
 2022-03-26 07:03

Discussion on green ecological residence and its architectural design


Abstract: to meet the city's desire to return to natural desire, they must realize the ecological design of the building, through the humane, rational and scientific concept, combined with the overall environment of geographical and cultural context, the path of sustainable development, it is a main trend of contemporary architectural design development.

Key words: ecology; humanization; sustainable development


Ecological architecture refers to the requirements of environmental protection in the full account of architectural design, construction, and the building and planting, aquaculture, energy, environmental protection, aesthetics and high technology closely together, effectively meet the use of various functions at the same time, can help to make use of the physical and mental health, and create the environmental protection the requirements of working and living space. Building green ecological building will be committed to the sustainable development of limited human resources, it is closely related to life and living, living building, integration of the natural world, the construction industry gradually get rid of excessive dependence on non renewable energy and resources, form a rational and efficient use of energy resources and benign situation, ensure that all aspects of the coordinated development of human society, which is the arduous task faced by the architect.

What is the ecological residential? Simply, ecological residential is the use of the principle of ecology and ecological balance and follow the principle of sustainable development, namely the optimal efficiency principle of comprehensive system, various material factors inside and outside space design, organization construction, material and energy in building the system in order to obtain a circulation and transformation. High efficiency, low consumption, no waste, no pollution, ecological balance of the ecological environment construction. People are now living in the city are eager to return to nature, hope that more contact with nature, but a little bit of green space in residential district planning only in on ecology is obviously not realistic.

Ecology mainly from two places: (1) on the green itself, to meet the national standards, and has a complete system, including design, construction, property management and other aspects of the life cycle assessment, the overall quality of the environment and the combination of city and. (2) waste treatment, sewage treatment on the spot, to achieve an orderly transition within the ecosystem circulation. The local garbage treatment in a timely manner, to avoid dumping phenomenon in the removal process and because of pollution caused by garbage dumps.

From the consumer psychology can be analyzed, we pursue the ecological construction is based on the following considerations:

1 human design requirements

(1) ecological building is a complex system engineering, it is very difficult to design a complete ecological building. First of all, ecological building must have three basic characteristics: focus on efficiency, advocating nature, respect for science. From the perspective of the history of the development of human civilization, gone through ignorance, brutal and gradually to civilization, from fishing and hunting civilization development to the agricultural civilization, from the agricultural civilization to the current development of industrial civilization, the change of each civilization is a social revolution, which has greatly promoted the development of economic and social progress. Although the current industrial civilization has made great achievements, but also paid a heavy price for this. Therefore, it is the only way for the development of the whole human civilization to change from the mode of industrial development to the ecological development model. The ecological development model is developed based on the model of industrialization, it abandoned the industrialization development mode only economic focus only on economic benefits while ignoring the human welfare and ecological consequences, to sustainable development of society and economy, taking into account the population, environment and resources, focusing on the development of the overall efficiency of the ecological composite mode. The establishment of the overall development model is bound to guide the development of the construction industry.

(2) with the improvement of living standards and the increase of income, people have put forward new requirements for the various hardware facilities, such as housing and working environment, public places and so on. Comfortable ecological building must be comfortable, sustainable building, it can give you a comfortable environment, but also to protect the surrounding environment. The realization of this idea is bound to require a variety of disciplines cross cooperation. (3) design for the future. The architectural design should be faced with the material and spirit function, design is more important to meet the basic function of the material is to meet the requirements of the spirit of the function, to create the style and artistic conception and appeal to meet people's aesthetic requirements, concise image, other kind, economic transparent, functional diversity, natural materials, non-toxic and harmless and renewable and detail design to achieve nuanced, will be welcomed by people.

The development direction of architectural design in the 2.21 Century

(1) should follow the road of sustainable development. Twenty-first Century is the information age, it should be the era of ecological civilization. The use of high and new technology to explore the survival and sustainable development of living environment model, in accordance with the principles recognized by the internat


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