
 2023-03-22 12:03


Kennon M. Sheldon,University of Missouri—Columbia

Laura King,Southern Methodist University





因此,积极心理学试图敦促心理学家对人类的潜力、动机和能力采取更开放、更欣赏的观点。 在心理学的还原论认识论传统中,这样的努力出人意料地困难,这些传统(观念)培养人们以怀疑的态度看待积极性,将其视为一厢情愿、否认或骗人的产物。心理学家接受这样的培训可能是合适的,因为所有人都容易被自己的错觉和愿望所吸引,至少有时是这样。然而,我们认为这种怀疑主义走得太远,它本身可能构成一种消极偏见,阻碍了对现实的清晰理解。


为了说明负面偏见占传统心理学的主导地位,请考虑以下内容:临床心理学家将他们的大部分注意力集中在病理学的诊断和治疗上,而在寻求“修复”时,很少关注心理健康的本质;社会认知心理学的从业者对人类的偏见、错觉、幻觉、弱点和错误投入了极大的关注。研究进化心理学和经济心理学的人长期以来一直认为自私是至高无上的。弗洛伊德主导了原始本能的本我,而当代恐怖管理理论则主导了对死亡的恐惧。OVID搜索“错误和偏见”(error and bias)一词的点击率(18,913)远远高于搜索“力量和美德”(strength and virtue)一词的点击率(7,423)。


在为这个特别部分选择文章时,我们试图说明积极心理学的一些优点,以展示一旦人们采用更欣赏的观点就可以提出的令人兴奋且潜在转变的新问题。例如,为什么积极情绪如此重要?(这是每个人直觉上都知道的,但它一直是心理学研究相对较少的主题。)Barbara L.Frederickson(2001年,本期)拓宽并构建了积极情绪理论,为这个问题提供了一个有希望的答案,即积极情绪促进重要技能和资源的创造。为什么世界上的大多数人都对自己的生活非常满意,尽管他们有客观的困难(Meyers,2000)?也许这是因为人类韧性的普通但未被赏识的魔力。在她的文章中,Ann S.Masten(2001年,本期)讨论了非凡的调节能力,韧性研究人员现在认为这些能力是每个人与生俱来的能力的一部分。然而,有些人甚至比我们其他人更幸福——为什么会这样呢?Sonja Lyuomirsky(2001年,本期)的文章探讨了这个问题,表明幸福可能真的“在我们的头脑中”;正如民间智慧长期以来所断言的那样,幸福的人欣赏他们所拥有的,而不是沉浸在他们没有的东西上。最后,积极心理学有没有可能也是现实心理学,或者这是一种自相矛盾的说法?Sandra L.Schneider(2001年,本期)的文章探讨了这个问题,表明事实知识和可能的解释的模糊范围使得积极或乐观的解释与任何其他解释一样具有潜在的准确性。同时,积极的解释也更具适应性,因为它们实际上有助于实现乐观主义者的愿景。


外文文献出处:K. M. Sheldon amp; L. King (2001). Why positive psychology is necessary[J]. American Psychologist,56(3):216-217.


Why Positive Psychology Is NecessaryKennon M. Sheldon,University of Missouri—Columbia

Laura King,Southern Methodist University

The authors provide a definition of positive psychology and suggest that psychologists should try to cultivate a more appreciative perspective on human nature. Examples are given of a negative bias that seems to pervade much of theoretical psychology, which may limit psychologists understanding of typical and successful human functioning. Finally, a preview of the articles in the special section is given.

What is positive psychology? It is nothing more than the scientific study of ordinary human strengths and virtues. Positive psychology revisits “the average person,” with an interest in finding out what works, what is right, and what is improving. It asks,“What is the nature of the effectively functioning human being, who successfully applies evolved adaptations and learned skills? And how can psychologists explain the fact that, despite all the difficulties, the majority of people manage to live lives of dignity and purpose?”

As such, we argue that positive psychology is simply psychology. That is, just as other natural and social sciences try to describe the typical structure and natural functioning of their topics of interest, so should psychology. Also, just as other scientists express profound appreciation for their topic of study (i.e., the physicist who admires the elegance of Einsteins equations, or the archaeologist who marvels at the achievements of ancient peoples), so should psychologists.

Positive psychology is thus an attempt to urge psychologists to adopt a more open and appreciative perspective regarding human potentials, motives, and capacities. Such an endeavor is surprisingly difficult within psychologys reductionist epistemological traditions, which train one to view positivity with suspicion, as a product of wishful thinking, denial, or hucksterism. It is probably appropriate that psychologists receive such training because all people are prone to be taken in, at least at times, by their own delusions and wishes. However, we suggest that such skepticism, taken too far, may itself constitute a negativity bias that prevents a clear understanding of reality. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly clear that the normal functioning of human beings cannot be accounted for within purely negative (or problem-focused) frames of reference. In fact, the majority of the human race achieves a state of thriving, rating themselves as happy and satisfied with their lives (Meyers, 2000). Unfortunately, psychologists still know relatively little about human thriving and how to encourage it not only because they have not given this question the resources it deserves but, more important, because they have worn blinders that have prevented them from even recognizing the value of the question.

To illustrate the predominant negative bias of traditional psychology, consider the following: Clinical psychologists have focused the majority of their attention on the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies, and in the quest for “fixes,” scant attention has been paid to the nature of psychological health. Practitioners of social cognitive psychology have devoted vast attention to the biases, delusions, illusions, foibles, and errors of the human being. Those who study evolutionary and economic psychology have long assumed the sovereignty of selfishness. Freud gave dominance to the animalistic id, whereas c


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