简化为通过链杆与船舱连接的弯曲梁。横向导向装置简化为与船舶升降结构的舱室和塔架连接的横向连接装置。横向连接装置可以是弹簧或其他阻尼器。在建模中,连接装置由刚度设置为100 MN / m的弹簧元件模拟。
从三维桁架有限元模型中提取集中质量矩阵和相应的刚度矩阵。 提取的矩阵包含270个关节,每个关节包含6个自由度以及10个关节约束条件,从而得到完整的质量矩阵和船舶电梯的刚度矩阵均为1560。
第n个固有振动频率; nm和nn对应于第m固有振动频率和第n固有振动频率的阻尼比。 船舶升力由混凝土制成,n设为常数0.05,质量阻尼系数a和刚度阻尼系数b分别为0.1625和0.0121。
图3-2 舱室和升船机结构之间的连接
图3-3 船舶升降机的三维桁架有限元模型
表3-1 两者之间动态特性的比较壳模型和桁架模型
3D外壳模型 |
3D桁架模型 |
模式形式 |
频率/Hz |
周期/s |
频率/Hz |
周期/s |
0.34 |
2.94 |
0.35 |
2.86 |
第一阶段横向振动 |
0.89 |
1.12 |
0.96 |
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