
 2023-04-13 10:04

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Promoting Chinas Inclusive Finance Through Digital Financial Services(Excerpt)

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this research is to explore the ways of promoting inclusive finance in China. The year to-year and step-by-step initiatives to promote Chinarsquo;s inclusive finance are also specified here. Therefore, after examining the findings of related studies, the subsequent stages of the development of Chinas inclusive finance are presented in this research with the importance and influence of financial technology on inclusive finance development. The view of different authors, researchers, fellows and others have gathered and considered here to accomplish the research objectives. Also, this research aims to provide an essential discussion from the understanding of DFSs and inclusive finance.

Rationale of the Study

Still, the researches on promoting inclusive finance are not so extended. Few studies have precisely addressed the DFSs context in promoting inclusive finance. Therefore, a systematic review study is important for the readers and researchers who are working on this topic. All the targeted reader will get the integrated concept of digital financial inclusion from this study. Even, this research is also important for Chinese researchers who are working on DFS and digital financial inclusion.

Theoretical Framework

It is important to develop a conceptual framework for the relationship between DFS and inclusive finance. Gomber et al. (2017) specified digital financial business functions. These are digital financing, digital investments, digital money, digital payments, digital insurances and digital financial advice. These functions directly influence on the transforming process of promoting traditional inclusive finance to digital inclusive finance. Ozili (2018) elaborates an organized digital financial inclusion framework that highlights the important roles that the government, financial technology and banks play significant roles in promoting inclusive finance and reducing poverty. Ozili (2018, p. 334) also talked about a sequence that the availability of a mobile device should be ensured first. After that, this may lead forward to the data financial inclusion as well as digital finance. Finally, the data financial inclusion and digital finance lead the traditional inclusive finance to promoted inclusive finance. Whatever, in this research, the implications of DFS on promoting inclusive finance are presented on a theoretical framework. This theoretical framework shows the connections between traditional financial services and promoted inclusive finance. Figure 1 illustrates a theoretical framework to clarify the ways how DFS affects financial services and inclusive finance.

Promoted inclusive finance policies aimed at channelling inclusive finance and other DFS to less privileged people in society. Some forces are working behind this channelling such as the expansion of formal banking system usage, fostering electronic payment acceptance, easier payment method and making financial services more affordable especially for the vulnerable people in the society. The functions of DFS comprise influential activities towards promoted inclusive finance from traditional financial services. The digitalization of the financial systems and the ultimate development of ICT have helped to achieve the primary goals of inclusive finance by providing DFSs.

Services related to DFS promote the desired inclusive finance by creating multi-dimensional channels by providing a variety of DFSs among a large number of users. Here, DFS plays as the indicator that promotes inclusive finance in this era along with the rapid development of ICT and other factors of inclusive finance. Also, with the help of diversified digital services, people can do different types of transaction, investment and also get the required advice from the experts for making the proper financial decision. It also allows users to make the rapid transaction and fast services, which make life easier. The standardization of the formal banking systems and other DFSs is playing roles in promoting inclusive finance continuously.Here, digital currency is an ideal example of promoting inclusive finance by accessing the financial system framework. Nowadays, people always prefer to use digital currency instead of cash. People feel unsecured with carrying cash, which is the most traditional medium of financial communication. The security issues are also influential matters in carrying cash. From these aspects of digital currency, digital payment is the most revolutionary step to make life easier, especially in China; digital payment is much easier at present than it was 10 years ago. Here, WeChat and Alipay are the most commonly used medium of digital payments and financial communications. From these perspectives, the widespread use of WeChat and Alipay in China has influenced the promotion of inclusive finance across the country. In addition, digital insurance is also influencing the development of inclusive finance. For example, online marketplaces, especially Taobao and Jingdong are the most useful online marketplaces in China. People from all around China (even from the most rural areas) also open stores in these marketplaces. Therefore, the product delivery system is also a vital issue. Here digital insurance plays a very important role in providing product safety when shipping to various places within China. Compared to before 2013, it makes life especially safer for businesses. Also, another digital service is digital financial advice, which also plays a vital role in promoting inclusive finance. Now all the parties can take appropriate advice from digital consultancy firm for their rural investment and rural business development. Therefore, both the service providers and receivers benefit from such k


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本研究通过系统的文献回顾,探索与数字金融服务、金融科技、数字金融和普惠金融相关的文章。根据这些研究,本研究是在以往一些相关研究的基础上完成的(例如,Ding等人,2018;G-24,2018;Long,2016;Loubere,2017;Makina,2019;Patwardhan,2017;Tsai,2017;Zhou等人,2015)。另外,许多与普惠金融和金融科技相关的研究都是以文章为基础进行分析的,如Hao(2017)、Siddik和Kabiraj(2020)、Sparreboom(2011)、Sparreboom和Duflos(2012)、Tam和Hanh(2018)以及Zhou等(2018)所进行的研究。无论怎样,这里从不同的角度分析不同的现象、变化的影响和金融技术之间的关系,探讨数字金融服务对普惠金融的影响(Cukier, Ngwenyama, Bauer, amp; Middleton, 2009)。

关于数字金融服务或互联网金融或FinTech的数据库并不像其他金融主题那样丰富,同时数字普惠金融的数据库也不那么广泛。这就是为什么大多数从二手资料中收集的文章(Hasan amp; Mahmud, 2017; Hasan, Nekmahmud, Yajuan, amp; Patwary, 2019; Hasan, Parven, Khan, Mahmud, amp; Yajuan, 2018; Shen, Shen, amp; Chen, 2016: Hasan, Mahmud, amp; Islam, 2017; Nekmahmud amp; Rahman, 2018)。本研究大多基于从二级数据分析方法中用解释性方法找出数字金融服务和包容性金融的关键现象(Zavolokina等,2016)。许多研究文章、评论文章、案例研究和会议论文都是从二手资料中确定和收集的。数据的收集是按照一个系统的过程进行的。首先,我们选择了Elsevier B.V.的两个最佳索引数据库Scopusreg;和Web of Science Coretrade;,以保持所收集文章的质量。之后,我们按照Elsevier、Emerald、Springer、Taylor amp; Francis、Wiley和SAGE Publication的搜索选项来收集高质量的研究文章。这些出版商通常出版大多数著名的商业、金融和经济学期刊。这里集中了基于金融技术、普惠金融、农村金融和包容性金融的不同研究。此外,还从世界银行数据库中收集了一些文章,该数据库被认为是包容性金融的最佳数据库之一。

本研究遵循Banomyong, Varadejsatitwong, Oloruntoba(2017),Hemingway(2009),Leonidou,Christofi,Vrontis和Thrassou(2018),Rhaiem和Amara(2019),Snyder,Witell,Gustafsson,Fombelle和Kristensson(2016),Witell,Snyder,Gustafsson,Fombelle和Kristensson(2016),Siddik(2019)以及Bulis,Kabiraj和Siddik(2019)的研究方法。具体来说,本研究遵循了Hasan等人(2019)、Milian等人(2019)和Witell等人(2016)的研究方法过程。

有几篇关于数字金融服务和普惠金融的文章使用了其他关键术语,如FinTech(Dapp,2016;G-24,2018;Long,2016;Mackenzie,2015;Milian等,2019;Salampasis amp; Mention,2018;Tsai,2017),互联网金融(Chen et al, 2017; Loubere, 2017; Shen amp; Huang, 2016; Wang, Shen, amp; Huang, 2016; Xie et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017),'数字普惠金融/数字普惠金融'(Castri amp; Gidvani, 2014; Patwardhan, 2017; Sun, 2017; Zhou et al., 2015)和 '数字金融'(Ozili, 2018; Siddik amp; Kabiraj, 2020; Zhou et al., 2015)。在此,数据编码系统分为三部分:第一部分是数据要与数字金融服务相关,第二部分是数据要与中国相关,第三部分是数据要与普惠金融相关。此外,这里还遵循了定性数据分析模式的三个步骤。它们是分类、编码和文本分析。此外,研究人员还使用了自我判断的方法来总结重要的文章。由于数据是根据三个标准收集的,所以数据的分析也是按照这三个标准进行的。



在中国,数字金融服务提供了不同的机会,通过说服金融公司、信贷公司、银行等,在不同的金融服务中提供技术应用来发展普惠金融(Zavolokina等,2016)。它还为个人赋权提供了不同的机会,如降低成本和提高透明度(Anagnostopoulos,2018;Thompson,2017)。技术不仅在中国,而且在全世界的普惠金融发展中发挥着非常重要的作用(Shim amp; Shin,2016)。金融技术在经济增长中的意义强调了比传统金融交易方式更能降低金融业的风险和成本的作用(Frame amp; White,2012)。同时,它使普惠金融更有利可图,鼓励银行和其他金融机构为其目标低收入客户提供服务(Helms,2006;Patwardhan等人,2018)。

大多数中国金融机构都在利用不同的技术创新提供金融服务,如ATM、POS终端、即时移动应用、移动网络、信任管理、移动嵌入式系统、云计算、图像处理和数据分析技术(Shen amp; Huang,2016;世界银行集团,2016)。这些数字金融服务大大降低了交易成本,提高了基于风险的定价和风险管理的效率,减少了信息不对称,扩大了可能的交易集,提高了机构的透明度。此外,在普惠金融中使用技术创新,它创造了金融机构之间的竞争。在某些情况下,一些使用技术创新的公司比没有使用这些技术优势的公司获得更多的利润。即使使用金融技术,公司也能克服许多障碍,帮助这些机构提高服务质量,以满足他们的客户的需求(郝,2017)。因此,穷人也可以从技术创新的使用中受益。



政府以及许多私营机构已经采取了许多举措来促进普惠金融的发展。即便如此,不仅是正规金融机构,非正规金融机构也在满足普惠金融的需求方面发挥着至关重要的作用(Hao, 2017)。在互联网金融行业的核心,移动互联网的使用、大数据的使用和云计算都是数字金融的组成部分,金融技术在这里被用来识别和管理金融风险(Huang, Lei, amp; Shen, 2016)。此外,所有公司都在中国的农村地区开展工作,以促进普惠金融。由于大多数农村人口生活在乡村,为这些人提供不同的金融服务是非常昂贵的,部分原因是他们的资金量小,往往生活在人烟稀少的地区,有记录的信用记录很少。在这种情况下,不同的数字金融服务在中国带着祝福发展他们的普惠金融,以促进他们的金融可及性和包容性增长(Siddik,2019;Siddik, Ahsan, amp; Kabiraj,2019;Siddik amp; Kabiraj,2020)。无论怎样,金融科技在中国不是一个新概念。它已经被使用了近十年(Shen amp; Huang, 2016)。然而,中国的大多数人,甚至是农村人,都在一秒钟内使用虚拟货币进行交易(龙,2016)。金融科技的发展从根本上取决于整个经济的增长,这与传统的金融行业有关(Guo等人,2016)。


人,甚至是银行服务不足的人,使他们能够在烘烤服务的范围内提供服务(Helms,2006)。不管他们的旅程是在1998年PayPal在西方的发展之后开始的。还有一些其他的平台也从中国得到了灵感,比如Zopa.com(英国)和Lending Club(美国)。此后,最初,其发展始于2013年,阿里巴巴集团的货币市场产品--余额宝的诞生(Guo等人,2016)。他们因其技术性的资金交易系统和为小企业家提供不同目的的在线贷款服务而得到了显著的发展(Casanova等人,2018;Yan等人,2018)。

金融科技在中国通常提供六种服务,如互联网支付(支付宝、微信支付)、网络借贷(Webank、MYbank)、互联网货币市场基金(余额宝)、互联网保险(淘宝网上的航运保险)、互联网信用调查(知马贷)和互联网投资(易仁达、PPmoney)(Guo等,2016)。这些服务正在以快速增长的速度进行。根据北京大学互联网金融发展指数(IFDI)自2014年1月以来,互联网金融活动以每年约100%的速度增长。增长速度非常快,如2012年P2P公司为200家,2016年4月增加了4029家(Shen amp; Huang, 2016)。在某些情况下,快速增长是关于这种增长是否可持续的辩论的一部分。然而,



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