
 2022-11-28 02:11

Application of Hand-drawn Illustration in Web Design

Illustration is an art form that conveys information carriers through visual behaviors. It is also an important form of visual communication in modern design. It is one of the important forms of visual communication. The art of illustration is accepted by more and more audiences, and even loved by them. There are also more and more enthusiasts to learn. Because the illustration design can be more intuitive to display the theme image, showing a real sense of life and a strong appeal. The way that the illustrator is creating is relatively independent, so each illustrators work will have a distinct personal style and personal emotional color, and time, environment and other factors will also affect the emotional expression of the illustrators work. Therefore, modern illustration design is often applied to various fields of modern design, such as cultural activities, social public utilities, commercial activities, film and television culture, etc., and it has a certain guiding effect on the aesthetics of the public. The high usage rate of the Internet and the fast-paced lifestyle of the urban population have made the way of reading of the masses drastically changed. Most people have begun to gradually change their reading styles, such as print magazines, to digital visual images. Electronic reading. This reading has made a huge shift in reading, in terms of object, style, nature, and mental and functional aspects. The high network usage rate makes the traditional illustration art from the past limited to the traditional illustration patterns in books, newspapers, and magazines. It has changed tremendously and has made the illustration more extensive meanings. Most of them are artistic and descriptive. Text illustrations can be called illustrations.

First, the characteristics of hand-painted illustrations In the development of human civilization and society, the development of illustration art has a long history and irreplaceable status. Looking at simple illustrations, it actually has very deep implications. The history of illustration is the history of the development of human civilization. In the history of the development of human civilization, the picture first appeared in the text, and then the various kinds of paintings were subdivided. When no text was produced, humans began to use pictographic symbols to record their lives, and at the same time, they served as a function of communication and expression of feelings. When the text appears, the picture still plays a role in explaining the plot and cooperating with the text description. It also makes the text more clear. The illustration is the use of the image of the image, the content of the expression, and a more visual explanation and explanation of the text. Therefore, the illustration design has clear and bright lines and shapes, and the drawing is exaggerated. Allows viewers to easily obtain information while enjoying art appreciation and spiritual enjoyment. The illustration is one of the basic forms of content form. At the same time, it has the characteristics of high efficiency, multiple styles, high accuracy, and low cost. Compared with other art modes, it has the characteristics of easier commercial operation. Among the many classifications of illustrations, the expression language of hand-drawn illustrations is extremely rich, and its characteristics are also very obvious, because the hand-drawn illustrations have hand-painted instability and unique qualities. Its drawing method can be meticulous brushwork, drawing and freehand brushwork. It can also use sketches, sketches, prints, etc. There are no restrictions on the use of materials in its creation methods. The illustrator can use colored lead, crayons, toner, and pastels. Paintings such as watercolor, ink, acrylic, and pencils, pens, etc. are used to draw works that contain emotions such as freshness, gorgeousness, simplicity, depression, thoughts, and exaggeration. With the continuous development of CG software, a series of computer bitmap drawing software such as photoshop, painter, etc., can more and more simulate the effect of hand-painted simulation, and the means used to express Chinese painting effects are also constantly enriched and improved. The creator can set different paper textures, different layer blending modes, and different brushes according to the requirements in the software to show the taste of ink on rice paper. Freehand or free-floating or arrogant vicissitudes of life, fine brushwork, gorgeous, can be easily achieved through the choice of tools and parameter settings.

Second, the characteristics of hand-drawn illustration in the network environment With the rapid development of network information, online media to be accepted by more and more companies and as a development focus, and the website is a simple way to promote the company or product, there are many Companies are developing their own websites, so the construction of the website and the attractiveness of the website have become one of the issues to be considered by each web designer. However, modern times, with the rapid development of the Internet, has become an important part of peoples lives, and it is also an important carrier for the spread of human civilization and cultural development. The network slowly formed a new type of media system. The characteristics of the network are obvious: fast speed, large amount of information, large area of ​​influence, strong interaction, and various forms of expression. And now the website pays attention to the personal experience of the public users, and the important content of the user experience is in page design and expression, and it is always important for the public to make a first impression on the visual. Illustrations as a direct expression of emotional art forms can bring a visual appeal to the site, make use of the rich emotions of hand-painted illustrations



插画是通过视觉行为传播信息载体的一种艺术形式,也是现 代设计中一种重要的视觉传达形式,作为视觉传达效果重要的 展现形式之一。插画这门艺术被越来越的观众接受,乃至喜爱, 也有越来越多的爱好者去学习。因为插画设计可以更加直观的展 现主题形象,表现真实的生活感和强烈的感染力。插画师进行创 作的方式是相对独立的,因此每个插画师的作品都会带有明显的 个人风格和个人的感情色彩,时间、环境等因素也会影响插画作 品的情感表达。因此现代插画设计,经常被运用到现代设计的各 个领域中,如文化活动、社会公共事业、商业活动、影视文化等 方面,并且对大众的审美有着一定的引导作用。 当今网络的高使用率和城市人群快节奏的生活方式,使得 大众的阅读方式发生巨变,大多数的人已经开始从印刷文本的纸质杂志等阅读方式,逐渐转变为以数字视觉图像为基础的电子阅读。由此阅读在对象、方式、性质以及心理和功能等方面,使阅读内容发生了巨大的转变。网络使用率飙高,使得传统的插画艺 术从过去只限于书籍、报纸、杂志中的传统插图模式,转变巨大,使插画有了更为广泛的含义,大多数具有艺术性的图形以及 具有说明性的文字插图都可以称之为插画。

一、手绘插画的特点 在人类文明与社会的发展中,插画艺术发展具有悠久的历 史和无可替代的地位,看着简单的插画,其实有着非常深厚的内 涵。插画史就是人类文明的发展史,人类文明的发展历史中图画 是先于文字出现的,而后各种画种又细分而出。在没有产生文字 的时候人类就开始用图形符号记录生活,同时担当起联络沟通、 表达感情的功能。当文字出现后,图画依旧发挥着解释情节、配合文字说明的作用,同时也使文字内容更加清晰。插画则是运用 图案表现的形象,表达的内容,对文字进行更为形象的解释与说 明。因此插画设计的线条、形清晰明快,绘制方便夸张。让观 赏者轻松获取信息的同时得到艺术欣赏和精神享受。插画作为内容形基本的表现形式之一,同时还具有效率高、样式多、准确 性高、成本较底等特点,对比其他的艺术模式,具有更加容易的 商业操作的特性。 而在插画众多分类中,手绘插画的表现语言是极为丰富的, 它的特点也是极为明显,因为手绘插画具有手绘的不稳定性和独 一无二的特质。它的绘制方法可以是工笔、拨彩写意,也可以运 用素描、速写、版画等方式,它的创作方式中对于材料的运用也 没有限制,插画家可以运用彩铅、蜡笔、色粉、粉彩、水彩、水 墨、丙烯以及铅笔、钢笔等绘画工具,绘制出含有清新、绚烂、 朴素、抑郁、思念、夸张等情感色彩的作品。而且随着CG软件的 不断研制开发,像photoshop、painter等一系列电脑位图制图软 件,越来越能模拟出仿真手绘的效果,用来表现国画效果的手段 也在不断丰富完善。创作者可以根据需求在软件中设置不同的纸 质纹理、不同的图层混合模式、不同的笔刷,来表现出宣纸上走 墨的情趣。写意式的或随意飘扬或遒劲沧桑,工笔式的细腻、华丽,都可以通过工具的选取与参数的设置而轻易达到。

二、手绘插画在网络环境下的特性 随着网络信息的飞速发展,网络传媒以被越来越多的企业接受并且作为发展重点,而网站就是宣传公司或者产品一种简便的 方式,目前有很多企业都在开发属于自己的网站,所以网站建设 以及对于网站的吸引人程度成为每个网页设计者所要考虑的问题 之一。 然而当今现代,随着互联网发展迅猛,已成为了人们生活的 重要组成部分,同时也是人类文明传播和文化发展的重要载体。 网络慢慢的形成了一个新型的媒介系统。网络的特点明显:速度 快、信息量大、影响的地域范围大、交互性强、表现形式多种多样。而且现在网站讲究大众用户的亲身体验,用户体验重要的 内容是在页面设计和表达上,给大众在视觉上留下的第一印象往 往是重要的。插画作为一种直接表达情感的艺术形式可以给网站带来视觉上的吸引力,利用手绘插画情感丰富的特性,以此来改变网站页 面的形象,给页面增加吸引力和感染力。随着网站设计的艺术性 要求越来越高,现代网页设计不再只追求功能性和交互性,而是 更多的开始追求设计感,因此,手绘插画作为一个特殊的艺术门类,已经成为一种原创性高的元素被广泛的运用到网站中,将具 体和抽象相互交替,在视觉上带给用户强烈的冲击感,以及强烈 的画面感吸引用户的关注和浏览。并且网页设计同时结合视频、 音乐、FLASH等多媒体手段的特殊效果,不仅增添了手绘插画的 时间性和交互性,还使简单的手绘插画从平面的二维、立体的三 维空间转变为更立体化、空间化的四维空间,使页面设计更具有 趣味性。

三、手绘插画在网页设计中的应用 手绘插画是插画师手中强大的工具之一,手绘元素越来越 多的运用于网页设计。手绘插画使网站更具有个性并能为提供生 动的用户体验。手绘插画这一纸上的表现形式,可以创造出独一 无二的作品,使用手绘插画作为基础元素,手绘插画的原创性, 风格的多元化,不仅能激发人们的想象力和丰富的视觉体验,还 可以使网页交互界面更加人性化。插画已经成为艺术设计界的一个人气高的门类。被广泛用在各种领域里,而在网页设计的应 用中,手绘插画让无趣的导航、按钮等分类设置,变得独一无二 和有趣味性。插画元素在网页中的使用,给那些信息量极大的网 站页面,带出了更多更丰富的视觉效果,提高大众对于网站的用 户体验。 手绘插画是运用手绘肌理和图形来表现形象、传递情感的艺 术语言,可以瞬间表达情感,交流的效果,它具有形象直观、生 活感真实和情感的快速感染力,成为现代设计应用中的一种重要 视觉表达形式,具有其他插画设计形式无法比拟的特定地位和意义。手绘插画在网页中不仅将信息简洁清晰的传递给大众,也能 够通过简单的表现方式表达网站更深层的内涵,通过别具一格 的手绘插画,引起大众对网站关注的兴趣点。 插画艺术风格在网页设计中的运用无论具象还是抽象,都能 以一种传达迅速、容易理解、平民化、高度符号化的图形语言被 人们接受,并创造出不一样的兴趣点和吸引力。



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