
 2022-11-28 02:11

On the use of roles in management of design projects

D. Renaud*, B. Rose*, V. Robin**


The launch of a project is a response to a production effort applied to an organization. By its nature, it is temporary, has a high degree of uncertainty and allows a high reactivity. The generalization of project organization within companies has the effect of changing the criteria for evaluating this type of management. Yet it is necessary to find a compromise between the need for the organization to master its processes and the project dynamics. For this, the approach presented here proposes to focus on the concepts of context and associated roles. The concept of context is considered as one or a set of specific situations in the course of a project. The concept of role, independent of the concept of actor, is described as a cluster of behaviors and goal-oriented context-specific. This approach has the effect of allowing for a structured process for managing the organization and a more dynamic project management. While focusing on design project, the cornerstone of the product development process is the performance. After

having introduced useful models and tools to run an efficient product development performance evaluation, the second section part of this paper outlines the similarities between project management and operational management of an organization. The third part refers to changing

practices in software project management. The fourth part therefore proposes solution to help to soften the effects of changing management practices on projects by introducing the notion of role. The following section presents some models and tools that are suitable to run these

performance evaluations.



For several years, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is widely applied in organizations (Sveiby 1997). Using the BSC as a tool for measuring and controlling the product development process has already been highlighted (Bean and Radford 2001). However the nature of a PD project is not that of an organization, the diversity of factors that determine the performance and success of the development process must also be considered. These indicators can be categorized: Efficiency, Effectiveness,Collaboration, Management Skill and Innovation (Yuanyuan2008). More specifically, models of performance assessment in design exist. The two most significant models in the

evaluation of the performance management design are GRAI Ramp;D (Girard and Doumeingts, 2004) and the Orsquo;Donnel and Duffy (Orsquo;Donnel and Duffy, 2005) methodology for design for design performance modeling and analysis. These methods and tools are presented in this section.

2.1 Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard aims to help design of ad hoc scoreboards for an organization or for a part of an organization. It provides a framework for implementing actions of reflection, communication, monitoring and improvement of an organization around 4 perspectives

(Figure 1). In this framework, each perspective contains information about Objectives, Measures, Targets and Initiatives. It helps to develop metrics, collect data and analyze it relative to each of these perspectives. The use of the BSC as a tool for measuring and controlling the product

development process has already been proposed (Bean and Radford 2001). Balanced Scorecard has many advantages. It minimizes information overload by limiting the number ofmeasurements used. This has the effect of forcing managers to focus on the most critical measures and achieve their goal without making compromise between key factors of success(Kaplan and Norton, 1992). However, their implementation required an important work of strategic alignment to obtain a

series of common objectives (Kaplan and Norton 1996,2001).

2.2 GRAI Ramp;D

The GRAI Ramp;D model (Girard and Doumeingts, 2004) is based on a systemic approach of the design. It proposes a framework for study and evaluation of design systems. This model divides into three sub-systems design system. The technological system is the transformation of input data into output data. It details the processes of transformation from needs to product definitions. It identifies design centers. For this, he describes all human, physical and information needed to the design process (software, knowhow, information flows). The decision support system is the driving transformations initiated in the technological system. It describes the decisions necessary to control commands of the design. It helps coordinate and synchronize

the activities of the technological system. It is divided into decision levels (strategic, tactical, operational) gathering centers of decision. The information system is the connection between the couple: decision support system /technology system and the system environment.To better match the characteristics of the project steering, the GRAI Ramp;D model has been improved by the work of Girard and Ro bin (Robin and Girard, 2006). They focus on the study of a methodology and a model of design performance assessment for the steering of design systems. Their model

takes into account situations with multi-stakeholder, multidisciplinary and multi-projects and allows the inclusion of performance factors in design. An implementation of the assessment model is effective through a modeling methodology, monitoring the business and design system.

They also take into account the competence of stakeholder in order to define the design team (Robin et al., 2007).

2.3 Orsquo;Donnel and Duffy methodology

Orsquo;Donnell and Duffy have developed a design performance model based on IDEF0. Their performance model for a design activity emphasizes the need to identify all elements and all the relationships involved in the activity. Eval



D. Renaud *,B.Rose*,V. Robin *






几年来,平衡计分卡(BSC)是广泛应用于组织(斯威比1997)。使用平衡计分卡作为一种测量和控制产品开发过程的工具已经凸显(豆和Radford 2001)。然而,PD项目的性质不是一个组织,确定的性能和成功的发展过程中的因素的多样性,也必须考虑。这些指标可分为:效率、效益、协作、管理技能和创新(yuanyuan2008)。更具体地说,在设计中存在的性能评估模型。的两个最重要的模型绩效管理的评价是设计和研发(吉拉德和doumeingts,2004)和奥唐奈和杜菲(奥唐奈和杜菲,2005)为设计性能建模与分析设计方法。本节介绍了这些方法和工具。


平衡计分卡旨在帮助Ad Hoc记分牌设计一个组织或组织的某一部分。它提供了一个框架,实现行动的反思,沟通,监测和改善组织围绕4个角度。在这个框架中,每个角度包含有关目标,措施,目标和举措的信息。它有助于发展指标,收集数据,并分析它相对于每个这些观点。平衡计分卡作为测量和控制产品的工具发展过程中已被提出(豆和Radford 2001)。平衡计分卡有许多优点。它最大限度地减少信息过载限制数量进行使用。这迫使管理者专注于最关键的措施,实现他们的目标,而不妥协的关键因素之间的成功(卡普兰和诺顿,1992)。然而,他们的实施需要一个重要的战略调整工作,以获得一系列共同的目标(卡普兰和诺顿19962001)。

2.2 GRAI的研发






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